
megapolis是什么意思 megapolis的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-06-25 07:05:12作者:嗄迗の颩

词义:'megapolis' 指大城市(尤指人口密集、商业、经济繁荣的城市)。

megapolis是什么意思 megapolis的中文翻译、读音、例句





以下是 5 个中英文例句:

1. Moscow is a megapolis that never sleeps.(莫斯科是一个从不沉睡的大城市。)

2. I love the energy of the megapolis, but sometimes it can be overwhelming.(我喜欢大城市的活力,但有时会让人感到不知所措。)

3. New York City is the quintessential megapolis of the United States.(纽约市是美国典型的大城市。)

4. The population of this megapolis is over 20 million people.(这座大城市的人口超过了两千万人。)

5. Despite its size, the megapolis is surprisingly easy to navigate.(尽管占地面积很大,但这座大城市的交通却让人惊喜地容易管理。)





1. New York City is a megapolis with a population of over 8 million people.


2. The Tokyo-Yokohama megapolis in Japan is the world's largest agglomeration.


megapolis的意思是"大城市",还有多人口地的意思,发音是[m'^plis, me-],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到97个与megapolis相关的句子。



例句:What'll we say, ninjas have taken over Mega Mountain? (我们应该说什么呢,说忍者已经控制兆山了?)


例句:the Mega trees with the Mega fruit on them. (超树? MORTY THE MEGA TREES WITH THE MEGA FRUIT ON THEM. 没错,Morty,超树,上面长满了超果!)


1. It was from a little book by Susan Polis Schutz called Don't Be Afraid to Love. (翻译:这首诗选自苏珊波利斯舒尔茨的一本小册子,书名是大胆去爱。)

2. Borchert alias Lyssa could be compared to an indie band recording for a corporate mega-label. (翻译:化名Lyssa的Borchert就好比一个为mega-label公司做录音工作的乐队。)

3. "Polis" is a Greek word that means a place with a sense of community. (翻译:波乐司是希腊文: 意思是一个有社区意义的地方。)

4. Came back and developed a mega venture in agriculture with 4046 ha in crops, (翻译:回来后,制定了大型 企业在农业 与4046公顷作物,)

5. We are in the evacuation center Mega Dome, where there are no buses, or no food, no water. (翻译:我们是在中心 兆丰疏散多摩, 那里没有公交车, 或者没有食物,没有水,)

6. Kriedler seemed to think that the mega-vitamin therapy is the answer to the question of ageing. (翻译:克德勒似乎认为维他命疗程 是老化问题的解套)

7. She'll meet you at Mega Mountain at the main gate. (翻译:珍妮佛打电话来说,她将在兆山的大门口等你。)

8. The tenth caller will get a chance to answer the Deadhead mega question. (翻译:前十名来电的听众能有机会 回答骨灰级级骷髅党的问题)

9. no way it would've had the same drastic effect as gait's mega dose. (翻译:肯定不会像Galt猛用一剂 产生那么强烈的效果)

10. With all these technologies in place, our mega-structures can stay standing and stable. (翻译:当所有这些技术被加以应用时, 我们的巨型建筑 才能够稳定站立。)

11. The formation and evolution of the Mega ancient lake in the middle part of the Gangdise Mountain Ranges, Xizang (翻译:冈底斯山脉中段麦嘎古湖的形成演化发展与消亡)

12. 800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one. (翻译:八亿人住在这旧世界的废墟之中 和新世界的巨型建筑里)

13. We have parodies of 'Street Fighter' and 'Castlevania' 'Mega Man' intros ... 'Bubble Bobble' (翻译:我们恶搞了《街头霸王》还有《恶魔城》 还有模仿《洛克人》和《泡泡龙》的过场)

14. And what is interesting is that that produces in a way perhaps the ultimate mega-building. (翻译:有趣的是,结果将产生一个 最终极的巨型建筑。)

15. So, you add in some of these mega-mergers that we're talking about. (翻译:好的, 现在. 有些合并项目 我们现在说的是.)

