

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:21:24作者:自考教育网



1. 词性:名词


2. 定义:指针、钩子、陷阱等意思,也可用作动词,表示用钩子或陷阱捕获或吸引。

3. 同义词:catch, trap, lure, entice, attract.

4. 例句:

- The fish was caught on the hook.


- He fell for her hook, line and sinker.


- The teacher used an interesting story to hook the students' attention.



1. hook的发音


- 发出/h/的音时,嘴唇微微张开;

- 发出/u/的音时,嘴唇要向前突出;

- 发出/k/的音时,舌头要抵住牙齿后面的软腭。

2. hook的读音指南


- 当hook作为名词时,读作[hʊk]。例如:“He hung his coat on the hook.”(他把外套挂在钩子上。)

- 当hook作为动词时,读作[hʊk]或[hʊkə]。例如:“I hooked the fish with my fishing rod.”(我用钓竿钓到了鱼。)

- 当hook作为形容词时,通常读作[hʊk]。例如:“The movie had a really good hook that kept me interested.”(这部电影有一个非常吸引人的开头,让我一直保持兴趣。)

3. hook的同义词


- Peg:作为名词时,意为“衣夹”,读作[peɡ]。例如:“Hang your coat on the peg.”(把你的外套挂在衣夹上。)

- Clasp:作为动词时,意为“扣住”,读作[klæsp]。例如:“She clasped her hands together.”(她把双手扣在一起。)

- Snare:作为名词时,意为“陷阱”,读作[sneər]。例如:“The hunter set a snare to catch the rabbit.”(猎人设了一个陷阱来捕捉兔子。)

4. hook的例句


- The fish took the bait and got hooked.


- The teacher used an interesting hook to start the lesson.


- The thief used a hook to break into the house through the window.


- The writer used a strong hook to grab the reader's attention.



1. “hook”的含义


2. “hook”的发音


3. 同义词及例句



- He hung his coat on the hook by the door. (他把外套挂在门边的钩子上。)

- The fish took the bait on the hook. (鱼儿吞下了挂在鱼钩上的饵料。)

- She used a hook to pull down the branch. (她用一根钩子来拉下树枝。)

- The movie has a great hook that keeps you interested. (这部电影有一个很吸引人的开头,能让你一直保持兴趣。)

- The new product is designed to hook customers with its unique features. (这款新产品的独特特点旨在吸引顾客。)


1. Off the hook - 摆脱困境,解脱

例句:I thought I was going to fail the exam, but my friend helped me and I got off the hook.(我以为我会考不及格,但是我的朋友帮了我,我最后摆脱了困境。)

2. Hook up - 连接,联结

例句:Can you help me hook up my new printer to my computer?(你能帮我把新打印机连接到电脑上吗?)

3. By hook or by crook - 不择手段,无论如何

例句:I will finish this project by hook or by crook.(无论如何,我都会完成这个项目。)

4. Hooked on - 对...上瘾

例句:He is hooked on playing video games and can't stop.(他对玩电子游戏上瘾,无法停止。)

5. Get the hook - 被抛弃,被解雇

例句:The actor got the hook from the movie because of his bad behavior.(那位演员因为不良行为被电影开除了。)

6. Hook, line, and sinker - 完全地,彻底地

例句:She fell for his lies hook, line, and sinker.(她完全相信了他的谎言。)

7. On/off the wrong foot - 开始时做错/对了事情

例句:I think we started off on the wrong foot, let's try again.(我觉得我们开始时做错了事情,让我们再试一次。)

8. Hook, line and stinker - 完全失败

例句:I thought my presentation was going to be a success, but it turned out to be a hook, line and stinker.(我以为我的演讲会很成功,但结果却是完全失败。)

9. Hook someone up with - 介绍某人认识

例句:My friend hooked me up with her colleague for a blind date.(我的朋友给我安排了一次相亲,她的同事就是那个人。)

10. Off the hook - 不再受威胁或责备

例句:The police let him off the hook because they couldn't find any evidence against him.(警察放过了他,因为他们找不到任何对他的指控的证据。)


1. Clasp - "hook" can be used as a synonym for "clasp" when referring to something that is used to fasten or secure something in place. For example: "She hooked her necklace around her neck."

2. Catch - Another synonym for "hook" is "catch", which can refer to the act of capturing or grabbing something with a hook-shaped object. For instance: "The fisherman caught a huge fish on his hook."

3. Grapnel - This term is often used interchangeably with "hook" and refers to a small anchor with several hooks used for dragging or grappling in the water.

4. Peg - When talking about a small, narrow, or pointed object used for hanging or holding things, "peg" can be used as a synonym for "hook". Example: "She hung her coat on the peg by the door."

5. Crook - This word can be used as a synonym for "hook" when referring to something that has a curved or bent shape, like the hook of a shepherd's staff.

6. Fastener - Similar to "clasp", this term can also be used as a synonym for "hook" when talking about something that is used to secure or hold things together.

7. Latch - Another word that can be substituted for "hook" is "latch", which refers to a device that holds things together by catching onto another object.

8. Jig - In fishing, this term is often used instead of "hook" and refers to the baited hook attached to the end of the fishing line.

9. Sickle - This word can also be used as a synonym for "hook", especially when talking about something that has a curved or crescent shape like the blade of a sickle.

10. Pegleg - In nautical terms, this word is often used instead of "hook" and refers to a wooden leg with a hook at the end, typically used by sailors who have lost a leg


