
bandwagon是什么意思 bandwagon的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-17 18:30:41作者:少钩鈏我


bandwagon是什么意思 bandwagon的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Jump on the bandwagon:意为“跟随潮流”,表示加入某种趋势或流行。

例句:When the new technology came out, many people jumped on the bandwagon and bought the latest devices.

2. Bandwagon effect:意为“拥护者逐渐增多的效应”,表示随着某种趋势或流行的发展,越来越多的人加入其中。

例句:The bandwagon effect caused the political candidate to gain more supporters as the election approached.

相关短语:Join the bandwagon(加入流行趋势)。





1. 不要因为别人都这样做就跟风,要有自己的判断力。

Don't jump on the bandwagon just because everyone else is doing it. Use your own judgement.

2. 这场比赛的胜利者会有更多的球迷跟风支持他们。

The winner of this match will have more fans jump on their bandwagon.




例句:That's why they ride the bandwagon still be draggin sellin lies (这就是为什么他们投靠了主流却仍然急着兜售谎言)


例句:I hate to jump on the bandwagon of perverts but Alex is right. (我不想跳的行列 但亚历克斯是正确的。)


例句:Reorganizing the electronics units worked out so well last year that Idei decided this spring that it's time to get Sony's music and movie businesses on the broadband bandwagon. (去年对电子产品生产部门进行的重组进展得如此顺利,以致Idei今年春天决定让索尼公司的音乐和电影业务也要追上宽带浪潮。)

4.乐队花车 、乐队花车

例句:So, since you've been on the wedding bandwagon since day one, you must secretly dread the actual event. (翻译:要这么说的话,既然你整天把结婚挂在嘴边 你在心底肯定很害怕结婚)


bandwagon一般作为名词使用,如在on the bandwagon([口语](选举中)站在有胜利希望的一边,支持占优势的一方;看风使舵,随大流)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the bandwagon[口语](选举中)站在有胜利希望的一边,支持占优势的一方;看风使舵,随大流


1. Reorganizing the electronics units worked out so well last year that Idei decided this spring that it's time to get Sony's music and movie businesses on the broadband bandwagon. (翻译:去年对电子产品生产部门进行的重组进展得如此顺利,以致Idei今年春天决定让索尼公司的音乐和电影业务也要追上宽带浪潮。)

2. So, since you've been on the wedding bandwagon since day one, you must secretly dread the actual event. (翻译:要这么说的话,既然你整天把结婚挂在嘴边 你在心底肯定很害怕结婚)

3. In the 10-dimensional bandwagon we had string theorists, hundreds of them, working to tease out all the properties of the known universe from one framework: a vibrating string (翻译:在10维乐团里,我们有几百个弦理论家, 忙碌着从一个框架: 振荡的弦,)

4. Remember that tall brunette, used to do the novelty dances at the Bandwagon? (翻译:还记得那个高个人有点黑的女孩吗, 曾经在班达根跳新舞的?)

5. The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll. (翻译:世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。)

6. Each of these points needs to be considered when hitching an open source project to a corporate bandwagon. (翻译:在承担公司的开放源码项目时,需要考虑上述要点。)

7. The bandwagon was big enough for any johnny-come-lately. (翻译:这股潮流对任何新来的人来说都足够了。)

8. In recent months many conservative politicians have jumped on the anti-immigrant bandwagon. (翻译:最近几个月,许多保守党政客赶上了反移民的浪头。)

9. The majority of the environmental impacts on the planet have been caused by the rich minority, the 20 percent that jumped onto the industrial bandwagon in the mid-18th century. (翻译:对地球环境产生很大影响的 往往是富裕的少数人, 在18世纪的中期, 百分之二十的人投身于工业中。)

10. Anna saw the celebrity thing coming way before everybody else jumped on that bandwagon. (翻译:早在所有人跟风之前 安娜就已经预知会有明星效应)

11. Woodrow Wilson at Princeton was one of the first to jump on the bandwagon. (翻译:伍德罗威尔逊在普林斯顿是第一个赶时髦的人)

12. The majority of the environmental impacts on the planet have been caused by the rich minority, the 20 percent that jumped onto the industrial bandwagon in the mid-18th century. (翻译:对地球环境产生很大影响的 往往是富裕的少数人, 在18世纪的中期, 百分之二十的人投身于工业中。)

13. Having read many of Jose Arguelles books over the last few years, this biography is very timely, especially as many other people are jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. (翻译:阅读过许多书籍何塞列斯在过去几年中,这是非常及时的传记,尤其是因为许多人都跳的xx年潮流。)

14. I'm sure that a lot of what is happening is because people are getting on the bandwagon and creating chaos just to make an easy buck. (翻译:我明白现在流行逃跑 和制造混乱 大家都是为了生活更容易些)

15. Among the latest to jump on the bandwagon is French liquor company Pernod Ricard SA. (翻译:最新一家赶上这个潮流的公司是法国酿酒商PernodRicardSA。)


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