

更新时间:2024-03-11 10:21:25作者:自考教育网

标题:hesitates是什么意思? 内容:['hesitates的拼音', 'hesitates怎么读', 'hesitates的用法和双语例句', 'hesitates的词组', 'hesitates同义词示例'] 导语:你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况,看到一个英文单词,却不知道它的含义和读音?今天,我将为你揭开一个行业标题的谜团——“hesitates”。它究竟是怎么读音的?有什么用法和双语例句?还有哪些相关词组和同义词示例?让我们一起来探究这个神秘单词吧!



1. hesitates的拼音是[hɛzɪteɪts]。

2. “hesitates”是动词“hesitate”的第三人称单数形式,意为“犹豫;踌躇”。

3. “hesitate”源自拉丁语“haesitare”,意为“犹豫;迟疑”。

4. 在英语中,“hesitates”的发音可以分为两个音节:[hɛz]和[ɪteɪts]。

5. 第一个音节[hɛz]的发音类似于汉语中的字母“x”,是一个清晰的辅音音素,发音时舌头抵住上齿龈,气流从舌下通过。

6. 第二个音节[ɪteɪts]的发音则包含了两个元音:[ɪ]和[eɪ]。其中,[eɪ]是长元音,发音时嘴唇向外撅起,舌尖抵住下齿龈。而[ɪ]则是短元音,发音时舌头放松,嘴唇稍微张开。

7. 总体来说,“hesitates”的拼读比较简单,但需要注意的是第二个元音[eɪ]的长短区别。

8. 在英语中,“hesitates”可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。作及物动词时,后面通常跟着宾语,表示“犹豫做某事”。例如,“She hesitates to make a decision.”(她在做决定时犹豫不决。)作不及物动词时,通常后面跟着介词短语或从句,表示“踌躇;迟疑”。例如,“He hesitates before answering the question.”(他在回答问题前犹豫了一下。)

9. “hesitates”的同义词包括:wavers, pauses, vacillates, falters等。

10. 另外,还有一些相关的词汇可以帮助我们更好地理解“hesitates”的含义。比如,“hesitation”是名词形式,意为“犹豫;踌躇”,“hesitant”是形容词形式,意为“犹豫的;迟疑的”,而“hesitancy”则是名词形式,意为“犹豫不决”。

11. 总的来说,“hesitates”的拼音并不困难,但要注意长元音[eɪ]和短元音[ɪ]的区别,并结合上下文理解其含义。

12. 最后提醒一下,在写作中使用单词时要注意其正确的拼写和用法,避免出现错误。同时,在阅读或听力练习中也要多加注意,提高对英语单词的理解和运用能力


1. 拼读:hesitates(/ˈhɛzɪteɪts/)

2. 含义:hesitates是动词hesitate的第三人称单数和复数形式,意为“犹豫、踌躇”。

3. 发音技巧:注意读出清晰的/z/和/t/音,同时重读第二个音节。

4. 幽默解释:当你想要做某件事情却又不确定时,就可以说你“hesitates”了,就像是在说“嗯……我还在考虑中”。

5. 举例说明:小明看到了一件很喜欢的衣服,但他不确定要不要买,于是他就“hesitates”了,最后还是决定买下来了。

6. 衍生用法:hesitates也可以用来形容某人的行为或决定,“他总是很犹豫不决”,可以说“He always hesitates.”

7. 结论:现在你知道了hesitates的发音和含义,以后遇到这个词就不会再“犹豫”了吧!


