
envied是什么意思 envied的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-17 19:08:41作者:书竹



envied是什么意思 envied的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:通常与'be/envy/envied/envying'结合使用,如'be envied by others'、'envy someone's success'、'envied for her beauty'、'envying the rich'等。

相关短语:'envious of'表示'嫉妒某人','envious eyes'表示'嫉妒的眼神','envy-free'表示'没有嫉妒心的'。






1. She envied her friend's beautiful new house. (她嫉妒她朋友的漂亮新房子。)

2. He envied his brother's success in business. (他嫉妒他兄弟在商业上的成功。)

3. The other children envied her for her intelligence. (其他孩子嫉妒她的智力。)




例句:Tristan, I can tell you that every man I ever envied when I was a boy... has led an unremarkable life. (Tristan我可以告诉你 当我还是一个孩子的时候羡慕的所有人)


例句:Among the team of superheroes, his power was the least envied. (在超级英雄团队中,他的力量是最不被人所羡慕的。)


例句:I envied him for his faith and he told me if I just would believe in Jesus as my Savior, He would give me faith too. (我羡慕他的信,他告诉我若我相信是我的救主,他也会叫我信。)


例句:I envied him his good looks. (翻译:我羡慕他的英俊。)


1. I envied him for his faith and he told me if I just would believe in Jesus as my Savior, He would give me faith too. (翻译:我羡慕他的信,他告诉我若我相信是我的救主,他也会叫我信。)

2. I envied him his good looks. (翻译:我羡慕他的英俊。)

3. Do you know what makes us envied the world over, Bough? (翻译:鲍夫,你知道为何全世界 的情报局都向我们看齐吗?)

4. For the first time in my life I felt admired and even envied. (翻译:我人生中第一次感觉受赞美... ...被羡慕)

5. She envied even more the goats that climbed over bushes, stones, and steep inclines with their slender legs. (翻译:她更羡慕那些用细长的腿在灌木丛、石头和陡峭的山坡上爬行的山羊。)

6. When I think of what I was on the point of doing, I consider that I am to be envied. (翻译:当我想到我刚才正是在做这件事时,我觉得自己是值得羡慕的。)

7. One day, Zuo Si's father was chatting with his friends. his friends envied him his clever and loverly son. (翻译:有一天,左思的父亲与朋友们聊天,朋友们羡慕他有个聪明可爱的儿子。)

8. When I was little, I envied kids with parents. (翻译:When I was little, I envied kids with parents. 小时候,我很嫉妒那些有父母的小孩。)

9. Honestly, back then I, the daughter of the family Oh, Oh Mal Soon, was envied by everyone. (翻译:说实话 当年一听到吴家的小女儿吴末顺 宝城的男人没有一个不认识的)

10. I always felt like Jesse was the lucky one... and I envied him for it. (翻译:我一直认为 耶西很幸运... 我羡慕他.)

11. Not his titles or the roaring of the mob. I envied him you. (翻译:不是他的战功,不是头衔 不是群众的欢呼...)

12. I really envied her for her unexpected good luck, so I told her to buy a lot ticket. (翻译:我真羡慕她有这种意想不到的好运气,所以我告诉她要买很多票哦。)

13. I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him. (翻译:我使它的枝条蕃多,成为荣美,以致神伊甸园中的树都嫉妒它。)

14. Osiris' brother Seth envied his power and popularity and killed him by luring him into a coffin, which he sealed with lead. (翻译:奥西里斯的弟弟塞特嫉妒他的能力和知名度,塞特欺骗并引诱到一个棺材里后杀死了他,并把棺材封死。)

15. For you, a sight envied by all and seen by none. (翻译:给你 给你 拥有所有人羡慕的眼光,却又不能被任何人看到)




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