
fbn是什么意思 fbn的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-04-01 07:24:47作者:风雨兼程

1. 意义和用途:'fbn'是“Facebook Notification”的缩写,用于表示Facebook上的通知消息。它可以在Facebook网站、移动应用程序或者电子邮件中显示,通知用户关于他们的朋友或者其他活动的新消息。

fbn是什么意思 fbn的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音和拼写:'fbn'的发音类似于“eff-bee-en”,常常出现在社交媒体中,拼写为小写字母'fbn'。

3. 上下文和场景:'fbn'经常出现在社交媒体和在线聊天中,用于提醒用户他们在Facebook上有新消息。它可以是私人信息、公共帖子、活动通知、朋友请求等。

4. 相关技术和应用:'fbn'可以通过Facebook开放平台的API进行自动化处理和集成到其他应用程序中,如手机通知、邮件通知、自动回复等。


1. I just got an fbn notification that my cousin liked my post about the trip to Florida. 我刚刚收到了一个fbn通知,说我表弟点赞了我发的去佛罗里达的帖子。

2. I turned off fbn notifications for my chat groups because it was too distracting during work hours. 我关闭了对聊天群组的fbn通知,因为它在工作时间太分心了。

3. The fbn notification showed that my friend invited me to her birthday party next weekend. fbn通知显示我朋友邀请我参加下周末的生日聚会。

4. The fbn notification was delayed and I missed a chance to enter the contest. fbn通知延迟了,我错过了参加比赛的机会。

5. I set up an auto-reply message for fbn notifications to let my friends know that I am on vacation and won't be checking Facebook frequently. 我为fbn通知设置了自动回复消息,让我的朋友知道我正在度假,不会频繁查看Facebook。

FBN是英语单词,全称为Fox Business Network,是一家美国的商业新闻电视台。它成立于xx年,由福克斯新闻集团运营。FBN专注于商业和金融新闻,并且在美国范围内广受欢迎。以下是9个例句:

1. FBN is a popular business news channel in the United States. (FBN是美国一个受欢迎的商业新闻频道。)

2. She usually watches FBN in the morning to stay up-to-date on financial news. (她通常在早上收看FBN以了解最新的财经新闻。)

3. FBN provides in-depth coverage of the stock market and economic trends. (FBN提供了股市和经济趋势的深入报道。)

4. Many financial professionals rely on FBN for market ysis and forecasts. (许多金融专业人士依赖FBN进行市场分析和预测。)

5. FBN's anchors are known for their expertise and ability to break down complex financial topics. (FBN的主播以其专业知识和分解复杂财经主题的能力而闻名。)

6. FBN has a wide audience that includes both individual investors and institutional traders. (FBN的受众非常广泛,包括个人投资者和机构交易商。)

7. The interview with the CEO of the company was featured on FBN last night. (公司CEO的采访昨晚在FBN上播出。)

8. FBN's website offers live streaming of its programming as well as articles and ysis. (FBN的网站提供其节目的实时流媒体,以及文章和分析。)

9. The FBN reporter provided updates on the latest earnings reports from major corporations. (FBN记者提供了来自主要公司的最新收益报告的更新。)







例句:FB: What is wrong with you? JM: What's wrong with you? (FB:你是有什么毛病? JM:有毛病的是你吧? )


1. - Tambien nosotros lo necesitamos. (翻译:-Lo necesitamos, -Tambin nosotros lo necesitamos,)

2. Lambda power N on factorial N multiplied by sum from V equals zero up to the infinite of less than 1 power V (翻译: 的 N 次方比 N 的阶乘 乘以 n 等于 0 求极限)

3. N You can even abbreviate and put Y or n. (翻译:甚至可以缩写y或。)

4. When the limit of n is infinity, n... sigma k is 1. (翻译:limit n为无穷大时 n 西格码 k是1)

5. Didn't get much sleep last night, old son, did you? (翻译:\ n你好。- 你睡得太多昨晚\ n啊,杰里?)

6. -Brennan, but she can't have visitors. (翻译

7. whereas no similar observations were found in that of broiler feet by acetic acid extraction (FB). (翻译:然而用醋酸从烤乌骨鸡脚中提取物中并没有类似的观察。)

8. Experimental research on PRK for myopia with AOV-FB excimer laser machine (翻译:国产AOV-FB眼科准分激光治疗仪矫正近视实验研究)

9. Qualifying - n/a, 2009 Race - n/a (翻译:排位赛 - 无, 2009 正赛 - 无 )

10. For each pair of people in room, set n = n + 2. (翻译:对于房间中的每一对人, 设n=n+2。)

11. They quote the Bible, say -- FB: "You are fearfully and wonderfully made." (翻译:他们引用圣经,说, FB:“你是无畏和美妙的造物。” )

12. You dance with el corazon. (翻译:You dance with el corazn.)

13. At this time this was an N of 20. Now there's an N of about 100. (翻译:当时的样本数目只有20个,现在已经累积到近100个了。)

14. FB: When a sister loves a sister, you listen to her read, thinking -- JM: As heaven to the gods is poetry to the beloved. (翻译:FB:姐妹情深, 你听她读诗,想着—— JM:就像天堂对众神, 诗歌给爱人。)

15. Smirking. 'Have fun in there?' (翻译:N在傻笑:“玩的爽吗?” )