1. hesitates的基本含义


2. hesitates的用法


- She hesitated before answering the question. (她在回答问题之前犹豫了一下。)

- He always hesitates when it comes to making big decisions. (当涉及到做重大决定时,他总是犹豫不决。)

3. hesitates的双语例句

1) She hesitated to accept the job offer because she wasn't sure if it was the right career path for her. (她在接受工作邀请时犹豫了,因为她不确定这是否是适合她的正确职业道路。)

2) The dog hesitated before jumping into the water, as if it was afraid of getting wet. (那条狗在跳进水中前犹豫了一下,好像它怕弄湿自己。)

3) He never hesitates to speak his mind, even if it means going against popular opinion. (他从不犹豫地说出自己的想法,即使这意味着与大众意见相悖。)

4) The company hesitated to invest in the new project due to the high risks involved. (由于涉及高风险,公司犹豫是否要投资这个新项目。)

5) The child hesitated before reaching out to the stray cat, unsure if it was safe to approach. (那个孩子在伸手去抚摸流浪猫之前犹豫了一下,不确定是否安全接近。)


1. "Hesitates to" - 犹豫做某事,表示不确定或担心做出决定。

例如:She hesitates to try the new dish on the menu because she's not sure if she'll like it.

2. "Hesitates before" - 在...之前犹豫,表示在做出决定之前需要更多的思考和考虑。

例如:He hesitates before accepting the job offer because he wants to make sure it's the right decision for his career.

3. "Hesitates for a moment" - 犹豫片刻,表示暂时停顿或思考。

例如:She hesitates for a moment before answering the question, trying to come up with the best response.

4. "Hesitates between" - 在...之间犹豫,表示在两个选择之间难以做出决定。

例如:He hesitates between studying abroad or staying in his home country for university.

5. "Hesitates to speak up" - 犹豫说出来,表示害怕或担心表达自己的想法。

例如:She hesitated to speak up in the meeting because she didn't want to sound too critical of her colleague's ideas.

6. "Hesitates out of fear" - 因为害怕而犹豫,表示因为恐惧而无法做出决定或行动。

例如:He hesitated out of fear when asked to bungee jump, but eventually gathered the courage to do it.

7. "Hesitates in disbelief" - 因为不相信而犹豫,表示对某事感到难以置信。

例如:She hesitated in disbelief when she heard the news of her promotion, thinking it was too good to be true.

8. "Hesitates to trust" - 犹豫相信,表示不确定是否应该相信某人或某件事。

例如:He hesitates to trust his new roommate because he doesn't know much about him yet.

9. "Hesitates for a split second" - 犹豫了一瞬间,表示非常短暂的停顿或思考。

例如:She hesitated for a split second before making the final shot, but ended up winning the game.

10. "Hesitates to take action" - 犹豫采取行动,表示担心或不确定应该做什么。

例如:He hesitates to take action against his noisy neighbors because he doesn't want to cause any conflicts


1. Hesitates的同义词是doubts,意为“怀疑”。例如:She hesitated before making a decision. (她在做决定之前犹豫不决。)

2. Hesitates的同义词是pauses,意为“暂停”。例如:He hesitated for a moment before answering the question. (他在回答问题之前停顿了一会儿。)

3. Hesitates的同义词是wavers,意为“犹豫”。例如:She wavered between two options before finally making her choice. (她在两个选择之间犹豫不决,最终做出了自己的选择。)

4. Hesitates的同义词是delays,意为“延迟”。例如:The project was delayed because the team hesitated to make a decision. (由于团队犹豫不决而延迟了项目。)

5. Hesitates的同义词是falters,意为“踌躇”。例如:He falters when faced with difficult decisions. (面对困难的决定时,他会踌躇不前。)

6. Hesitates的同义词是haws,意为“支吾”。例如:She haws when asked about her future plans. (当被问及未来计划时,她支吾其词。)

7. Hesitates的同义词是stammers,意为“口吃”。例如:He stammers when he is nervous. (当他紧张时会口吃。)

8. Hesitates的同义词是fumbles,意为“笨拙地做”。例如:She fumbled with the lock, hesitating to open the door. (她笨拙地摆弄着锁,犹豫着要不要打开门。)

9. Hesitates的同义词是flounders,意为“挣扎”。例如:He flounders when faced with difficult decisions. (面对困难的决定时,他挣扎不定。)

10. Hesitates的同义词是vacillates,意为“犹豫不决”。例如:She vacillates between two options before finally making a decision. (她在两个选择之间犹豫不决,最终做出了决定。)


