
untill是什么意思 untill的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-01 07:48:05作者:╭瑾色流年〃


untill是什么意思 untill的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思

'Until' 意为“直到某事件或时间点发生前”,它通常被用来表示某个事件发生之前的时间段,是时间和动作的分界线。

2. 用法


3. 结构


4. 与其他词汇的相互关系

'Until' 与'before' 的意思相反,'before'是在某个事件或时间点发生之前,而'until'是在某个时间或事件发生之前。


1. I will wait until you come back. 我会等到你回来。

2. You can keep playing until dinner is ready. 在晚饭准备好之前你可以继续玩。

3. He said he wouldn't leave until he found what he was looking for. 他说他不会离开直到找到他要找的东西。

4. I won't give up until I reach my goal. 我不会放弃,直到我达到目标。

5. We waited for him until midnight, but he never came. 我们等他等到半夜,但是他没有来。


1. I will stay up late until I finish this project.(我会熬夜直至完成这个项目。)

2. You can't leave until you have finished your dinner.(你必须吃完晚饭才能离开。)

3. The party lasted until midnight.(派对一直持续到半夜。)

4. I won't give up until I reach my goal.(直至达成目标,我不会放弃。)

5. The store will stay open until 9 pm.(商店将在晚上9点之前营业。)




例句:Place berries in a pan with 700ml water, simmer untill fruit starts to burst. (将浆果放置一个盛有700毫升水的锅中,火煨至浆果涨开为止。)


例句:Untill we have to accept the fact that Batistuta retired from football field one day. (直至终有一天,我们不得不接受巴蒂从球场退役的事实。)


例句:Not untill the NTSB finish their investigation. (那要等到国家运输安全委员会完成他们的调查了)


例句:Bouillard said the search for the plane's black boxes has been extended by 10 days and would continue untill 10 July. (翻译:Bouillard说对飞机黑匣子的搜寻工作已经延长了10天了,行动会一直持续到xx月xx日。)


untill一般作为介词、带刺使用,如在untill further notice(在另行通知之前)等常见短语中出现较多。

untill further notice在另行通知之前


1. Not untill the NTSB finish their investigation. (翻译:那要等到国家运输安全委员会完成他们的调查了)

2. Bouillard said the search for the plane's black boxes has been extended by 10 days and would continue untill 10 July. (翻译:Bouillard说对飞机黑匣子的搜寻工作已经延长了10天了,行动会一直持续到xx月xx日。)

3. Because your mother wanted him... to take care of you untill you are of age. (翻译:费先生是遗产的赠予人 成年前都将由他照顾你)

4. If she wouldn't have stared like that, I would have kept running untill I had the ball. (翻译:如果她不是那样盯着我看, 我会一直跑过去拣那个球)

5. Ladies and Gentlemen we are expecting slight turbulence, please remain in your seats, until the captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign. (翻译:女士们先生们 稍后飞机会稍有颠簸 Ladies and gentlemen we are expecting slight turbulence, 请在座位上不要离开 Please remain in your seats. 直到机长解除警报 Untill the captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign.)

6. The play will be one of the longest ever performed, lasting three years untill the end of your time here. (翻译:这出戏将是最长的戏剧之一,它将持续xx年时间,直到你们在这里完成学业。)

7. It will never get better untill NAFTA is stopped, control the borders, and control fuel prices oil does not need to be on wall street. (翻译:美国老百姓不同意自由贸易,非要签,啥事都变坏了,除非停止,严管边界,控制能源价格。)

8. She slept untill the flight was losing altitude for landing . (翻译:她一直睡到飞机降低高度准备着陆。)

9. Now I always live in the past, in the memory, some time I met the lover but I did not catch untill I feel tire in the hard working. (翻译:如今,本人一直活在过去的记忆之中。有时分,本人会遇到情投意合的人,但是忙碌的工作,让本人霎时消除了这些念头。)

10. he still keep to lidless you with his green eyes , untill you fall to sleep. (翻译:它却可以依然用那绿莹莹的眼睛,注视着你,直到入睡。)

11. As we know , Nansha Islands is always belong to China from ancientry, and no one country offer their dominion untill 20 century 60 ages . (翻译:众所周知,南沙群岛从古代起就一直是中国的领土,而且在20世纪xx年代以前也从未有过哪一个国家对它们提出领土要求。)


13. Stay there untill you are shaking like a leaf she'll pity you and bring you to her room to sleep instead (翻译:睡到浑身发抖鼻水直流 那她就会可怜你,带你进房睡)



