

更新时间:2024-03-11 07:04:50作者:自考教育网






比如说,“heaven”可以指代天空,如“The sky is so clear, it looks like heaven.”(天空如此晴朗,看起来像天堂一样)。另外,“heaven”还可以用来形容某件事情非常美好或令人愉悦,如“I had the most amazing vacation in Bali, it was like heaven on earth.”(我在巴厘岛度过了最美妙的假期,简直就像天堂一样)。此外,“heaven”也可以用来表示极乐世界,如“The little girl was so happy, she felt like she was in heaven.”(小女孩非常开心,感觉自己置身于天堂)


1. What does "heaven" mean in English?

"Heaven" is a word that has been used in various contexts and has different meanings depending on the context. In general, it refers to a place or state of supreme happiness, peace, and perfection.

2. How can we express "heaven" in English?

There are several ways to express "heaven" in English, depending on the context and the intended meaning. Here are some common expressions:

- Paradise: This word is often used to refer to a perfect or ideal place, especially after death.

- Elysium: This term comes from Greek mythology and refers to the place where heroes and virtuous people go after death.

- Bliss: This word is often used to describe a state of extreme happiness or joy.

- Nirvana: In Buddhism, this term refers to a state of ultimate enlightenment and liberation from suffering.

- Kingdom of God/Heaven: These terms are often used in Christian theology to refer to the realm where God reigns and where good souls go after death.

3. Other ways to express "heaven"

Aside from these commonly used expressions, there are also other ways to express the concept of "heaven" in English:

- Utopia: This term refers to an imaginary perfect society or world.

- Shangri-La: This is a fictional paradise described in James Hilton's novel Lost Horizon.

- Valhalla: In Norse mythology, this is the hall where brave warriors go after death.

- Promised Land: This term is often used in religious contexts, referring to a land promised by God as a reward for faithfulness.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion,"heaven" can be expressed in various ways in English, each with its own connotations and nuances. Whether it's referring to a physical place or an ideal state of being, these expressions all convey the idea of ultimate happiness and perfection


1. "Heaven"是一个英文单词,意思是天堂,通常用来指代宇宙中的某个神圣的地方或者人们死后的归宿。

例句:When I die, I hope to go to heaven and be reunited with my loved ones.

2. "Heaven"也可以用来形容某件事物非常美好、令人愉悦。

例句:The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely heavenly.

3. 在一些宗教和文化中,"heaven"也被用来表示幸福、和谐的境界。

例句:The newlyweds felt like they were in heaven on their honeymoon in Bali.

4. 另外,"heaven"还可以作为感叹词使用,表示惊讶或者惊喜。

例句:Oh my heavens! You got the job? That's amazing!

5. 此外,有时候人们也会把"heaven"和地狱(hell)相对应,用来形容极端的两种情况。

例句:My boss is an angel, but my coworker is a devil. It's like heaven and hell in the office.

6. 最后,"Heaven"也可以作为一个名词使用,指代某个特定的天空或者宇宙空间。

例句:The stars were shining brightly in the night sky, making it feel like we were under a blanket of heaven


1. In seventh heaven: 意为非常幸福或高兴,来自基督教中的第七天天堂。

例句:She was in seventh heaven when she received the news of her promotion.

2. Heaven on earth: 意为极乐世界,描述一个非常美好的地方或情境。

例句:The beach resort was like heaven on earth, with its crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches.

3. Move heaven and earth: 意为不遗余力,竭尽全力去做某事。

例句:He promised to move heaven and earth to find a cure for his daughter's illness.

4. A match made in heaven: 意为天作之合,形容两个人非常般配。

例句:Their marriage was truly a match made in heaven, they complemented each other perfectly.

5. Heaven forbid: 意为天啊不要这样,表示强烈的反对或不愿意发生某件事。

例句:Heaven forbid that anything bad happens to her on her trip abroad.

6. Heaven-sent: 意为天赐的,形容某件事或某人来得正是时候或恰到好处。

例句:The rain was a heaven-sent blessing for the farmers who were struggling with drought.

7. The heavens opened: 意为突然下起大雨,通常用于形容下雨非常大或突然降雨的情况。

例句:As soon as we stepped out of the car, the heavens opened and we were drenched in seconds.

8. Speak of heaven: 意为说曹操曹操就到,形容某人或某事物正好出现在谈论的时候。

例句:As soon as I mentioned his name, he walked in the door. Speak of heaven!

9. Heaven knows: 意为天知道,表示不确定或无法解释。

例句:Heaven knows why she decided to quit her job and travel the world.

10. Heaven and hell: 意为天堂和地狱,形容极端的对立面。

例句:She went through heaven and hell to get where she is today, but it was all worth it in the end


1. 天堂


2. 乐园


3. 天国


4. 极乐世界


5. 仙境


6. 天堂般的


7. 梦幻


8. 乌托邦


9. 天上人间


10. 人间仙境



