
registers是什么意思 registers的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-24 11:14:34作者:又雪

registers是什么意思 registers的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名词:Registers通常表示记录或者注册,可以指某个系统或者数据库中的数据记录。


- All new employees must have their details added to the company's registers.


- The hospital keeps registers of all the patients who have been admitted.


2. 动词:Registers作为动词时表示记录、登记或者把信息添加到某个记录中去。


- The librarian registers all the new books in the library's database.


- The car dealership registers all their sales with the government agency.


3. 缩写词:Registers缩写为Reg,通常用于计算机术语中,表示寄存器。寄存器是计算机中一种极快速、非常小的存储区域。


- The processor stores the data in the register for quick access.


- The program uses a specific register to perform the calculation.




- The hotel register showed that Mrs. Smith had checked out that morning.


- You need to register for the conference before the deadline.


- The company uses a register to keep track of their inventory.


- He had a faint smile on his face which registered a sense of satisfaction and relief.


- Registers can be used to store information or data that needs to be accessed quickly.






1. The attendance registers should be kept up to date.


2. The computer's registers hold temporary data.


3. The company keeps a register of all its employees.





例句:Due to kitt's extreme efficiency, the ssc actually registers a carbon credit. (多亏了KITT的高效率 SSC登记了一条碳信用额度)


例句:Do the MMX registers always exist in modern processors? (做MMX寄存器总是在现代处理器的存在吗? )


例句:It is reported, a new domain name is suffixal and public the issue that registers leap is brought necessarily after registering. (据悉,一个新域名后缀公开注册之后必然带来注册剧增的问题。)


例句:The collector registers itself as a listener of events with the target PDS and receives a callback whenever the event of interest occurs. (翻译:收集器将其自身注册为目标PDS的事件程序,它将在相关的事件发生时接受回调。)


registers一般作为名词、动词使用,如在electoral registers(n. 选民名册( electoral register的名词复数 ))、external registers(外部寄存器,外暂存器)、head registers(head register\n【音乐】(声乐的)高音区,头音区)等常见短语中出现较多。

electoral registersn. 选民名册( electoral register的名词复数 )
external registers外部寄存器,外暂存器
head registershead register\n【音乐】(声乐的)高音区,头音区
index registers【计算机】变址寄存器
microcontroller registers微控暂存器
nonconformist registers[网络] 不合格登记册
optimization of registers[计] 寄存器优化
parish registersna. (教区教堂登记洗礼,命名,结婚,死亡等的)教区记事录\n[网络] 教区登錄簿
shift registers[计] 移位寄存器


1. It is reported, a new domain name is suffixal and public the issue that registers leap is brought necessarily after registering. (翻译:据悉,一个新域名后缀公开注册之后必然带来注册剧增的问题。)

2. The collector registers itself as a listener of events with the target PDS and receives a callback whenever the event of interest occurs. (翻译:收集器将其自身注册为目标PDS的事件程序,它将在相关的事件发生时接受回调。)

3. I tell you the organ needs tuning! Three notes have gone flat in two registers. (翻译:我告诉过你多少次 管风琴该调音了 现在三个音里有两个都不准)

4. Migrating also registers the resources with the project , and marks them as content manageable and publishable if possible . (翻译:迁移也以资源注册资源,并在可能的情况下将它们标记为了管理和可发布的内容。)

5. Registers and releases, respectively, a callback handler for an IRQ line. The registration can be exclusive or shared. (翻译:分别用于注册和释放在IRQ线路上的回调句柄!)

6. Request the contents of Modbus registers on the device under test through standard Modbus commands. (翻译:通过标准的Modbus命令请求测试设备上的Modbus寄存器的内容。)

7. To achieve this mapping, you may include conditional compilation #ifdef in places where you access the registers. (翻译:要实现这种映射,在访问这些寄存器中的地方可以使用条件编译#ifdef语句。)

8. All floating point operations are done using the 16 XMM registers. (翻译:所有浮点操作都是使用16个XMM寄存器完成的。)

9. I'm afraid your name is absent from the registers of both the living and the dead. (翻译:我觉得你的名字是瞎编的... ... ......)

10. To achieve this mapping, you may include conditional compilation #ifdef in places where you access the registers. (翻译:为了实现这种映射,您可以在访问寄存器的位置包括条件编译#指令。)

11. Reuse of some adders and registers in IIR filter design- for-testability, additional hardware and area overhead are reduced. (翻译:通过复用原电路中的部分寄存器和加法器来提高其可测性,降低了额外的测试硬件面积开销。)

12. Reading or writing one or more control registers reads or writes, or configures the direction of each GPIO. (翻译:读写其GPIO的控制寄存器来使GPIO读,写或者配置其输入还是输出的方向。)

13. Except for the ADDRESS-OF and LINAGE-COUNTER special registers, these special registers can be referenced from run unit. (翻译:除了ADDRESS-OF和LINAGE-COUNTER专用寄存器外,其他专用寄存器都可以从运行单元中引用。)

14. So it is possible to re-use the data of the input registers in the next vertex shader. (翻译:也就是说,有可能重新使用输入寄存器的数据在下一个顶点着色器。)

15. Especially in constituencies near Khartoum, the capital, "flying regiments" of young NCP workers were bussed in to vote on dodgy registers. (翻译:特别是在靠近首都喀土穆附近的选区,年轻的全国大会党工人“飞虎团”乘坐公交车来到这里在不可靠的登记薄上进行投票表决。)




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