
冬瓜用英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-24 08:54:35作者:暖色系

冬瓜英语是"fatmelon -",其次还可以说成"Chinese watermelon",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到68个与冬瓜相关译文和例句。

冬瓜用英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语翻译

The Winter Melon Tale The giant god white god Big White God ( 大冬瓜 )

eight jewelled white god eight jewelled whellote god ( 八宝冬瓜 )

exocarpium benincasae ( 冬瓜皮 )

braised duck cutlets with white god ( 冬瓜鸭块 )

Stewed winter melonin soy sce ( 红烧冬瓜 )

1. This one resembles a stupid winter melon!

2. i just bought a new melon baller ...

3. That's ght, little man, i'm a Stein!

4. Melon, what did you name yo soup?

5. Topers! Meteors showers, Big Winter Melon!

6. Bottom of the 12th, in stepped Carlton Fisk, old Pudge.

7. The Melon Toper is now a melon pee

8. it's all over for you, squirt.

9. Winter melon shortie, you're going to get cooked!

10. Not a dwarf or a giraffe. Normal.

11. Are you still dating that itty bitty guy with the motorcycle?

12. Like fun you are, short stack.

13. Not as big as me! Smash him like a pumpkin!

14. i don't know Putonghua. i can't speak it pperly.

15. What are you, the runt of the family?


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