

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:53:10作者:自考教育网



The pronunciation of grips

1. What is the meaning of "grips"?

- "Grips" is a noun that refers to a firm hold or grasp on something. It can also mean a tool or device used for holding or gripping something.

2. How do you pronounce "grips"?

- The word "grips" is pronounced as /ɡrɪps/ with a short "i" sound and an "s" at the end.

3. Synonyms for grips

- Some synonyms for grips include hold, grasp, clutch, grip, and clasp.

4. Examples of using "grips"

- She tightened her grips on the steering wheel as she drove through the storm.

- The rock climber's strong grips allowed him to scale the mountain effortlessly.

- The new phone case has better grips, making it easier to hold onto.

- The detective was determined to get a grip on the case and solve it quickly.

5. Common phrases with "grips"

- Get a grip: to gain control of one's emotions or actions

Example: He needs to get a grip on himself before he says something he'll regret.

- Lose your grip: to lose control of one's emotions or actions

Example: She completely lost her grip when she found out she didn't get the job.

- Keep a tight grip on something: to maintain control over something

Example: You need to keep a tight grip on your finances if you want to save money.

6. Idioms with "grips"

- In the grips of (something): being controlled by something

Example: The country was in the grips of an economic crisis.

- Get/give someone the wrong end of the stick: misunderstand someone or something

Example: I think you got the wrong end of the stick - I wasn't trying to offend you.

- Have/get someone in your grips: have control over someone

Example: The politician had the whole audience in his grips with his powerful speech.

7. Other meanings of "grips"

- In film and television production, "grips" refer to the technicians responsible for setting up and moving equipment on set.

- In slang, "grips" can mean hands or fists.

- In British slang, "grips" can also mean shoes or sneakers.

In conclusion, "grips" is a versatile word with various meanings and uses. It is important to pronounce it correctly as it can be easily confused with other words such as "grapes." Some synonyms for grips include hold, grasp, clutch, grip, and clasp. It is commonly used in phrases and idioms such as get a grip, lose your grip, and have someone in your grips. Additionally, it has different meanings in different contexts such as film production and slang

Is grips an idiom?

1. Introduction

2. Definition of Idiom

3. Meaning of "Grips"

4. Pronunciation of "Grips"

5. Synonyms for "Grips"

6. Examples of "Grips" in Sentences

7. Conclusion


In the field of translation and interpretation, it is important to have a clear understanding of the language being translated in order to accurately convey the message to the target audience. One common term that may arise during the translation process is "grips". In this section, we will explore whether "grips" can be considered as an idiom and its meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and examples.

Definition of Idiom:

An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. It is often used in everyday language and cannot be understood by simply looking at the individual words that make up the phrase.

Meaning of "Grips":

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "grips" can be defined as a strong hold or grasp on something or someone. It can also refer to a handle or part by which something is held, such as on a tool or weapon.

Pronunciation of "Grips":

The word "grips" is pronounced as /ɡrɪps/, with a short 'i' sound.

Synonyms for "Grips":

Some synonyms for grips include hold, grasp, clasp, clutch, griping, and clench.

Examples of "Grips" in Sentences:

1) He tightened his grips on the steering wheel as he drove through the storm.

2) The wrestler had a firm grip on his opponent's arm.

3) She lost her grips on reality after her traumatic experience.

4) The new knife has an ergonomic grip for better handling.

5) The company's profits are slipping out of their grips due to the economic downturn.


Based on the definition of an idiom, "grips" does not seem to fit the criteria as it can be understood by its literal meaning. It is a commonly used word in everyday language and does not have a figurative meaning that is different from its literal meaning. Therefore, "grips" cannot be considered as an idiom. However, it is important for translators and interpreters to have a clear understanding of the word in order to accurately convey the message to the target audience

Usage and examples of grips

1. What does "grips" mean?

- "Grips" is a slang term that means to understand or have a strong grasp on something.

- Example: "I finally got grips on this new software after watching a few tutorials."

2. How do you pronounce "grips"?

- "Grips" is pronounced as /grɪps/.

- Example: "Could you please tell me how to say 'grips' correctly?"

3. Synonyms for "grips"

- Some synonyms for "grips" include comprehend, grasp, and comprehend.

- Example: "She has a firm grip on the subject and can explain it well."

4. Examples of using "grips"

- He couldn't get grips on the concept no matter how many times he read the instructions.

- The team's coach had a tight grip on the game strategy and led them to victory.

- She has been struggling to get grips on her new job responsibilities, but she's slowly getting the hang of it.

In conclusion, "grips" is a commonly used slang term that means understanding or having a strong grasp on something. It can be used in various contexts and has synonyms such as comprehend and grasp. Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of the meaning and usage of this word. Now go out there and use it with confidence!

Antonyms and synonyms of grips

1. Antonyms of grips

1.1 Release

Grips can be defined as a firm hold or grasp on something. Therefore, its antonym would be release, which means to let go or free from restraint.

Example sentence:

She had a tight grip on the handlebars, but she eventually had to release her hold and let the bike fall to the ground.

1.2 Loose

Loose is another antonym of grips, which refers to something not tightly held or fastened. It can also mean to relax one's hold on something.

Example sentence:

The rope slipped from his loose grip and the package fell to the ground.

1.3 Drop

Drop is a verb that means to let something fall from one's hand or grasp unintentionally. It is an opposite action of gripping something tightly.

Example sentence:

The slippery soap bar caused her to drop it from her grip and it fell into the bathtub.

2. Synonyms of grips

2.1 Grasp

Grasp is a synonym of grips, which means to take hold of something firmly with hands or fingers. It can also refer to understanding or comprehending something.

Example sentence:

He grasped my hand tightly as we walked across the busy street.

2.2 Clutch

Clutch is another synonym for grips, which means to hold onto something tightly with one's hand or fingers. It can also refer to an object that enables one's hand to grip better.

Example sentence:

She clutched onto her purse as she walked through the dark alleyway.

2.3 Hold

Hold is a verb that has a similar meaning as grips, which refers to having a firm grasp on something with one's hand or fingers.

Example sentence:

He held onto his son's hand tightly as they crossed the street together.

3. Example sentences using 'grips'

3.1 The wrestler had a tight grip on his opponent's arm, making it impossible for him to escape.

3.2 She struggled to maintain her grip on the slippery rock as she climbed up the steep cliff.

3.3 The new handlebars have a better grip, making it easier for me to ride my bike.

3.4 He lost his grip on the railing and almost fell down the stairs.

3.5 The baby's tiny fingers wrapped around my thumb in a tight grip.

In conclusion, grips can be described as a firm hold or grasp on something, and its antonyms are release, loose, and drop. Some synonyms of grips include grasp, clutch, and hold. These words are often used in various contexts and can help add variety to your writing

Explanation of grips


Grips的发音为/grips/,读起来很像是“格里普斯”的音译。它的同义词包括holds, grasps, clutches等。


1. She grips onto the railing tightly as she climbs up the stairs.


2. The baby's tiny hand gripped onto his finger.


3. He couldn't get a grip on the situation and felt overwhelmed.


4. The detective finally got a grip on the case and solved it.


grips是一个常用的词汇,它可以用作动词或名词,意思是紧握或掌控。它的发音为/ɡrɪps/,并非成语。我们可以在日常生活中经常听到和使用这个词,比如“他紧紧地抓住我的手”,“她对这件事有很大的掌控力”。除了以上提到的用法外,grips还有许多同义词和反义词,如hold, grasp, release等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。我是网站编辑小李,在此感谢大家的阅读和关注。如果你喜欢我的文章,请继续关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢!


