

更新时间:2024-03-11 11:48:20作者:自考教育网





在英语中,highland读作[hahy-luhnd],重音在第一个音节。它的同义词包括upland、mountainous region等。在一些方言中,也可以用hill country来指代高地。

举例来说,苏格兰就是一个著名的高地,在那里可以看到壮观的山脉和广阔的高原。而在美国,落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)也被称为highlands。





除了“highland”这个词外,还有一些同义词可以用来描述类似的概念,比如“upland”、“mountainous”、“elevated”等。例如,“The highlands of Scotland are known for their rugged beauty.”(苏格兰的高地以其崎岖的美景而闻名。)


1. The village is nestled in the highlands, surrounded by mountains and forests.(这个村庄坐落在高原上,被群山和森林环绕。)

2. The highlands offer breathtaking views and challenging hiking trails for outdoor enthusiasts.(高地为户外爱好者提供了令人惊叹的景色和具有挑战性的徒步旅行路线。)

3. The sheep farmers in the highlands have a tough life, but they are proud of their rugged land.(高地的养羊农民生活艰苦,但他们为自己崎岖的土地感到自豪。)


1. highland的意思


2. highland的发音


3. highland的同义词


- Upland:指海拔较高的平坦地区。

- Plateau:指海拔较高且平坦的地区。

- Mountainous:指多山的地区。

- Hilly:指多小山丘的地区。

- Elevated:指海拔较高的地区。

4. highland的例句


- The Scottish Highlands are known for their breathtaking landscapes.


- The village is situated in the highlands, surrounded by mountains.


- The highlands of Tibet are home to many rare species of animals.


- She loves to go hiking in the highlands, enjoying the fresh air and beautiful views.


- The highland region is known for its harsh winters and mild summers.



1. 高地(highland) - 指位于山脉或高原上的地区,通常海拔较高,气候凉爽。

例句:The village is located in the highland, surrounded by beautiful mountains.

2. 高原(high plateau) - 指位于大陆中部的高地,相对于低地而言海拔较高,气候多为干燥。

例句:The high plateau is home to many unique species of plants and animals.

3. 山地(mountainous region) - 指多山的地区,山峦起伏,植被茂密。

例句:The mountainous region is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers.

4. 高处(elevated area) - 指相对于周围平坦的区域而言海拔较高的地方。

例句:The house is situated on an elevated area, providing a stunning view of the city.

5. 上方(upper part) - 指相对于下方而言位置较高的部分。

例句:The castle stands on the upper part of the hill, overlooking the town below.

6. 高峰(summit) - 指山顶或最高点。

例句:We reached the summit of the mountain just in time to see the sunrise.

7. 山脊(ridge) - 指山峰间的狭长隆起部分。

例句:The hikers followed the ridge to reach their campsite at the top of the mountain.

8. 山谷(valley) - 指两座山脉之间的低洼地带。

例句:The village is nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by lush greenery.

9. 峡谷(canyon) - 指由河流侵蚀形成的深而窄的地形,两侧常为陡峭的悬崖。

例句:The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous canyons in the world.

10. 高原湖(lake on highland) - 指位于高地上的湖泊,通常水质清澈,景色优美。

例句:We went fishing at the lake on highland and caught some delicious trout


1. Mountainous region - 高山地区

例句:The highland terrain was difficult to navigate through.

2. Upland - 高地

例句:The highland area is known for its scenic views.

3. Plateau - 高原

例句:The highland plateau provided a perfect spot for camping.

4. Hill country - 山地区

例句:The highland region is popular for its lush green hill country.

5. Highland area - 高地区

例句:The highland area is rich in natural resources.

6. Mountain region - 山区

例句:The highland landscape was covered in snow during the winter months.

7. Hilly terrain - 丘陵地带

例句:The highland terrain made it challenging for the hikers to reach the summit.

8. Elevated land - 海拔高的土地

例句:The highland region has an elevated land which provides a cooler climate.

9. Uplands - 高原地区

例句:The highlands are home to many rare species of plants and animals.

10. Highland district - 高地区域

例句:The highland district is known for its traditional farming methods and local produce


