

更新时间:2024-03-11 11:46:27作者:自考教育网



1. Highlands的发音



2. Highlands的意思


3. Highlands怎么读


4. Highlands同义词及例句

Highlands这个单词没有明确的同义词,但可以用其他类似含义的单词来替换,比如highland、upland、mountainous region等。例如:“The Scottish Highlands are famous for their beautiful scenery.”(苏格兰高地以其美丽景色而闻名。)


1. Highlands的定义及含义


2. Highlands的发音及读音

Highlands的发音为[hahy-luh ndz],读作“海兰兹”。其中,“hig”发音为[haɪg],意为“高地”,而“land”发音为[land],意为“土地”。

3. Highlands与Lowlands的对比


4. Highlands同义词及例句


- Uplands:指位于低洼平原之上的丘陵地带。

例句:The village is situated in the uplands, surrounded by beautiful hills.

- Highland region:与Highlands意思相同,指高海拔地区。

例句:The highland region is known for its stunning landscapes and rugged beauty.

- Mountainous area:指多山的地区。

例句:The mountainous area attracts many hikers and adventurers every year.

- Plateau:指高原地带。

例句:The plateau is home to many rare species of plants and animals.

Highlands是一个常用来指代高海拔地区的英语单词,它的发音为[hahy-luh ndz],读作“海兰兹”。除了Highlands外,还有一些同义词可以用来表示相似意思,如Uplands、Highland region、Mountainous area和Plateau。在苏格兰和爱尔兰,Highlands与Lowlands是两个常用来对比的词汇,分别指高地和低洼地区。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解Highlands这个词汇的含义及用法


1. Highlands的意思


2. Highlands的发音

Highlands一词在英语中发音为[hahy-luh ndz],其中“h”发音为清辅音,而“igh”发音为长元音[i]。重点在第一个音节上,即[hahy]。在美式英语中也有可能发音为[hai-luh ndz]。

3. Highlands的同义词


4. Highlands的例句

- The Scottish Highlands are known for their breathtaking landscapes.


- The village is situated in the heart of the highlands.


- We went hiking in the highlands last summer.


- The Tibetan Plateau is often referred to as the "Roof of the World".


- The uplands of the country are perfect for sheep farming.


5. Highlands的双语例句

- 英文:The Scottish Highlands are a popular tourist destination.


- 英文:The village is surrounded by beautiful highlands.


- 英文:We went on a road trip through the highlands of Scotland.


- 英文:The Tibetan Plateau is one of the highest plateaus in the world.


- 英文:The uplands offer stunning views of the surrounding countryside.



1. 高地(Highlands) - 指高海拔地区,通常指海拔超过1500米的山地。

例句:The Highlands of Scotland are known for their rugged beauty.

2. 高原(High Plateau) - 指相对平坦的高海拔地区,通常指海拔在1000-1500米之间的地区。

例句:The Tibetan Plateau is often referred to as the "Roof of the World".

3. 山脉(Mountain Range) - 指一系列相连的山峰,通常由同一条脊线连接。

例句:The Rocky Mountains are a well-known mountain range in North America.

4. 高峰(Peak) - 指山脉中最高的山峰,也可以指其他事物中最高或最重要的部分。

例句:Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

5. 山谷(Valley) - 指两座山脉之间的低洼地带,通常河流会从中穿过。

例句:The Grand Canyon is a famous valley in Arizona, USA.

6. 峡谷(Canyon) - 指两侧陡峭的峭壁围绕着河流或溪谷形成的自然景观。

例句:The Grand Canyon is a famous canyon in Arizona, USA.

7. 瀑布(Waterfall) - 指水流从高处落下形成的自然景观。

例句:Niagara Falls is a popular waterfall located on the border of Canada and the United States.

8. 湖泊(Lake) - 指一片被陆地包围的水域,通常由河流或冰川形成。

例句:Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest and oldest lake in the world.

9. 冰川(Glacier) - 指由积雪积累形成的大量冰体,通常在高海拔地区。

例句:The Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina is a popular tourist attraction.

10. 自然保护区(Nature Reserve) - 指为保护自然环境而设立的特定区域,通常有丰富的植物和动物资源。

例句:Yellowstone National Park is a famous nature reserve in the United States


1. Uplands - 高地,指海拔较高的地区,与Highlands意思相近。

例句:The Uplands of Scotland are known for their rugged beauty and rich history.

2. Plateau - 高原,指比周围地区海拔较高的平坦地带,与Highlands含义相似。

例句:The Tibetan Plateau is often referred to as the "Roof of the World".

3. Hill Country - 山区,指多山的地区,与Highlands同义词中的“高地”含义相符。

例句:The Hill Country of Texas is famous for its rolling hills and scenic views.

4. Mountainous Region - 山区,与Highlands意思相近。

例句:The mountainous region of Nepal attracts many trekkers and climbers every year.

5. Upland Area - 高原地区,与Highlands同义词中的“高地”含义类似。

例句:The upland areas of Wales are popular for hiking and outdoor activities.

6. Highland Region - 高原地区,与Highlands含义相符。

例句:The Highland region of Scotland is known for its stunning landscapes and traditional culture.

7. Hilly Terrain - 多山的地形,与Highlands同义词中的“高地”含义相关。

例句:The hilly terrain of the Appalachian Mountains offers great opportunities for outdoor recreation.

8. Elevated Land - 海拔较高的土地,与Highlands意思相近。

例句:The elevated land in the Andes Mountains provides a unique habitat for diverse species of plants and animals.

9. Upland District - 高原地区,与Highlands同义词中的“高地”含义相符。

例句:The upland district of Yorkshire is known for its picturesque villages and scenic landscapes.

10. Highland Territory - 高地地区,与Highlands含义相符。

例句:The highland territory of Papua New Guinea is home to many indigenous tribes with unique cultures and traditions



