
nationalities是什么意思 nationalities的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-06-24 09:05:08作者:凉城无爱

nationalities是什么意思 nationalities的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:nationalities是一个复数名词,代表着一个人的国籍或族群。

2. 词性:名词,复数形式。

3. 常用场景:在旅游、国际交往以及社会研究等领域中,人们经常将对方的国籍视为重要的身份特征,在这些场景中,人们会经常使用nationalities这个词。

4. 词组搭配:

- different nationalities(不同的国籍)

- multiple nationalities(多重国籍)

- ethnic nationalities(民族国籍)

- nationalities and religions(国籍和)

5. 相关短语:

- national identity(国家认同)

- dual nationality(双重国籍)

- cultural identity(文化认同)

- foreign nationality(外国国籍)

6. 发音拼写:[nnltiz]




1. People from different nationalities can live in harmony and work together for a better future.(来自不同国籍的人可以和谐共处、共同为美好未来努力。)

2. The museum displays the traditional costumes and customs of various nationalities in China.(博物馆展示了中国不同民族的传统服饰和风俗。)

3. The international conference attracted scholars from many different nationalities.(这场国际会议吸引了来自许多不同国籍的学者。)




例句:covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. (中国地域辽阔,平易近族浩繁,是以种种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。)


例句:Kazakhstan alone contains more than a hundred nationalities. (单是哈萨克斯坦就有一百多个民族。)


例句:Louisiana has a heritage of many cultures, nationalities and ethnic groups, including Cajuns and Creoles. (斯安那州拥有多种文化、民族及种族传统,包括卡津人及克里奥尔人。)


nationalities一般作为名词使用,如在education for nationalities(少数民族教育)、minority nationalities([网络] 少数民族)、nationalities affairs([法] 民族事务)等常见短语中出现较多。

education for nationalities少数民族教育
minority nationalities[网络] 少数民族
nationalities affairs[法] 民族事务
Nationalities Committee民族委员会
Soviet of NationalitiesSoviet of Nationalities\n= Supreme Soviet
minority nationalities commerce民族商业


1. Louisiana has a heritage of many cultures, nationalities and ethnic groups, including Cajuns and Creoles. (翻译:斯安那州拥有多种文化、民族及种族传统,包括卡津人及克里奥尔人。)

2. For internal contradictory and other nationalities' decline, all tribes of Xianbei gradually moved to the northwest area. (翻译:由于内部矛盾或其他民族的衰落,促使鲜卑各部逐渐迁入西北地区。)

3. The constitution ambiguously labels regions like Catalonia as "nationalities" , but it still recognises only one nation, Spain. (翻译:宪法对于类似于加泰罗尼亚这样的地区都模糊的贴了“国籍”的标签,但是它仍然只承认一个国家---西班牙。)

4. On Nurhaci and the Emperor Taiji's Tactics of Unifying Nationalities in the Heilongjiang Area (翻译:论努尔哈赤、皇太极统一黑龙江地区各民族的策略)

5. The Oroqen, Ewenki, Hezhen and Russian nationalities are nationalities with less population in the Northeast and Inner Mongolia. (翻译:鄂伦春、鄂温克、赫哲与俄罗斯族是东北、内蒙古地区人口较少的民族。)

6. The solidarity among China's various nationalities is as firm as a rock. (翻译:中国各族之间的团结坚如磐石。)

7. Several busloads of foreigners, with nationalities ranging from Pakistani to Nigerian, were trucked to the event, she said. (翻译:好几车的外国人,包括的国籍从巴基斯坦到奈及利亚,被载到会场。)

8. Louisiana has a heritage of many cultures , nationalities and ethnic groups , including cajuns and creoles. (翻译:斯安那州拥有多种文化、民族及种族常规,包括卡津人及克里奥尔人。)

9. The least favorite thing is that all of these nationalities... we have not been able to get along. (翻译:最不喜欢的事情是各个国籍的人 相处得并不融洽)

10. One finds "Swan Dances" in Kazakh, Ewenki and Hezhe nationalities. (翻译:所以哈萨克、鄂温克、赫哲等民族中都有“天鹅舞”的流传。)

11. Minister of the federal affairs and immigrants and nationalities policy: alexander blokhin (翻译:联邦事务及移民和民族政策部长:布洛欣)

12. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated. (翻译:不同的民族有不同的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。)

13. The nationality index, phenotype, gene frequency and genetic distance of ABO blood group among three nationalities were examined . (翻译:统计分析了三个民族ABO血型的民族指数、表现型、基因频率和遗传距离。)

14. A polyglot army, too, because of all the different nationalities. (翻译:他们来自不同的民族,说不同的语言。)

15. One finds "Swan Dances" in Kazakh, Ewenki and Hezhe nationalities. (翻译:所以哈萨克、鄂温克、赫哲等民族中都有“天鹅舞”的流传。)



