
gross weight是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:18:36作者:自考教育网

你是否经常在购物或出行时看到商品或行李上标有“gross weight”的字样?那么,你知道这个词的意思吗?今天,我们就来揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。或许你会惊讶于它的拼音,也可能对它的用法和双语例句感兴趣。不仅如此,还有一些相关词组和同义词示例也值得一探究竟。让我们一起来探索gross weight的奥秘吧!

gross weight是什么意思

gross weight的拼音

Gross weight的拼音为"gǔ zhòng",是一个英文短语,由"gross"和"weight"两个单词组成。它的意思是总重量或毛重,通常用于商业和贸易领域。下面将详细解释gross weight的含义。

1. "Gross"的意思是总的、整体的,可以指数量、金额或重量等。在商业领域中,它通常指商品或货物的总量。

2. "Weight"是重量的意思,在商业术语中也可以指货物的重量。

3. 因此,gross weight可以理解为商品或货物包装后的总重量,包括商品本身和包装材料在内。它通常用于运输和贸易时计算费用,也可以作为产品标签上显示的重量。

4. 与gross weight相对应的概念是net weight(净重),指商品本身不含包装材料时的重量。因此,在购买商品时要注意区分这两个概念,以免产生误解。

5. 在国际贸易中,gross weight还有另外一个含义,即整批货物包括所有集装箱在内的总重量。这对于海运和空运非常重要,在出口和进口过程中需要准确记录并申报。

6. Gross weight也经常出现在食品包装上,作为营养信息的一部分。它表示整包食品的总重量,消费者可以根据这个数字计算每份食物的重量和热量等信息

gross weight怎么读

1. gross weight的定义

Gross weight是一个英文词组,由两个单词组成,即“gross”和“weight”。它的中文意思是“毛重”,是指物体本身的重量加上包装材料等附加物的总重量。在国际贸易中,gross weight通常用来表示货物的总重量,包括货物本身和运输用的包装材料。

2. gross weight的发音

Gross weight的发音为/ɡrəʊs weɪt/,其中第一个单词“gross”的发音为/ɡrəʊs/,读作“格罗斯”,第二个单词“weight”的发音为/weɪt/,读作“威特”。

3. gross weight与net weight的区别

Gross weight和net weight都是用来表示货物重量的单位,但两者有着明显的区别。Net weight指的是货物本身的重量,不包括任何附加物。而gross weight则是指货物本身和附加物(如包装材料)的总重量。因此,在运输过程中,gross weight通常比net weight要大。

4. 如何使用gross weight

在国际贸易中,gross weight通常用来确定运费、报关税等费用。因此,在出口或进口货物时,需要准确地知道货物的gross weight。一般来说,在商品标签或包装上都会标明gross weight,也可以通过称重来确定。

5. gross weight的相关术语

除了gross weight之外,还有一些相关的术语需要了解:

- Tare weight:指的是包装材料本身的重量,如纸箱、木箱等。

- Net net weight:指的是货物本身去除包装材料后的净重量。

- Volumetric weight:是指根据货物体积计算出来的重量,通常用于运输轻而大的物品

gross weight的用法和双语例句

1. gross weight的含义

Gross weight是一个英语短语,由两个单词组成,即gross和weight。Gross一般表示“总的,整体的”,weight则表示“重量”。因此,gross weight的字面意思就是“总重量”。在商业和贸易领域中,gross weight通常指的是货物或物品本身的重量加上包装材料的重量。

2. gross weight的用法

在商业和贸易领域中,gross weight通常用来描述货物或物品的总重量。它可以作为一个单位来衡量货物或物品的重量大小,并且通常会被列在发票、运输文件和其他相关文件中。例如,“The gross weight of the shipment is 1000kg.”(这批货物的总重量为1000公斤。)

3. gross weight与net weight的区别

Gross weight和net weight都是用来衡量货物或物品重量的单位,但它们之间有一些区别。Net weight指的是货物或物品本身不包括包装材料时的重量。而gross weight则是包括了包装材料在内的整体重量。因此,在计算净重时需要从总重中减去包装材料所占用的重量。

4. 双语例句

1) The gross weights of the two containers are different due to the different packaging materials used.


2) The gross weight of the shipment must be clearly stated on the invoice.


3) The gross weight of this product is 5kg, while the net weight is only 3kg.


4) The gross weight of the cargo exceeded the limit, so we had to repack it.


5) Please make sure to include both net weight and gross weight in your shipping documents.


6) The gross weight of this package is too heavy, we need to use a forklift to load it onto the truck.


gross weight的词组

1. 总重量 - gross weight


2. 毛重 - gross weight


3. 总毛重 - total gross weight


4. 净毛比例 - net to gross ratio


5. 毛体积 - gross volume


6. 总净毛比例 - total net to gross ratio


7. 毛重限制 - gross weight limitation


8. 毛重标识 - gross weight label


9. 毛重计算 - gross weight calculation


10. 每件毛重 - gross weight per piece


gross weight同义词示例

1. Total weight

- Total weight refers to the sum of all the individual weights of a particular object or group of objects. It is often used interchangeably with gross weight, especially in industries such as logistics and transportation.

2. Overall weight

- Similar to total weight, overall weight also refers to the combined weight of an object or group of objects. It can be used as a synonym for gross weight in various contexts.

3. Full weight

- Full weight is another way to express the total or gross weight of something. It implies that there are no missing or incomplete parts and the object is weighed as a whole.

4. Complete weight

- Complete weight is yet another synonym for gross weight, emphasizing that all components or parts are included in the measurement.

5. Gross mass

- Gross mass is commonly used in scientific and technical fields to describe the total mass of an object, including its own mass and any additional mass it carries.

6. Brutto weight

- Brutto is a Latin word meaning "gross" or "total". Therefore, brutto weight is another term for gross weight, often used in European countries.

7. Shipping weight

- Shipping weight refers to the total amount of pounds or kilograms that a shipment weighs, including packaging materials and any other necessary items.

8. Laden weight

- Laden means loaded or burdened with something, so laden weight refers to the total amount of load an object carries, including its own mass.

9. Bulkweight

- Bulkweight is typically used in industries such as mining and agriculture to describe the combined mass of bulk materials like grains, coal, or ore.

10. Heavyweight

- Heavyweight can be used as a synonym for gross weight when describing objects that are significantly heavy or have a high overall mass compared to their size

gross weight是一个常用的英语词汇,它的拼音为/groʊs weɪt/,读起来并不困难。在使用时,我们可以根据具体情况来选择合适的词组,例如gross weight limit(总重限制)、gross weight loss(总重损失)等。同时,我们也可以通过寻找同义词来丰富自己的表达方式。希望本文能够帮助到你,如果有任何疑问或建议,请留言给我。我是网站编辑小李,喜欢就关注我吧!祝大家学习进步,用好英语!

