

更新时间:2024-03-11 17:19:34作者:自考教育网



1. 定义:hookup指的是两个人之间发生性关系或约会的行为,通常是暂时的、没有承诺的关系。

2. 含义:hookup可以用来形容一夜情、性伴侣、偶遇等情况,也可以指两个人之间暂时的感情关系。


3. 怎么读:hookup的读音为[hʊkʌp],其中hoo发音为“胡”,kup发音为“克普”。

4. 同义词:hookup的同义词包括fling, one-night stand, casual relationship等。

5. 例句:

a) They had a hookup last night after the party.


b) I'm not looking for anything serious right now, just a casual hookup.


c) We hooked up a few times but it didn't turn into anything more.



1. 读音


2. 拼写


3. 同义词

“hookup”的同义词包括connect、link、join等,它们都表示连接或结合的意思。例如:The new computer can hookup to the printer wirelessly.(这台新电脑可以无线连接打印机。)

4. 例句

a. I'm trying to hookup my new TV, but I can't figure out which cable goes where.(我正在尝试连接我的新电视,但我不知道哪根线应该插哪里。)

b. The two companies have decided to hookup and form a partnership in order to expand their market reach.(这两家公司决定联合起来,建立合作伙伴关系以扩大市场覆盖范围。)

c. She's always looking for a quick hookup, but never seems to find someone who wants more than just a casual fling.(她总是在寻找一夜情,但似乎从来没有找到想要更多的人。)


1. hookup的意思是指“连接、联结”,通常用于描述人与人之间的关系,也可以表示物品之间的连接。

例句:I finally found a way to hookup my new printer to my computer.


2. hookup也可以指“约会、性关系”,特别是在美国俚语中常用此词来形容一夜情或暧昧关系。

例句:They had a drunken hookup at the party last night.


3. 同义词:connect, link, join, attach, associate等。

4. 以下是一些常用短语搭配及例句:

- hook up with sb: 与某人交往、约会

例句:I heard she hooked up with her ex-boyfriend again.


- hook up with sth: 连接某物

例句:Can you help me hook up the TV to the cable box?


- have a hookup: 发生性关系

例句:She said she didn't want to have a hookup on the first date.


- random hookup: 随机性关系

例句:I'm not looking for a random hookup, I want something more serious.


5. 在电子设备方面,hookup也可以指“连接线、接线”,用于描述设备之间的物理连接。

例句:Make sure all the hookups are secure before turning on the power.


6. hookup也可以指“安装、设置”,特别是在计算机和网络领域常用此词来形容安装软件或配置网络。

例句:I need someone to help me with the hookup of my new router.


7. 最后,hookup也可以指“机会、机遇”,特别是在美国俚语中常用此词来形容某种有利的情况或机会。

例句:I can't believe I missed that job opportunity, it was such a great hookup.



1. Connection - "The two devices have a wireless connection, allowing for easy hookup."

2. Link - "The hookup between the two systems was seamless."

3. Union - "Their hookup resulted in a successful collaboration."

4. Relationship - "Their hookup was short-lived, but it was intense."

5. Affiliation - "The two companies formed a strategic hookup to expand their market reach."

6. Association - "Their hookup led to the creation of a new business venture."

7. Bond - "Their shared interests created a strong bond between them, leading to their hookup."

8. Partnership - "The successful hookup between the two companies resulted in increased profits."

9. Alliance - "Their hookup brought together two powerful forces in the industry."

10. Combination - "The unique combination of skills and resources led to their successful hookup."


1. The hookups between different parts of the machine were clearly labeled for easy assembly.

2. The social media platform allows for easy hookups between users with similar interests.

3. The company's recent merger was seen as a strategic hookup to gain a competitive edge.

4. Their romantic hookup at the office Christmas party caused quite a stir among their colleagues.

5. The unexpected hookup between the two rival companies shocked the industry and led to speculation about future collaborations.

6. The band's latest album is a result of their creative hookups with various artists from different genres.

7. The new dating app promises to match users based on more meaningful hookups rather than just physical attraction.

8. The politician's secret financial hookups were exposed during the investigation into corruption allegations.

9. The technology company's partnership with an environmental organization resulted in innovative solutions for sustainable development.

10.Their casual drunken hookup ended up turning into a serious relationship that surprised everyone around them


1. "hookup"的基本意思

在最基本的意思上,"hookup"可以指代两件事情:一是物理上的连接,比如电脑和打印机之间的连接,或者电源线和插座之间的连接;二是人与人之间的关系,通常指性关系。这两种含义都可以通过动词"hooke up"来表达。

2. "hookup"作为名词时的具体含义


- 在社交场合中,"hookup"可以指代一次性的、没有感情牵扯的性关系。例如:"They had a hookup at the party last night."(他们昨晚在派对上发生了一夜情。)

- 在技术领域,"hookup"可以指代设备之间的连接方式或接口。例如:"The new laptop has a variety of different hookups for external devices."(这台新笔记本有多种不同接口用于连接外部设备。)

- 在美国俚语中,"hookup"也可以指代免费赠送或优惠活动。例如:"I got a hookup from my friend who works at the store and got this shirt for free."(我从在商店工作的朋友那里得到了一件免费的衬衫。)

3. "hookup"的同义词


- "fling":一次性的、短暂的性关系。

- "liaison":通常指秘密的或不正当的情感关系。

- "connection":物理上或抽象上两者之间的连接。

- "deal":俚语,指优惠、交易或安排。

4. "hookup"在例句中的用法


- She's not looking for a serious relationship, just a hookup.(她不想要一段认真的恋情,只是想要一次性关系。)

- The new TV has multiple hookups for different devices.(这台新电视有多种接口可以连接不同设备。)

- I got a great hookup on this jacket at the thrift store.(我在二手商店买这件夹克时得到了很大优惠。)

- They had a secret hookup while they were both in relationships with other people.(他们在彼此都有伴侣时秘密发生了关系。)


hookup是一个十分常见的词汇,它的含义也因语境不同而有所差异。无论是在日常生活中还是在职场上,我们都可以听到和使用这个词。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们对于hookup有了更深入的了解,并能够更加准确地运用它。我是网站编辑小明,非常感谢您阅读本文,如果您喜欢我的文章,请继续关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。祝愿大家在学习和工作中都能够顺利地“hook up”!


