

更新时间:2024-03-11 10:21:39作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of hesitate



1. 同义词

hesitate的同义词包括dither、waver、pause等。例如:She hesitated before making her decision. (她在做决定之前犹豫了。)可以改写为:She dithered before making her decision. (她在做决定之前犹豫了。)

2. 例句

- I hesitate to tell him the truth because I don't want to hurt his feelings.(我不敢告诉他真相,因为我不想伤害他的感情。)

- She hesitated for a moment before answering the question.(她在回答问题之前停顿了一下。)

- Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.(如果需要帮助,不要犹豫,请开口问。)

3. 发音练习


- 先听几遍发音,并跟读。

- 将单词分解成每个音节,并单独发音。

- 尝试在句子中使用hesitate这个单词,并注意重读音节。


Is hesitate an idiom?


首先,hesitate是一个动词,意思是犹豫不决或者迟疑。它的发音为[hɛzɪteɪt],重音在第二个音节上。这个单词最常用的同义词包括doubt, delay, pause等。


举个例子来说,在某种情况下,如果我们说“Don't hesitate to ask for help”,这句话并不是指要“犹豫地”去寻求帮助,而是表示“毫不犹豫地”去寻求帮助。因此,在这种情况下,hesitate并不是一个习语

Usage and examples of hesitate

1. What does hesitate mean?

Hesitate is a verb that means to pause or hold back in uncertainty or reluctance. It can also mean to be indecisive or hesitant in taking action.

2. How do you pronounce hesitate?

Hesitate is pronounced as "hez-i-teyt".

3. Synonyms of hesitate

Some synonyms of hesitate include:

- Pause: to temporarily stop before continuing

- Halt: to come to a stop, especially temporarily

- Dither: to be indecisive or uncertain

- Vacillate: to alternate between different opinions or actions

4. Usage of hesitate

Hesitate is often used in the following ways:

- To express reluctance or uncertainty: "She hesitated before accepting the job offer."

- To indicate a pause in speech or action: "He hesitated for a moment before answering the question."

- To suggest indecision or doubt: "I can see that you're hesitating about something."

5. Examples of hesitate in sentences

- She hesitated before jumping off the diving board.

- Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

- He hesitated for a moment before making his decision.

- I didn't want to hesitate, so I immediately said yes.

- She always hesitates when it comes to trying new things.

6. Idioms with hesitate

There are also some common idioms that use the word hesitate, such as:

- Hesitate over something/someone: to think carefully about something/someone before making a decision; Example: She's been hesitating over whether she should quit her job.

- Hesitate to do something: feel unwilling and uncertain about doing something; Example: I wouldn't hesitate to ask for help if I were you.

7. Phrasal verbs with hesitate

Some phrasal verbs that use the word hesitate include:

- Hesitate about doing something: to be uncertain or reluctant about doing something; Example: She hesitated about telling him the truth.

- Hesitate to do something: to feel unwilling or uncertain about doing something; Example: Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything.

8. Common mistakes with hesitate

Some common mistakes people make with the word hesitate include:

- Using "hesitate" instead of "hesitation": Hesitation is a noun that means the act of hesitating, while hesitate is a verb. For example, "She showed no hesitation in accepting the challenge."

- Using "hesitate" instead of "hesitant": Hesitant is an adjective that means feeling or showing reluctance. For example, "I was hesitant to try the new dish."

- Using double negatives with hesitate: It is incorrect to say "I don't hesitate to not do something." Instead, you can say "I don't hesitate to do something."

9. Conclusion

In summary, hesitate is a verb that means to pause or hold back in uncertainty or reluctance. It can be used in various contexts and has several synonyms and idioms associated with it. Remember to use it correctly and avoid common mistakes for effective communication

Antonyms and synonyms of hesitate

1. Antonyms of hesitate:

- Decide: to make a choice or come to a conclusion after considering all the options.

Example: He didn't hesitate to accept the job offer.

- Act: to take action or do something.

Example: She didn't hesitate to speak up and defend her friend.

- Proceed: to continue with an action or process.

Example: Without hesitation, she proceeded with her presentation.

2. Synonyms of hesitate:

- Hesitate means to pause or hold back before doing something. Some synonyms for hesitate are:

- Dither: to be indecisive or uncertain about something.

Example: He dithered before making his final decision.

- Waver: to be unsure or hesitant about a decision.

Example: She wavered between two options before making her choice.

- Falter: to hesitate or stumble in speech or action due to uncertainty or weakness.

Example: His voice faltered as he tried to explain his actions.

3. Example sentences using "hesitate" and its synonyms:

- I didn't hesitate when I saw the car accident and immediately called for help. (hesitate)

- She dithered for hours before finally deciding on which dress to wear. (dither)

- He wavered between studying medicine and engineering before finally choosing engineering. (waver)

- Her voice faltered as she tried to apologize for her mistake. (falter)

In conclusion, "hesitate" can be replaced by words such as decide, act, and proceed, while its synonyms include dither, waver, and falter. These words all convey the idea of pausing or being uncertain before taking action. It is important in writing to use a variety of vocabulary and avoid repetition, so knowing antonyms and synonyms of common words like "hesitate" can greatly improve one's writing skills

Explanation of hesitate


1. 意思


2. 发音


3. 同义词

除了hesitate之外,还有哪些单词可以表示“犹豫”呢?下面列举了几个常用的同义词:pause、waver、dither、vacillate等。比如,“She paused for a moment before making her decision.”(她在做出决定之前停顿了一下。)

4. 例句



