
set out to是什么意思 set out to的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-24 09:28:34作者:花房乱

1. 定义: 'set out to' 是一个常用的短语动词,意思是“着手做某事”,“开始做某事”,或者“有意预定某个目标”。

set out to是什么意思 set out to的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用法:'set out to' 是一个非常灵活的短语动词,可以用在多种语境下,通常用作动词短语的开头。它可以用在肯定句和否定句中,也可以与不同的动词和介词组合使用。

3. 例句:

(1) He set out to build his own business when he was just 25. (他xx岁时就开始创业了)

(2) We set out to explore the city, but got lost along the way. (我们本来想去探索这个城市,但是在路上迷路了)

(3) I set out to learn how to cook French cuisine. (我开始学习如何烹制法国菜)

(4) The company set out to improve its customer service in response to complaints. (公司决定改善,以回应投诉)

(5) She set out to prove her innocence and clear her name. (她着手证明自己的清白,赢回名誉)

(6) The team set out to win the championship, but ended up losing in the final game. (这支队伍致力于赢得冠军,但最终在决赛中输了)

(7) He set out to find a job that would allow him to travel the world. (他开始找工作,希望有一个可以让他周游世界的机会)

(8) The company set out to reduce its carbon footprint and become more environmentally friendly. (公司决心减少碳足迹,变得更加环保)

set out to的中文翻译:着手做,开始做

set out to的读音:[set aut tu]


1. They set out to climb the mountain, but had to turn back due to bad weather.(他们开始攀登那座山,但由于天气不好不得不返回。)

2. I set out to learn a new language this year, and I'm good progress so far.(我今年开始学习一种新语言,目前进展顺利。)

3. The company set out to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% over the next five years.(公司着手在未来xx年内将碳足迹减少50%。)

set out to在中文中有"着手"的意思,作为名词时有"打算"的意思,发音是[set aut tu:],set out to在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到58个与set out to相关的例句。

Set out to的翻译


例句:And all your kisses seem to set me free. (And all your kisses seem to set me free)


例句:Did you set it for the tower? (Good. Did you set it for the tower?)


set out to一般作为名词使用,如在out set(外盖型套轮)、set ... out(n. 开始;出发;动身;准备\n[网络] 陈列;着手;陈述)、set out(出发, 开始, 陈列, 宣布, 陈述, 栽种, 设计...的布局, 测定\n[法] 发表, 宣布, 打算)等常见短语中出现较多。

out set外盖型套轮
set ... outn. 开始;出发;动身;准备\n[网络] 陈列;着手;陈述
set out出发, 开始, 陈列, 宣布, 陈述, 栽种, 设计...的布局, 测定\n[法] 发表, 宣布, 打算
set out for[网络] 动身到某地;出发前往;出发去
set out on[网络] 出发去做某事;出发进行比赛;着手开始做
set out something[网络] 提出一些东西
set out train牵出列车(准备推峰或解体)
set something out排列,陈列
set sth out装饰, 陈列, 布置, 设计...的布局, 测定, 标出, 种植, 移植


1. And then set back out into the city. (翻译:之后继续上路 And then set back out into the city.)

2. # Trick your brain to set the score # (翻译:# Trick your brain to set the score #)

3. - All set and standing by! (翻译:-All set and standing by!)

4. # Set a sail, catch a breeze # (翻译:# Set a sail, catch a breeze #)

5. No, not if we set our minds to it. (翻译:No, not if we set our minds to it.)

6. Then they all set out for the Maidan . (翻译:他们然后向练兵场的方向出发。)

7. She wanted me to set you back. (翻译:She wanted me to set you back.)

8. Follow them and they will set you free (翻译:dd Follow them and they will set you free)

9. Actually, her sister, marsha sterns, An acquaintance of mine, had set up the meeting. (翻译:had set up the meeting.)

10. Set - a category of all sets. Its objects are all sets; its morphisms are set functions. (翻译:Set 所有集合的范畴. )

11. Stupid cupid, stop picking on me (翻译:Hey, hey, set me free)

12. No, but Mitch set some small traps for rabbits and such. (翻译:but Mitch set some small traps for rabbits and such.)

13. Madam, Chan has set out already (翻译:Chan has set out already)

14. And with your kisses set me burning (翻译:And with your kisses set me burning)

15. ♪ Oh, baby, you set my soul on fire (翻译:# 哦, baby, you set my soul on fire)


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