

更新时间:2024-03-10 20:37:15作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gust



1. “gust”一词的发音


2. “gust”的意思

那么,“gust”究竟是什么意思呢?它有两种常见的含义:一种是指突然而猛烈的风;另一种是指突然而强烈的情感或行为。比如,我们可以说“The gust of wind almost blew me away.”(那股大风差点把我吹走了。)或者“The sudden gust of anger made him break the window.”(突然爆发的愤怒使他打碎了窗户。)

3. 另有“gusto”的意思

此外,还有一个和“gust”相似但含义不同的单词,“gusto”。它也有两种常见的含义:一种是指热情、兴致;另一种是指味道、风味。比如,我们可以说“She sang with great gusto.”(她唱得非常投入。)或者“The pasta has a rich and delicious gusto.”(这道意大利面有浓郁的美味。)

How to pronounce gust


1. 首先,我们需要知道“gust”的意思。它是一个名词,指的是突然的强风。可以用来形容大风吹过时的那种猛烈感觉。

2. “gust”的发音是 [ɡʌst]。这个单词有两个音节,重音在第一个音节上。

3. 第一个音节 [ɡʌ] 的发音与汉语中的“咕噜”类似,但是要注意不要把舌头卷起来。舌尖要放在下齿床后方,并且要带有一点轻微的气流。

4. 第二个音节 [st] 的发音与汉语中的“思特”类似,但是要注意不要把舌头贴住上腭。舌尖要放在下齿床后方,并且要带有一点气流。

5. 最后,记得把两个音节连起来快速地说出来,重点放在第一个音节上即可。


The usage and examples of gust

1. The Definition of Gust

Gust is a noun that refers to a sudden, strong blast of wind. It can also be used as a verb to describe the action of blowing or being blown in gusts. In general, gust is associated with strong and unpredictable winds.

2. Common Usage of Gust

The word gust is commonly used in weather forecasts, especially when describing windy conditions. It can also be used in everyday conversations to describe a sudden burst of wind or air.

3. Examples of Gust in Sentences

- The gusts of wind were so strong that it knocked over the trash cans.

- The storm brought with it powerful gusts that caused damage to buildings and trees.

- She was walking down the street when a gust of wind blew her hat off her head.

- The kite soared higher and higher with each gust of wind.

- We could hear the loud roar of the ocean as the gusty winds picked up.

4. Synonyms for Gust

Some other words that can be used interchangeably with gust include blast, burst, flurry, gale, and squall. These words all convey a sudden and strong movement of air.

5. Idioms Related to Gust

There are several idioms related to gust that are commonly used in English language:

- "Gust of laughter" - this idiom is used to describe a sudden outburst or burst of laughter.

- "Gust of emotion" - this idiom is used to describe a sudden surge or intense feeling or emotion.

- "Gust through" - this idiom means to pass through quickly or without stopping.

6. Cultural References

In literature and popular culture, gust may also have symbolic meanings. For example:

- In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth says "Look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under ’t; he that’s coming must be provided for: and you shall put this night’s great business into my dispatch, which shall to all our nights and days to come give solely sovereign sway and masterdom." The word "gust" here is used to describe the suddenness and force of Lady Macbeth's actions.

- In the novel Gone with the Wind, gust is used to symbolize the unpredictable nature of life during the Civil War. The character Scarlett O'Hara says "Fiddle-dee-dee. War, war, war; this war talk’s spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream. Besides... there isn’t going to be any war." The word "gust" here represents the sudden changes brought about by the war.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, gust is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts. It is most commonly associated with strong winds, but it can also be used in idiomatic expressions and literary references. By understanding its definition and usage in different situations, one can effectively incorporate gust into their vocabulary and communication

Phrases with gust

1. "In a gust of wind" - 在一阵风中


2. "Gust of emotion" - 情感的洪流


3. "Gust of laughter" - 笑声爆发


4. "Gust of creativity" - 创造力的爆发


5. "Gust of change" - 变革之风


6. "Feel the gust" - 感受那股力量


7. "Gust of flavor" - 味蕾爆发


8. "Gust of passion" - 激情的冲击


9. "Gust of adventure" - 探险之旅


10. "Gust of determination" - 决心如风


Synonym examples for gust

1. "Blast": A sudden, strong gust of wind can be described as a blast, just like the blast of air from a hairdryer.

2. "Breeze": A gentle gust of wind can also be referred to as a breeze, like the cool breeze on a summer day.

3. "Whiff": If the gust of wind is light and fleeting, it can be called a whiff, similar to the scent of perfume that comes and goes quickly.

4. "Puff": A short and forceful gust of wind can be described as a puff, like the puff of air from blowing out a candle.

5. "Gale": A very strong and powerful gust of wind is often referred to as a gale, like the gale force winds during a hurricane.

6. "Squall": A sudden and violent gust of wind accompanied by rain or snow is known as a squall, similar to a sudden storm at sea.

7. "Zephyr": A light and gentle gust of wind that brings relief on a hot day is called a zephyr, like the zephyr winds in Greek mythology that bring spring.

8. "Gustiness": The state or quality of being windy with frequent gusts can be described as gustiness, similar to describing someone's personality as being full of energy and excitement.

9. "Puffiness": The act or sound of something being blown by a gust of wind can be referred to as puffiness, just like leaves rustling in the wind.

10. "Bluster": An aggressive or boastful display that resembles the forcefulness of a strong gust of wind is known as bluster, similar to someone bragging loudly about their achievements


