
milky way是什么意思 milky way的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-03-04 17:30:24作者:旧青衫゛

milky way是什么意思 milky way的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思和用法:

"Milky way"是一个名词短语,表示银河系。它通常用于指代由大量恒星和天体组成的磁场和引力相互作用的星系。同时,"milky way"也可以指代一种巧克力棒,即加了奶粉的巧克力棒。

2. 历史和文化:

自古以来,人们就一直对银河系感到好奇。在许多文化中,银河系都有自己的命名和解释。在中国,银河系被称为“天河”,是牛郎和织女的爱情故事的背景。在西方,银河系被称为“milky way”,这个词源于古代希腊神话,其中众神之一赫拉(Hera)的母乳被喷洒在天空形成了这个星系。

3. 科学研究:



1. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy that contains over 100 billion stars.


2. When you look up at the night sky, you can see the Milky Way stretching across the sky.


3. Hershey's Milky Way bar was first introduced in 1923.

赫尔希巧克力公司的“milky way"巧克力棒于xx年首次推出。

4. The discovery of dark matter has challenged our understanding of the structure and evolution of the Milky Way.


5. The Milky Way is one of the most fascinating objects in the night sky and has captured our imaginations for centuries.



读音:mlk wi


1. The Milky Way is a mive collection of stars, planets, dust and gas that make up our galaxy. (银河系是由大量的星球、行星、尘埃和气体组成的巨大星系。)

2. On a clear night, you can see the milky way stretching across the sky. (在晴朗的夜晚,你可以看到银河系横跨天空。)

3. Scientists are still studying the structure and composition of the Milky Way. (科学家们仍在研究银河系的结构和组成。)

milky way在英语中代表"银河系、天银河"的意思,其次还有"两集"的意思,读音为[milkyway],milky way来源于英语,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到61个与milky way相关的例句。

Milky Way的词典翻译


例句:I went out this morning, specifically bought this Milky Way to eat after my party. (专门买了这个士力架 为了派对之后吃的 specifically bought this Milky Way to eat after my party.)


例句:If we want humanity to last forever, we have to colonize the Milky Way. (如果我们想要人类物种长存,我们不得不殖民银河系。)


例句:But the Aboriginal people of Australia saw a pattern in the darkness running through the Milky Way. (但是澳洲土著 But the Aboriginal people of Australia 注意到了黑影的形状 saw a pattern in the darkness 贯穿银河 running through the Milky Way.)


例句:In fact, this image is a picture of our galaxy, the Milky Way, taken from Earth. (翻译:事实上,这张图片就是从地面拍摄的 我们的星系,银河系)


milky way一般作为名词使用,如在Milky Way(银河)、the Milky Way(n. 银河)、milky way galaxies(银河系)等常见短语中出现较多。

Milky Way银河
the Milky Wayn. 银河
milky way galaxies银河系
Milky Way Galaxy[网络] 银河系;银河星系;银河系星群
Milky Way System[网络] 银河系
milky ascites[医] 油[脂]性腹水
Milky Bar[网络] 牛奶香皂;宾果;牛奶糖
milky cataract[医] 乳白色内障, 液化内障
milky disease乳白病


1. But the Aboriginal people of Australia saw a pattern in the darkness running through the Milky Way. (翻译:但是澳洲土著 But the Aboriginal people of Australia 注意到了黑影的形状 saw a pattern in the darkness 贯穿银河 running through the Milky Way.)

2. In fact, this image is a picture of our galaxy, the Milky Way, taken from Earth. (翻译:事实上,这张图片就是从地面拍摄的 我们的星系,银河系)

3. Gigolo even not come, Milky Way still flicker. (翻译:牛郎即使不来,银河依旧闪烁。)

4. Some stars out of Milky Way outblaze the sun. (翻译:银河系外的有些星体其光度超过太阳。)

5. The rising of the Milky Way. (翻译:银河系的升起 The rising of the Milky Way.)

6. The majority of the galaxies are spiral, similar to our own Milky Way. (翻译:大多数星系都是螺旋状的, 就像我们的银河系一样。)

7. It's really a wonderful time to be an astronomer, especially in studies of the Milky Way. (翻译:做一名天文学家可真不错 尤其是研究银河时)

8. These are the pillars of creation in the Eagle nebula, a star nursery deep in the Milky Way. (翻译:这些是鹰星云的创生之柱 位于银河系深处的恒星孕育地)

9. Imagine that we're in the Milky Way, and a supernova happens. (翻译:想象一下我们在银河里, 一场超新星爆炸开始了。)

10. A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere and the Milky Way near Aquarius and Serpens Cauda. (翻译:天鹰座在北半球及银河中靠近宝瓶座和巨蛇星座尾部的一个星座。)

11. And if one were to eclipse the Milky Way, this is what it would look like. (翻译:如果其中的一个在吞噬银河系, 它看上去将会是这个样子。)

12. A fair number of the stars in the Milky Way are puzzlingly un-Milky Way-like. (翻译:银河系内有一些恒星令人颇为疑惑,因为它们看起来不太像是银河系的一员。)

13. He sips his beer and gazes up at the Milky Way. (翻译:他抿了一口啤酒望着天上的银河。)

14. The first obstacle is simply figuring out what kind of galaxy the Milky Way is. (翻译:第一个障碍是要搞清楚 银河系究竟是怎样的星系)

15. We can see that the center of the Milky Way is aglow, and this isn't starlight. (翻译:我们能看到银河的中心在闪烁 这些并不是星光 )


milky way作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、milky、ways等。

