

更新时间:2024-03-11 14:48:57作者:自考教育网



The pronunciation of holdup

1. What does holdup mean?

The word "holdup" can be used as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a delay or interruption in progress, often caused by an unexpected problem or obstacle. It can also refer to a robbery or theft, where someone is held up at gunpoint. As a verb, it means to delay or impede progress, or to rob someone by force.

2. How do you pronounce holdup?

The word "holdup" is pronounced as "hohld-uhp", with the stress on the first syllable. The "u" in the second syllable is pronounced as the schwa sound, which is like a short "uh" sound.

3. Synonyms for holdup

Some synonyms for holdup include delay, setback, obstacle, robbery, theft, and hindrance.

4. Examples of how to use holdup in a sentence

- The traffic accident caused a major holdup on the highway.

- The bank was robbed in a daring holdup yesterday.

- The construction project was put on hold due to unexpected holdups.

- I'm sorry for the holdup, but there was an issue with the delivery.

- The store owner was held up at gunpoint during the robbery.

5. Other forms of holdup

Holdup can also be used in different forms:

- Hold-up (noun): This is an alternate spelling of the word and has the same meaning.

- Hold-up (verb): This form emphasizes the action of delaying or impeding progress.

- Hold up (phrasal verb): This means to support something or someone physically or emotionally.

- Holdupper (noun): This refers to someone who commits robberies using force.

In conclusion, "holdup" can have different meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence. It is important to pay attention to context when using or interpreting this word. Remember to pronounce it as "hohld-uhp" with the stress on the first syllable

Is holdup an idiom?

Have you ever heard someone say "holdup" and wondered what it meant? Is it an idiom or just a regular word? Well, let's dive into the world of "holdup" and find out!

1. What does holdup mean?

Holdup is a noun that means a delay or interruption in progress. It can also refer to a robbery or theft, especially one that involves the use of force or threat.

2. How do you pronounce holdup?

Holdup is pronounced as "hohld-uhp."

3. Synonyms for holdup

Some synonyms for holdup are delay, setback, obstacle, hindrance, and snag.

4. Examples of using holdup in sentences

- The traffic jam caused a major holdup on our way to the airport.

- The bank was closed due to a robbery holdup.

- We can't continue with the project until we resolve this unexpected holdup.

So, is holdup an idiom? No, it is not considered an idiom as it has a literal meaning and can be used in different contexts without any hidden or figurative meaning.

However, there is another phrase that sounds similar to hold up - "hold on." This phrase is often used as an idiom meaning to wait or pause for a short period of time.

In conclusion, now you know what holdup means, how to pronounce it, some synonyms for it, and that it is not an idiom. Next time someone says "hold up," you'll know exactly what they're talking about!

Usage and examples of holdup

1. What does holdup mean?

Holdup is a noun that refers to a delay or interruption in progress, usually caused by an unexpected problem or obstacle. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of causing a delay.

2. How do you pronounce holdup?

Holdup is pronounced as "hōld-əp" with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for holdup

Some synonyms for holdup include delay, setback, obstruction, hindrance, and snag.

4. Examples of using holdup in a sentence

- The heavy traffic on the highway caused a major holdup in our journey.

- The construction work on the road has been causing daily holdups for commuters.

- The store was closed due to a holdup by an armed robber.

- We experienced a slight holdup in production due to technical difficulties.

- The meeting was postponed due to a last-minute holdup with the venue booking.

5. How to use holdup in different contexts

In addition to its literal meaning of delay or interruption, holdup can also be used in various contexts:

- In business: "The merger negotiations hit a holdup when one party refused to agree on certain terms."

- In fashion: "The designer's new collection was put on hold due to a fabric supplier's holdup."

- In relationships: "Their relationship faced multiple holdups but they managed to overcome them together."

- In sports: "The football match was held up for half an hour due to bad weather conditions."

6. Conclusion

In summary, holdup can refer to both an actual delay and the act of causing one. It has various synonyms and can be used in different contexts beyond its literal meaning. Remember that it is pronounced as "hōld-əp" and not "hold-up". Keep this information handy so you don't face any more pronunciation holdups!

Antonyms and synonyms of holdup

1. Antonyms of holdup: release, let go, free, unblock, unbind

- Holdup is the opposite of release, as it refers to a delay or obstruction.

- You can also use let go or free instead of holdup to convey the idea of not being held back.

- Unblock and unbind are also antonyms of holdup, as they imply removing an obstacle or restriction.

2. Synonyms of holdup: delay, obstruction, hindrance, setback, snag

- Delay and obstruction are synonyms of holdup as they both refer to something that slows down progress.

- Hindrance and setback are also similar in meaning to holdup, as they describe something that hinders or sets back progress.

- Snag is another synonym for holdup and can be used to describe a minor problem or difficulty that causes a delay.

3. Example sentences:

- The traffic jam was causing a major holdup on the highway.

- The construction work on the road was causing a serious delay in our commute.

- The unexpected rainstorm proved to be an obstruction in our plans for a picnic.

- We encountered several snags while trying to set up the tent for camping.

- The technical difficulties were a major setback in completing the project on time

Explanation of holdup

1. 独特性强的原创内容


2. 不要出现超链接


3. 内容精准详细

Holdup这个单词最常见的含义是指某件事物被延误或推迟。例如,“The train was delayed due to a holdup on the tracks.”(火车因铁路上的延误而被推迟了。)此外,它也可以表示某件事物被阻碍或受到干扰。“The holdup in negotiations caused the deal to fall through.”(谈判中的阻碍导致交易失败。)

作为动词时,holdup通常指某件事物被延迟或推迟。例如,“The construction was held up due to bad weather.”(由于天气不好,建筑工程被推迟了。)此外,它也可以指某人被抢劫。“The bank was held up by two armed robbers.”(两名持枪抢劫犯抢劫了银行。)

除了上述含义外,holdup还可以指某人或某物被阻碍或受到干扰。“The holdup in traffic caused me to be late for work.”(交通堵塞导致我上班迟到。)此外,它也可以表示某人或某物被延误或推迟。“The project was held up due to a lack of funding.”(由于缺乏资金,项目被推迟了。)


- The holdup in production was caused by a shortage of raw materials.


- The negotiations were held up due to disagreements between the two parties.


- The police were called in to deal with the holdup at the bank.


- The construction project has been held up for months due to legal issues.


In conclusion, we hope this article has helped clarify the meaning and pronunciation of holdup for you. As a language lover and editor of this website, I am always eager to share interesting and useful information with our readers. If you have any other questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Don't forget to follow us for more language tips and tricks! Thank you for reading and happy learning!


