

更新时间:2024-03-10 20:36:33作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gust

Are you curious about the meaning of "gust", how to pronounce it, and what are its synonyms and examples? Well, let me break it down for you in a fun and easy way.


1. What does "gust" mean?

"Gust" is a noun that refers to a sudden strong rush of wind. It can also be used as a verb meaning to blow in gusts or bursts.

2. How do you pronounce "gust"?

The correct pronunciation of "gust" is /ɡʌst/. It rhymes with words like "rust" and "trust".

3. Synonyms for "gust"

If you want to sound fancy and impress your friends, here are some synonyms for "gust":

- Blast: a sudden strong movement of air

- Squall: a sudden violent wind often accompanied by rain or snow

- Breeze: a gentle wind

4. Examples of using "gust"

To help you understand how to use "gust" in context, here are some examples:

- A gust of wind blew my hat off.

- The storm brought strong gusts that knocked over trees.

- The breeze turned into a gust, making it difficult to walk.

Now that you know the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and examples of "gust", go out and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge! And remember, always hold onto your hat when there's a gust of wind

Is gust an idiom?




除了上面提到的同义词之外,gust还可以作为动词使用,意为"吹动"或者"刮起强风"。例如:"The wind gusts fiercely."(风猛烈地吹着。)另外,在日常口语中也可以用"gust of wind"来表示一阵强风。

那么,在日常生活中我们是否会用到"gust"这个词呢?其实,它并不常用,但是在某些特定的场景下还是会出现的。比如,在天气预报中就会提到"gusts of wind"(阵风)这个词汇。另外,在文学作品中也经常会出现,比如在描述自然环境或者气氛时

Usage and examples of gust

1. What does "gust" mean?

"Gust" refers to a sudden, strong burst of wind or air.

2. How do you pronounce "gust"?

"Gust" is pronounced as /ɡʌst/, with a hard "g" sound and a short "u" sound.

3. Synonyms for "gust"

Other words that can be used to describe a gust of wind include blast, burst, gusty, squall, and flurry.

4. Examples of using "gust"

- A strong gust of wind blew away the umbrella.

- The sudden gusts of wind made it difficult to walk.

- The storm brought with it powerful gusts that knocked down trees and power lines.

- I could feel the cold gusts of air coming through the open window.

- The kite soared high in the sky when a sudden gust lifted it up.

5. How to use "gust" in a sentence

- Don't forget to hold on tight to your hat, there's a strong gust coming!

- The wind was calm one minute and then suddenly there was a powerful gust that nearly knocked me over.

- The tent was flapping wildly in the strong gusts of wind.

- We were caught in a sudden rainstorm with heavy gusts that soaked us within minutes.

- The leaves rustled as the gentle gusts of breeze passed through the trees

Antonyms and synonyms of gust

1. Antonyms of gust

- Calm - the opposite of gust, refers to a lack of wind or a peaceful state.

Example: The lake was calm, with no gusts of wind disturbing its surface.

- Still - another antonym of gust, means not moving or without wind.

Example: The air was still and there were no gusts to cool us down on that hot summer day.

2. Synonyms of gust

- Breeze - a gentle wind that is pleasant and refreshing.

Example: A cool breeze blew through the open window, replacing the stuffy air in the room.

- Gale - a strong wind that can cause damage and destruction.

Example: The gale was so strong that it uprooted trees and knocked down power lines.

3. Examples of how to use "gust" in a sentence

- A sudden gust of wind blew my hat off my head.

- We could hear the howling gusts as the storm approached.

- The tent collapsed under the force of the powerful gusts.

- She shivered as a cold gust hit her face.

- The trees swayed back and forth in the strong gusts.

4. Other synonyms for "gust"

- Wind - refers to moving air, but can also be used as a synonym for "gust".

Example: A strong wind blew through the city, causing damage to buildings and knocking over trash cans.

- Blast - used to describe a sudden burst or rush of wind.

Example: We were caught in a blast of cold air when we opened the door to leave the house.

5. Other antonyms for "gust"

- Zephyr - a light, gentle breeze that is usually associated with springtime weather.

Example: The zephyr carried with it the scent of blooming flowers as it gently brushed against our skin.

- Hurricane - refers to an extremely powerful storm with strong winds.

Example: The hurricane brought gusts of wind that reached over 100 miles per hour, causing widespread destruction.

In conclusion, gust can be defined as a sudden, strong burst of wind. Its antonyms include calm and still, while its synonyms include breeze and gale. Other words that can be used as synonyms for gust are wind and blast, while zephyr and hurricane are antonyms. Examples of how to use "gust" in a sentence were also provided to further illustrate its meaning

Explanation of gust

1. What is "gust"?(什么是"gust"?)


2. How to pronounce "gust"?(如何发音"gust"?)


3. Synonyms for "gust"("gust"的同义词)

- Blast:爆发、冲击

- Squall:短暂的暴风雨

- Breeze:微风、轻风

4. Example sentences(例句)

- A sudden gust of wind blew my hat off.


- The storm brought heavy gusts of rain and thunder.


- The wind was gusting up to 50 miles per hour.


In conclusion, gust is a commonly used word in English that refers to a sudden burst of wind or emotion. Its pronunciation may vary, but it is not considered an idiom. As shown through its usage and examples, gust can be used in various contexts and has both antonyms and synonyms. Whether you are a native speaker or learning English as a second language, understanding the meaning of gust is essential for effective communication. As the editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with useful information about gust and has piqued your interest in our content. If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider following us for more language-related topics. Thank you for your support!


