

更新时间:2024-03-10 16:52:19作者:自考教育网



1. gripping的拼音是[grip-ing]。


2. "gripping"一词来自动词"grip",意为“抓住,紧握”,加上后缀"-ing"表示进行时态,因此"gripping"可以解释为“正在抓住”的意思。

3. 在英语中,gripping也可以作为形容词使用,表示“引人入胜的,扣人心弦的”,例如:“The novel's gripping plot kept me on the edge of my seat.”(这部小说扣人心弦的情节让我坐立不安。)

4. "gripping"也可以用来形容物体具有良好的抓握力或牢固性,例如:“The handle of this suitcase is very gripping, so it won't slip out of your hand.”(这个手提箱的把手非常有抓握力,所以不会从你手里滑出。)

5. 在日常口语中,我们也可以用"grip"和"gripping"来形容某件事物令人感兴趣或吸引人,例如:“This movie has a really good grip.”(这部电影非常吸引人。)或者“His speech was very gripping, I couldn't stop listening.”(他的演讲非常吸引人,我听得津津有味。)

6. 总而言之,“gripping”一词既可以作为动词使用表示“抓住”,也可以作为形容词使用表示“引人入胜的,具有抓握力的”,在不同的语境下有着不同的含义


1. 什么是gripping?


2. 如何正确读音gripping?


3. gripping的同义词有哪些?


4. gripping与grabbing有什么区别?


5. gripping在不同语境下的用法

除了上述提到的意思之外,gripping还可以表示“控制”、“支配”,例如:The fear was gripping her heart.(恐惧支配着她的心)。此外,它还可以用来形容某件事物给人带来强烈的感受或体验,例如:The movie was gripping from start to finish.(这部电影从头到尾都让人感受非常强烈)。

6. 如何正确使用gripping?



1. 什么是gripping?


2. 如何使用gripping?


3. gripping的双语例句

- The gripping plot of the movie kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end. (这部电影扣人心弦的情节让我一直坐立不安直到最后。)

- The novel's gripping opening scene immediately drew me into the story. (小说引人入胜的开场景让我立刻沉浸在故事中。)

- Despite its length, the documentary was so gripping that I didn't even notice the time passing by. (尽管很长,这部纪录片如此吸引人,以至于我都没注意到时间过去了。)

4. 为什么要使用gripping?



1. 抓住人心的:gripping the hearts of people

2. 扣人心弦的:gripping the emotions

3. 引人入胜的:gripping the attention

4. 深深吸引着:gripping and captivating

5. 令人难以忘怀的:gripping and unforgettable

6. 让人着迷的:gripping and mesmerizing

7. 引发共鸣的:gripping and resonating

8. 令人紧张不安的:gripping and nerve-wracking

9. 持续吸引着观众:continuously gripping the audience

10. 让人无法放手的:unputdownable and gripping


1. Fascinating

- This gripping novel had me hooked from the very first page.

- The documentary was so fascinating and gripping that I couldn't look away.

2. Compelling

- The gripping plot kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie.

- The author has a way of writing that makes every story compelling and gripping.

3. Engrossing

- The gripping storyline of this TV series had me binge-watching for hours.

- The book was so engrossing and gripping that I finished it in one sitting.

4. Absorbing

- The gripping performance of the lead actor made this play truly absorbing.

- I couldn't put down this gripping mystery novel, it was just too absorbing.

5. Captivating

- The gripping opening scene was so captivating that I knew I had to watch the whole movie.

- This author has a talent for creating characters that are captivating and make for a gripping read.

6. Intriguing

- This documentary presents an intriguing and gripping look into the world of art forgery.

- From start to finish, this book is filled with intriguing twists and turns that make it a truly gripping read.

7. Gripping (repetitive but still valid)

- The movie's fast-paced action scenes were incredibly gripping.

- This true crime podcast is known for its gripping storytelling style


