
gross weight 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-03-10 17:17:07作者:自考教育网

今天我们将要讨论的主题是“gross weight 是什么意思”。或许你在日常生活中经常听到这个词,但是你是否真正了解它的含义呢?在本文中,我们将为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。通过学习“gross weight”的发音、用法及例句,我们将带你领略这个词背后更深层的含义。让我们一起来探索“gross weight”的世界吧!

The pronunciation of "gross weight"

1. Introduction

In the field of translation and interpretation, it is important to have a clear understanding of specialized terms and their correct pronunciation. One such term that is commonly used in this industry is "gross weight". In this section, we will explore the pronunciation of this term and its meaning.

gross weight 是什么意思

2. What is "gross weight"?

Before we dive into the pronunciation of "gross weight", let's first understand what it means. Gross weight refers to the total weight of a product or shipment, including its packaging and any additional materials used for protection during transportation. It is an important factor in logistics and trade, as it determines the cost of shipping and handling.

3. Pronunciation of "gross weight"

The term "gross weight" is pronounced as /ɡroʊs weɪt/ in American English and /ɡrəʊs weɪt/ in British English. The key difference lies in the pronunciation of the vowel sound in "gross". In American English, it is pronounced as /oʊ/, while in British English it is pronounced as /əʊ/.

4. Tips for correct pronunciation

To ensure accurate pronunciation of "gross weight", here are some tips to keep in mind:

- The first syllable, "gross", should be stressed.

- The letter "o" should be pronounced with a long vowel sound.

- The letter "w" should be pronounced with a slight glide sound.

- The second syllable, "weight", should be pronounced with a long vowel sound.

5. Common mispronunciations

Due to its spelling, the term "gross weight" may be mispronounced by non-native speakers or those unfamiliar with its meaning. Some common mispronunciations include:

- /ɡrəs wait/

- /ɡroʊz weɪt/

- /ɡroʊs weɪtə/

It is important to avoid these mispronunciations as they may lead to misunderstanding or confusion in communication.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "gross weight" refers to the total weight of a product or shipment and is pronounced as /ɡroʊs weɪt/ in American English and /ɡrəʊs weɪt/ in British English. Remembering the correct pronunciation and avoiding common mispronunciations will help ensure clear communication in the field of translation and interpretation

How to pronounce "gross weight"

1. Gross weight是什么意思

- Gross weight是指物品的总重量,包括物品本身的重量和包装材料的重量。

- 在国际贸易中,常用于计算货物的运费和税费。

2. 怎样正确发音"gross weight"

- 首先,我们来看一下"gross"这个单词。它的发音为/groʊs/,其中"g"发/k/音,"r"发/r/音。

- 接着,我们来看一下"weight"这个单词。它的发音为/weɪt/,其中"w"发/w/音,"ei"发/eɪ/音。

- 因此,整个词组"gross weight"的正确发音为/groʊs weɪt/。

3. 如何记住正确的发音

- 可以将"gross weight"拆分成两个单词来记忆。将"gross"记为"G-R-O-S-S(哥斯拉)",将"weight"记为"W-E-I-G-H-T(维京人)"。

- 这样记忆起来就像是在说"G-R-O-S-S W-E-I-G-H-T(哥斯拉维京人)”一样简单有趣。

- 它的正确发音为/groʊs weɪt/,可以将"G-R-O-S-S(哥斯拉)"和"W-E-I-G-H-T(维京人)"组合起来记忆。

- 希望本次介绍能帮助你正确发音"gross weight",让你在工作中更加自信地使用这个词组

Usage and examples of "gross weight"

1. What is "gross weight"?

Gross weight refers to the total weight of a product or item, including its packaging and any additional materials. It is often used in industries such as shipping, logistics, and manufacturing to determine the overall weight of goods being transported or sold.

2. How is "gross weight" calculated?

To calculate gross weight, you need to add the net weight (weight of the product) to the tare weight (weight of the packaging and other materials). This will give you the total weight of the product, which is known as gross weight.

3. Why is "gross weight" important?

Knowing the gross weight of a product is important for various reasons. For one, it helps determine shipping costs and fees, as carriers often charge based on the total weight of a shipment. In addition, certain regulations and safety standards may require products to be labeled with their gross weights for accurate handling and transportation.

4. Examples of "gross weight"

- A shipment of 1000 boxes of shoes has a net weight of 5000 pounds and a tare weight of 200 pounds per box. The gross weight would be calculated as: 5000 + (1000 x 200) = 205000 pounds.

