

更新时间:2024-03-11 20:31:46作者:自考教育网




你是不是经常在听力考试中被这个单词难住?别担心,howlong的发音并不复杂。它读作[hau lɔŋ],其中的“au”发[ɔ]音,而“ng”则发[ŋ]音。记住这个规律,你就能轻松应对听力考试中的howlong了。

除了读音外,你还需要知道howlong的同义词。比如,how long、how much time、what is the duration of等都可以表示“多长时间”。此外,你可能也会遇到类似的表达方式,比如“How long does it take to...?”、“How much time do you need for...?”等等。熟悉这些同义表达方式可以帮助你更好地理解和运用howlong


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3.1 时间长度

首先,howlong可以指时间的长度。比如,“How long is the movie?”(这部电影有多长时间?) “The movie is two hours long.”(这部电影有两个小时长。)

3.2 持续的时间段

除了表示具体的时间长度外,howlong也可以用来询问某件事情持续了多久。比如,“How long have you been studying English?”(你学英语学了多久了?) “I have been studying English for two years.”(我学英语已经两年了。)

3.3 事件或状态的时长

此外,howlong也可以用来询问某个事件或状态发生的时长。比如,“How long has it been raining?”(下雨已经多久了?) “It has been raining for three hours.”(已经下雨三个小时了。)

4. 同义词及例句


- How much time:多少时间

- How many hours:多少小时

- Duration:持续时间


- How long does it take to get to the airport?(到机场需要多长时间?)

- How much time do we have left?(我们还剩多少时间?)

- How many hours did you sleep last night?(昨晚你睡了几个小时?)

- What is the duration of the concert?(这场音乐会持续多久?)



1. howlong的意思


2. howlong的同义词

howlong的同义词包括:how much time, what length of time, how many hours/days/weeks等。它们都可以用来询问时间长度,但howlong是最常用的表达方式。

3. howlong的双语例句

- How long have you been studying English? (你学习英语多久了?)

- I don't know how long I can stay at the party. (我不知道能在派对上待多久。)

- How long is the movie? (这部电影有多长?)

- I wonder how long it will take to finish this task. (我想知道完成这项任务需要多长时间。)

- Can you tell me how long the flight will be? (你能告诉我航班需要多长时间吗?)

4. howlong的用法

(1) 作为疑问词,放在句首,后面跟动词时态,用来询问时间长度。

(2) 作为形容词或副词,修饰名词或动词,表示持续的时间长度。

(3) 可以和介词for连用,表示持续了多长时间。

(4) 可以和连词or连用,表示选择的时间长度。

(5) 可以和否定词not连用,表示时间不长。

5. howlong的常见搭配

- how long ago:多久之前

- how long since:自从多久

- how long for:持续多久

- how long to:还有多久

6. howlong的注意事项


(1) 在询问具体时间时,应该使用how much time,而不是howlong。

(2) 在回答howlong的问题时,应该使用for来表示持续的时间长度。

(3) 如果想表达“还有多久”,可以使用how long to或how much longer


1. howlong的意思:howlong是一个由"how"和"long"组成的词,意为“多久”,常用于询问时间长度。

2. howlong怎么读:howlong的发音为/hɑʊlɔŋ/,其中"h"发音为清辅音,"ow"发音为/dʊ/,"l"发音为清辅音,"o"发音为长元音/o:/,最后的"g"发音为清辅音。

3. howlong的同义词:how long还可以用其他表达方式来表示,比如"How much time?"、 "For how long?"等。

4. howlong的例句:

- How long have you been studying English?(你学习英语多久了?)

- I wonder how long it will take to finish this project.(我想知道完成这个项目需要多长时间。)

- How much time do we have left?(我们还剩下多少时间?)

- For how long have you known each other?(你们认识彼此有多长时间了?)


1. Duration

- Meaning: the length of time that something lasts or continues

- Example sentence: I am not sure about the duration of the meeting, but it should be around an hour.

2. Length

- Meaning: the amount of time that something takes to finish or complete

- Example sentence: The length of the movie was two hours, but it felt much longer.

3. Period

- Meaning: a particular length of time

- Example sentence: The period for submitting applications is only one week, so make sure to apply on time.

4. Timeframe

- Meaning: a particular period of time during which something happens or is planned to happen

- Example sentence: We need to finish this project within the given timeframe, so we must work efficiently.

5. Span

- Meaning: the amount of time that something covers or includes

- Example sentence: The span of his career as a musician was over 20 years.

6. Term

- Meaning: a fixed or limited period of time during which something happens or exists

- Example sentence: The term for this contract is three years, after which it can be renewed.

7. Duration of time

- Meaning: the length of time that something lasts or continues

- Example sentence: The duration of time needed for this task is approximately two weeks.

8. Time interval

- Meaning: a period between two events or times

- Example sentence: There should be a sufficient time interval between each session to allow for breaks and rest.

9. Extent

-Meaning :the degree to which something extends; how long something lasts

Example sentence :The extent of his illness was unknown until further tests were conducted.

10. Continuance

-Meaning :the state or fact of continuing without interruption; duration; persistence.

Example Sentence :The continuance of heavy rain caused flooding in many parts of the city.

11. Elongation

-Meaning :the state of being extended; lengthening

Example Sentence :The elongation of the bridge was necessary to accommodate the increasing traffic.

12. Prolongation

-Meaning :the act of making something last longer

Example Sentence :The prolongation of the meeting was due to the heated discussion among the members.

13. Perpetuation

-Meaning :the act of causing something to continue indefinitely

Example Sentence :The perpetuation of this tradition has been passed down for generations.

14. Persistence

-Meaning :the act of continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Example Sentence :His persistence in pursuing his dreams eventually paid off.

15. Endurance

-Meaning :the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; the fact or power of enduring an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.

Example Sentence :Her endurance and determination helped her overcome all obstacles and reach her goals



