

更新时间:2024-03-11 13:28:49作者:自考教育网



1. history的定义



2. history的含义


- 历史学科:作为一门学科,history指研究过去事件和现象,并通过收集、整理和分析相关资料来还原历史真相。

- 历史事件:history也可以指具体的历史事件,如“二战”、“文艺复兴”等。

- 个人经历:在口语中,“我的history”可以指个人经历或背景。

- 记录与记忆:作为名词,“history”还可以表示记录或记忆过去的事情。

3. history怎么读


4. history同义词及例句

- past(过去):The past is a foreign country.(过去是一个陌生的国家。)

- chronicle(编年史):The chronicle of the war was written by a famous historian.(这场战争的编年史是由一位著名的历史学家撰写的。)

- record(记录):The record of his achievements will be remembered for generations to come.(他的成就记录将被后人铭记。)

- account(记述):Her account of the event was different from mine.(她对这件事情的记述和我的不同。)

- narrative(叙述):The book provides a vivid narrative of the country's history.(这本书生动地叙述了这个国家的历史。)



1. 发音:history的发音为 /ˈhɪstəri/,读作“his-tuh-ree”。

2. 拼写:history的拼写为 h-i-s-t-o-r-y,其中字母y在单词末尾时,发音为/i/。

3. 同义词:历史 (hì shǐ),过去 (guò qù),史料 (shǐ liào)。

4. 例句:

a. Do you know the history of this ancient city? (你知道这座古城的历史吗?)

b. My grandmother loves to tell us stories about her family's history. (我的祖母喜欢给我们讲她家族的故事。)

c. The history of this country is full of ups and downs. (这个国家的历史充满了起伏。)


1. history的意思


2. history怎么读


3. history同义词

- Past:指过去发生的一切事情。

例句:The past is the key to understanding the present.


- Chronicle:指按照时间顺序记录事件或事物。

例句:The book is a chronicle of the city's history.


- Heritage:指某个国家或民族所拥有的历史遗产。

例句:The city is proud of its rich cultural heritage.


4. history用法示例

- This museum displays artifacts from different periods of history.


- The history of the country is full of wars and conflicts.


- She is studying history at university.


- The city has a rich history dating back to the 18th century.


- The history of this family is full of tragedies and triumphs.


5. history同义词用法示例

- I love reading about the past.


- The chronicle of the city's development is fascinating.


- The heritage of this country is well-preserved and celebrated.



1. Past - 过去

例句:Our history shapes who we are today.


2. Heritage - 遗产/传统

例句:The country's rich heritage is reflected in its history.


3. Chronicle - 编年史

例句:The book is a chronicle of the city's history.


4. Ancestry - 家族/血统

例句:I am proud of my Irish ancestry and its history.


5. Record - 记录/档案

例句:The museum has a vast collection of historical records.


6. Background - 背景/来历

例句:Knowing the background of a place can help understand its history.


7. Story - 故事/传说

例句:The town has many interesting stories from its past.


8. Evolution - 演变/发展

例句:The evolution of technology has greatly impacted our history.



1. In the history of: 在...的历史上

例句:In the history of cinema, there have been many great directors.

2. Make history: 创造历史

例句:The team's victory will make history for their school.

3. Rewrite history: 改写历史

例句:Some people try to rewrite history to suit their own agenda.

4. Oral history: 口述历史

例句:The museum has a collection of oral histories from survivors of the war.

5. History in the making: 正在发生的历史事件

例句:The protests in the city are making history as one of the largest in the country.

6. Ancient history: 古代历史

例句:Studying ancient history can give us insights into our present world.

7. Modern history: 现代历史

例句:The course covers major events in modern history from 1900 to present day.

8. History lesson: 历史课

例句:I have a history lesson at 10am tomorrow morning.

9. History buff: 历史爱好者

例句:My grandfather is a real history buff, he knows everything about World War II.

10. History repeats itself: 历史会重演

例句:They say that history repeats itself, let's hope we can learn from our mistakes this time


