

更新时间:2024-03-11 07:06:42作者:自考教育网



1. heavier的拼音是"ˈhɛviər"。


2. "heavier"是一个英语单词,意为"更重的"。它是形容词heavy的比较级形式,表示比原来更具有重量。

3. 在英语中,重量一般使用磅(pound)或者公斤(kilogram)来衡量。而heavier则可以用来描述物体的重量比较,例如:This box is heavier than that one.(这个盒子比那个盒子更重。)

4. 除了用来描述物体的重量,heavier也可以用来比喻某种情况或者事物更加严重、沉重。例如:The news of his death made the atmosphere even heavier.(他去世的消息让气氛变得更加沉重。)

5. 在口语中,heavier也可以作为一个副词使用,表示"更多地、更多次地"的意思。例如:I need to study heavier for my exams next week.(我下周需要更加努力地学习准备考试。)

6. 另外,在音乐领域中,heavier也有指代摇滚乐风格中较为浓厚、强烈的一种类型。

7. 总而言之,heavier这个单词在不同语境下都有着不同的含义和用法,但核心都围绕着"更重的"这个概念。希望本小节能够帮助你更好地理解这个单词的意思和用法



首先,我们需要知道“heavier”是一个形容词,它的基本意思是“更重的”。这个词通常用来描述物体的重量或者质量。比如,“This box is heavier than that one.”(这个盒子比那个盒子更重。)


除了基本意思之外,“heavier”还有一些衍生意思。比如,在某些情况下,它也可以表示“更沉重的”、“更压抑的”。例如,“The atmosphere in the room became heavier as the argument continued.”(随着争论继续,房间里的气氛变得越来越沉重。)不过,在大多数情况下,“heavier”都是指物体的重量。



1. heavier的基本意思


2. heavier的用法


- This box is heavier than that one.


- She felt much heavier after eating a big meal.



- This foundation has a heavier texture than the one I usually use.



- The atmosphere in the room grew heavier as they discussed the issue.


- The teacher's tone became heavier as she reprimanded the students for their behavior.


3. 双语例句

1) She lifted the suitcase and found it was much heavier than she had expected.


2) The heavier the object, the more force is needed to move it.


3) The atmosphere grew heavier as the meeting went on and no solution was found.


4) The heavier the rain, the more likely it is for the river to flood.



1. heavier than air- 比空气重的

2. heavier than usual- 比平常更重的

3. heavier than expected- 比预期更重的

4. heavier than normal- 比正常更重的

5. heavier weight- 较重的重量

6. heavier load- 更大的负荷

7. heavier rain- 更大的雨量

8. heavier snow- 更多的雪量

9. heavy equipment- 重型设备

10. heavy traffic- 高密度交通

11. heavy workload- 繁重的工作量

12. heavy burden- 沉重的负担

13. heavy heart- 沉重的心情

14. heavy atmosphere- 压抑的氛围

15. heavy metal music - 重金属音乐

16. heavy industry - 重工业

17. heavy rainstorm - 暴雨

18. heavy fog - 浓雾

19. heavy smog - 严重雾霾

20. heavy artillery - 重型火炮


1. Weightier: This word is often used to describe something that has more significance or importance, similar to the weight of an object.

2. More substantial: This phrase can be used to express that something is heavier in a physical sense, but it can also be used figuratively to describe something that is more meaningful or significant.

3. Bulkier: This word is commonly used to describe objects that are larger and take up more space, making them heavier as well.

4. Heftier: This word can be used to describe something that has a greater weight or mass, but it can also imply a sense of strength or power.

5. More ponderous: This adjective is often used to describe something that is heavy and difficult to move, both physically and metaphorically.

6. More cumbersome: Similar to "ponderous," this word can be used to describe something that is heavy and awkward to handle or manage.

7. Denser: When referring to physical weight, this adjective describes something that has a higher density and therefore weighs more. It can also be used figuratively to express a greater level of complexity or intensity.

8. More burdensome: This word carries a negative connotation and implies that something is weighing someone down or causing difficulty or hardship.

9. Heavier-duty: This phrase refers specifically to objects or tasks that require more strength and endurance due to their weight or complexity.

10. More loaded: In addition to describing physical weight, this adjective can also mean "full of meaning" when used figuratively, similar to "weightier."