- When purchasing fruits at a grocery store, you may notice that they are labeled with both net and gross weights. For example, a bag of apples may have a net weight of 5 pounds and a gross weight of 5.5 pounds due to its packaging.

- In manufacturing processes, knowing the gross weights of raw materials and finished products can help with inventory management and cost calculations.

5. Differences between "gross weight" and "net weight"

While gross weight includes all aspects related to an item's total mass, net weight refers only to the actual physical mass of the item itself without any additional materials or packaging included. Net weights are often used for labeling and pricing purposes, while gross weights are more relevant for logistical and transportation purposes.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, gross weight is an important concept in various industries and plays a crucial role in determining the overall weight of a product. By understanding how it is calculated and its significance, you can better navigate the complexities of shipping, logistics, and manufacturing processes

Phrases using "gross weight"

1. Definition of Gross Weight

Gross weight refers to the total weight of a product, including its packaging and any additional materials. It is often used in trade and commerce to determine the weight of goods being transported or sold.

2. Calculating Gross Weight

To calculate gross weight, you simply add the weight of the product to the weight of its packaging. For example, if a product weighs 10 kilograms and its packaging weighs 2 kilograms, then the gross weight would be 12 kilograms.

3. Gross Weight vs Net Weight

Gross weight should not be confused with net weight, which refers to the weight of just the product without any additional materials or packaging. Net weight is often used to determine the actual amount of product being sold or shipped.

4. Importance of Gross Weight in International Trade

In international trade, gross weight plays an important role in determining shipping costs and import/export duties. It is also used for safety purposes as it helps ensure that cargo does not exceed maximum load limits for transportation vehicles.

5. Gross Weight Limit

Many countries have regulations on maximum gross weights for vehicles on their roads. This is to ensure safety and prevent damage to roads and infrastructure. In some cases, fines may be imposed if a vehicle exceeds its maximum gross weight limit.

6. Gross Weight in Aviation

In aviation, gross weight is crucial for determining aircraft performance and fuel requirements. This includes not only the weight of passengers and cargo but also factors such as weather conditions and altitude.

7. Common Phrases Using "Gross Weight"

a) "The gross weight of this shipment is 500 kilograms."

b) "Please provide us with the net and gross weights for each item."

c) "The maximum gross vehicle weight allowed on this road is 40 tons."

d) "The pilot checked the aircraft's gross weight before takeoff."

e) "The manufacturer lists both net and gross weights on their product labels."

8. Conclusion

In summary, gross weight refers to the total weight of a product, including its packaging and any additional materials. It is an important concept in trade and commerce, as well as in transportation and aviation. Understanding the difference between gross weight and net weight is essential for accurate measurements and calculations

Synonym examples for "gross weight"

1. Total weight: This refers to the overall weight of an object, including all its components and packaging materials.

2. Gross mass: Similar to gross weight, this term also includes the weight of all components and packaging materials, but is more commonly used in the context of scientific measurements.

3. Overall weight: This term is often used in a more general sense to describe the total weight of an object or group of objects.

4. Brutto weight: This is a synonym for gross weight commonly used in European countries.

5. Full load weight: Used mainly in transportation and logistics industries, this term refers to the total weight of a vehicle or container when it is fully loaded with goods.

6. Total mass: Similar to total weight, this term also encompasses the entire mass of an object or system.

7. Deadweight: This refers to the total weight of a ship or aircraft when it is fully loaded with cargo, passengers, and fuel.

8. Gross tonnage: This term is specific to ships and refers to the total internal volume of a vessel, including all spaces used for storage and operation.

9. Shipping weight: As the name suggests, this term specifically relates to the total weight of goods being shipped from one place to another.

10. Loaded weight: Another term commonly used in transportation industries, this refers to the total weight of a vehicle or container when it is loaded with goods for transport

"gross weight"是一个重要的商业术语,它指的是物品本身的重量加上包装材料的重量。正确地掌握和使用这一术语,有助于我们更好地进行商业交易和贸易。希望本文能够为您解决关于“gross weight”的疑惑,并为您的商业活动带来便利。如果您还有其他关于商业术语的疑问,欢迎继续关注我们网站,我会为您提供更多有用的信息。作为网站编辑,我非常乐意为您提供帮助,并希望能够与您保持联系。谢谢阅读!

