
melting pot是什么意思 melting pot的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-04 18:00:22作者:久碍你

我会为大家提供有关“融合锅”(Melting Pot)的一些解释、例句和用法方面的说明:

melting pot是什么意思 melting pot的中文翻译、读音、例句


Melting Pot这个词汇通常被用来形容一个社区、城市或国家内种族、文化和多元化的情况,也可以指代人口大量涌入的地方。在这种环境中,多元化的文化会同时存在于这个地方,以创造出一个混合而独特的文化。


1. Melting Pot 这个词常常用来描述美国这个多民族、多文化的国家。

2. Melting Pot 也可以用来形容一种文化交融、混合的现象。

3. Melting Pot 的概念也可以应用于企业、学校等组织,形容大家的多样性和协作精神。

4. Melting Pot 这个概念也可以用来描述人们的思想和信仰的多元性。

5. Melting Pot 这个概念还可以用来描述一些自然现象,比如液体和固体之间的混合状态。


1. New York City is often considered America's ultimate melting pot of cultures, where people of different backgrounds come together to create a unique environment.


2. The cuisine in Singapore reflects the city-state's identity as a melting pot of cultures, with Malay, Indian, Chinese, and Western influences all coming together to form a unique culinary experience.


3. The diversity of students at the university make it a true melting pot of ideas and experiences.


4. The immigration boom of the late 19th and early 20th centuries turned the United States into a melting pot of cultures from around the world.


5. The melting pot theory suggests that different cultures can come together to form a stronger, more dynamic whole, just as different metals can be melted down to create a new alloy.



读音:mltng pt


1. America is often referred to as a "melting pot" because of its diversity and blending of different cultures.(美国因为拥有多样性和不同文化的融合被称为“大熔炉”。)

2. In a melting pot society, people from different backgrounds and cultures come together and create a new, unique culture.(在一个熔炉社会中,来自不同背景和文化的人聚集在一起,创造了一种新的、独特的文化。)

3. The school is a melting pot of students from all over the world.(这所学校是来自世界各地的学生的大熔炉。)

melting pot的意思是"化",在日常中也代表"熔化锅"的意思,单词读音音标为[meltingpot],melting pot常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到65个与melting pot相关的例句。

Melting pot的释义


例句:There have been serious improvements in pot since college. (品质高了 There have been serious improvements 从大学的时候。in pot since college.)


例句:You went through security with pot? (You went through security with pot?)


melting pot一般作为名词使用,如在iron melting pot(铁制熔锅)、pot melting furnace(罐熔炉)、melting(a. 熔化的, 温柔的, 令人感动的, 甜美的\n[化] 熔化)等常见短语中出现较多。

iron melting pot铁制熔锅
pot melting furnace罐熔炉
meltinga. 熔化的, 温柔的, 令人感动的, 甜美的\n[化] 熔化
melting in在...中融化
for the pot食用
in the pot醉了
pot at向(通常为小动物)射击
pot with[英国俚语]愚弄,欺骗
the pot[网络] 罐子;底池;锅


1. boil over Pot boils over, means that liquid in a pot overflows or flows over the side of the pot when it is heated to the boil. (翻译:壶烧开淌水了,意思是壶里的液体加热至沸腾时溢出来了或者漫过壶边流出来了。)

2. Melbourne's melting pot of culture is reflected in its restaurants, cafes, bistros and bars. (翻译:墨尔本的熔炉文化是反映在它的餐馆,咖啡馆,小酒馆和酒吧。)

3. Then I realized he was asking what kind of pot (翻译:后来我意识到 他问的是 Then I realized he was asking what kind of pot)

4. The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities. (翻译:人们常把美国看成是一个不同民族的大熔炉。)

5. They take away a lot from the pot. (翻译:马会每场都先抽起一大笔 They take away a lot from the pot,)

6. And the melting glaciers began to retreat. (翻译:并使冰川融化 向后退缩 And the melting glaciers began to retreat.)

7. melting the sugar, glucose syrup and ructus alpinia oxyphyllae liquid in the stirring pot; (翻译:将白砂糖、葡萄糖浆和益智滤液加入搅拌锅里进行溶糖;)

8. The most diverse and cosmopolitan city in Tyria, Lion's Arch is a melting pot where all the races gather and trade. (翻译:作为泰瑞亚最多元化、最全球化的城市,狮子拱门是一个所有种族聚集和交易的大熔炉。)

9. to the tune of "Live and Let Die." (翻译:用Live and Let Die的调子 翻唱Chicken Pot Pie)

10. These are refrigerators that require no electricity; they're pot within a pot design. (翻译:这些冰箱无须电力 那是一种盘套盘的设计 )

11. Piss pot. It's nothing to worry about, just a small infection, by the sound of it. (翻译:尿壶[小人] {\3cH202020}Piss pot. by the sound of it.)

12. Yeah, the pot balances it out. (翻译:你吸了还开车 The pot balances it out and brings you back up.)

13. The melting glaciers hide the diminution of the rains. (翻译:融化的冰川暗示着雨水的减少。)

14. The town I grew up in was ethnically diverse enough to be called a melting pot. (翻译:这个镇是我从小生长在不同种族,足以被称为一个大熔炉。)

15. Language needs some rules, and pinyin seems, to an outsider like me, rather a melting pot, and a bit of a free-for-all. (翻译:在我这样一个局外人看来,拼音现在已经不仅仅是个兼容并蓄的大熔炉,而变成了一场任何人都可以参加的自由辩论。)


melting pot作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、melting、pots等。

