
shuffled是什么意思 shuffled的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-25 22:00:43作者:禁忌

1. 词性:shuffled 是一个动词,意为“洗牌”,“拖曳着脚走”,“搅动”等。

shuffled是什么意思 shuffled的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 意义:shuffled 这个单词可以用来形容人们在走路时踩着轻微的声音,也可以用来描述在玩纸牌时把牌洗混的行为。

3. 同义词:shuffle 的同义词包括:mix, jumble, stir, blend 等。

4. 用法:shuffle 可以用于很多不同的场合,包括日常生活中的走路、跳舞等,以及游戏中的洗牌等。


1. He shuffled into the room, looking tired and disheveled. (他拖着脚进了房间,看起来很疲惫,头发凌乱。)

2. The cards were shuffled and then dealt out. (牌被洗混了,然后发牌。)

3. She shuffled through the papers on her desk, looking for the report. (她翻着桌子上的文件,寻找报告。)

4. He shuffled his feet nervously as he waited for the teacher to call his name. (他神经紧张地拖着脚等着老师叫他的名字。)

5. The dancers shuffled across the floor, moving in perfect harmony. (舞者们在舞池上拖着脚走,完美地配合着。)

shuffled 英 ['fl] 美 ['fl]

翻译:vt. 洗牌;拖着脚走;推挤,拥挤;搬弄;使平移


1. He shuffled through the papers on his desk.


2. I shuffled the cards and dealt them out to everyone.


3. He shuffled nervously from one foot to the other.


4. The old man shuffled along the street with his shopping bag.





例句:Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the pack. (马特收齐纸牌,洗了这付牌。)


例句:Okay, but this guy was shuffled around from parish to parish every few years, just like Geoghan and Porter. (好吧,不过这家伙每隔几年 就会被调到另一个堂区)


例句:But instead I shuffled into the dining room and sat at one of the long tables next to a grandmotherly woman eating from a Tupperware bowl. (但是,恰恰相反,我移步到了餐厅的一个长桌旁,坐在一个用特百惠碗吃饭的奶奶旁。)


例句:For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. (翻译:当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊后 在那死亡的睡眠里 究竟会做些什么梦?)


shuffled一般作为名词使用,如在mana shuffled([网络] 法力消失)、shuffled through(na. 搪塞过去)等常见短语中出现较多。

mana shuffled[网络] 法力消失
shuffled throughna. 搪塞过去


1. But instead I shuffled into the dining room and sat at one of the long tables next to a grandmotherly woman eating from a Tupperware bowl. (翻译:但是,恰恰相反,我移步到了餐厅的一个长桌旁,坐在一个用特百惠碗吃饭的奶奶旁。)

2. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. (翻译:当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊后 在那死亡的睡眠里 究竟会做些什么梦?)

3. The line shuffled forward a little. (翻译:队列往前挪了挪。)

4. In case of special need, he said, the US would demand close monitoring so the food was not "shuffled off to the elites" . (翻译:克劳利表示,如果有特殊需要,美国将要求对实施密切监督,以防粮食被“转移给精英阶层”。)

5. It can take a randomly shuffled Rubik's Cube. (翻译:它可以对付任何一个随机旋转出的鲁比克魔方。)

6. They shuffled slowly down the turf toward the cliff's edge. (翻译:他们在草地上拖着脚步慢慢走向悬崖边。)

7. Ay, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. (翻译:唉 这就麻烦了 即使摆脱了这尘世 可在这死的睡眠里 又会做些什么梦呢)

8. With the only strength left in her, she managed to get up and shuffled feebly to the end point with drops of blood along her trail. (翻译:她用身上仅剩的力气,挣扎着站起来,一步步走向终点,路上是一滴滴的鲜血。)

9. Your father has shuffled off this mortal coil. (翻译:你父亲摆脱了尘世 Your father has shuffled off this mortal coil.)

10. The queue gradually shuffled forward. (翻译:排队等候的人逐渐向前挪着脚步。)

11. A deck of cards cut and shuffled by one, two, three, four and five people. (翻译:一副牌分成多份,由一个、两个、三个、 四个、五个人洗乱。)

12. Ace fitted his hand into the natural place on Evey's back and she shuffled stiffly into his lead . (翻译:埃斯将手放在埃维背上该放的地方,埃维僵硬地脚拖着地跟他跳着舞。)

13. Shuffled off her mortal coil. And $20 million stuck in a Swiss bank account. (翻译:扔下尘世的一切和瑞士银行名下 两千万的美金)

14. Moira shuffled across the kitchen. (翻译:莫伊拉拖着脚走过了厨房。)

15. He erased all of their texts, and then he cut the sheets down in the middle, he shuffled them up, and he rotated them 90 degrees, and he wrote prayers on top of these books. (翻译:擦去了上面的所有文字, 然后他从中间把纸剪成两半, 摞成一叠, 横过来, 在那上面写下祈祷文。)



