
引力红移用英语怎么说 引力红移英语翻译

更新时间:2023-11-13 22:47:24作者:痴心病友

引力红移用英语翻译为"Einstein shift",还经常被译作gravitational redshift,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到52个与引力红移相关译文和例句。

1. Einstein shift(n. 红移,引力红移,谱线引力位移)

引力红移用英语怎么说 引力红移英语翻译

1. Come on, guys, we're gonna miss the migration.

3. The synthesis of oc dye photosensitizer with siificant red-shift adsorption spectra is the gent task of crent research on DSSC.


4. Carry the body. Carry the body. We carry the body.

5. The film has obvious redshift phenomenon and its euphotic rate reduces with the increases of the number of coating layer.

6. And redshift depends on just how the universe is expanding.

7. The dependence of gravitational redshift on different gravitational parameters makes it have many charactesti.

8. i learned that light fm distant galaxies was shifted at the red.

9. As i did, so slid the chair.

10. "Le Diable Rouge" Or "The Red Ban"

11. The object's apparent bghtness yields the distance; its redshift yields the velocity.


12. Based on the Doppler Effect, they expected to see blue shift for objects moving toward us, and red shift for ones moving away.

译文:根据多普勒效应 向我们飞来物体会 呈现蓝移谱 飞走物体呈现红移谱。

13. You think you love a woman...

14. Come on, get this off, you devils. Get it off. Get it off.

15. in this animal-fight the dog wins unfortunately the snake couldn't come back.

