

更新时间:2024-03-10 15:04:08作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of gratitude

1. What does gratitude mean?


Gratitude, pronounced as "grat-i-tood", is a noun that refers to the quality of being thankful or appreciative. It comes from the Latin word "gratus" meaning pleasing or thankful.

2. How do you pronounce gratitude?

Gratitude is pronounced as "grat-i-tood" or "grat-i-tyood". The emphasis is on the first syllable, and the "i" in the second syllable is pronounced like a long "e".

3. Synonyms for gratitude

Some synonyms for gratitude include thankfulness, appreciation, recognition, and indebtedness. These words all express a feeling of being grateful or thankful towards someone or something.

4. Example sentences using gratitude

- I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey.

- He showed his gratitude by sending a thank-you note to his boss.

- Gratitude is important in maintaining positive relationships with others.

- We should always have an attitude of gratitude towards those who have helped us in any way.

In conclusion, gratitude is more than just saying "thank you". It is a genuine feeling of appreciation and thankfulness towards others. So let's remember to show our gratitude not just through words, but also through our actions

How to say gratitude

1. What does gratitude mean?

Gratitude refers to the feeling of being thankful or appreciative towards someone or something for their kindness, help, or generosity.

2. How do you pronounce gratitude?

Gratitude is pronounced as "grat-i-tood" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for gratitude

Other words that have similar meanings to gratitude include appreciation, thankfulness, recognition, and indebtedness.

4. Examples of using gratitude in a sentence

- I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the volunteers who helped make this event a success.

- I feel a sense of gratitude towards my parents for all the sacrifices they have made for me.

- The company showed their employees their gratitude by giving them bonuses and extra vacation days.

5. Ways to say "thank you"

Instead of simply saying "thank you," here are some other ways to express your gratitude:

- I am grateful for...

- I appreciate...

- Thank you so much for...

- I can't thank you enough for...

6. Show your gratitude through actions

Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Here are some ways to show your gratitude through actions:

- Write a thank-you note or card.

- Do something nice or helpful for the person.

- Give them a small gift as a token of appreciation.

- Simply say "thank you" with a smile and sincerity.

In conclusion, expressing gratitude is important in our daily lives as it not only shows our appreciation but also helps strengthen relationships with others. So don't forget to say "thank you" and show your gratitude in meaningful ways

Usage and examples of gratitude

1. What is gratitude?

Gratitude is a noun that refers to the quality of being thankful and showing appreciation for something or someone. It is often described as a feeling of thankfulness and an expression of gratitude towards someone who has done something kind or helpful.

2. How to pronounce 'gratitude'?

Gratitude is pronounced as "grat-i-tood" in British English and "grat-i-tood" or "grat-i-tyood" in American English.

3. Synonyms for gratitude

Some synonyms for gratitude include thankfulness, appreciation, recognition, indebtedness, and gratefulness.

4. Examples of using gratitude in sentences

- I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the doctors and nurses who have been working tirelessly during this pandemic.

- She showed her gratitude by sending him a handwritten thank-you note.

- We should never forget to show our gratitude towards those who have helped us along the way.

- His act of kindness left me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

- I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that have come my way.

5. Expressions with 'gratitude'

There are several expressions that use the word 'gratitude' in different contexts:

- Gratitude journal: A journal where one writes down things they are grateful for.

- Attitude of gratitude: A positive mindset focused on being thankful for what one has.

- Show/express/feel/grant gratitude: To display or convey one's appreciation and thankfulness towards someone or something.

- Words/conveyance/gesture of gratitude: An action or statement that shows appreciation and thankfulness.

6. The importance of practicing gratitude

Expressing and practicing gratitude has been linked to numerous benefits, including improved mental health, increased happiness, better relationships, and overall well-being. It helps shift one's focus from negative thoughts to positive ones and fosters a more optimistic outlook on life.

In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful emotion that can have a significant impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. It is important to cultivate and express gratitude in our daily lives, not just for others but also for ourselves. Let us all remember to be grateful for the blessings in our lives and show our appreciation towards those who make a positive difference

Phrases with gratitude

1. What Does Gratitude Mean?

- 感恩的意思是什么?

2. How Do You Pronounce Gratitude?

- 你怎么读gratitude?

3. Synonyms for Gratitude

- gratitude的同义词

4. Examples of Expressing Gratitude

- 表达感激之情的例子

Synonyms for gratitude with examples

1. What does gratitude mean?

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation towards someone or something.

2. How to pronounce gratitude?

Gratitude is pronounced as "grat-i-tood" or "grat-i-tood".

3. Synonyms for gratitude

- Thankfulness: expressing appreciation for something received.

Example: I want to express my thankfulness for all the support you have given me.

- Appreciation: recognizing the value or importance of something.

Example: I have a deep appreciation for all the hard work you put into this project.

- Gratefulness: feeling thankful and showing it.

Example: I am filled with gratefulness for the opportunity to work with such amazing people.

- Acknowledgement: recognizing and accepting the existence or truth of something.

Example: She deserves acknowledgement for her contributions to the team's success.

4. Examples using synonyms for gratitude

- I can't thank you enough for your help. (thankfulness)

- Your kindness and support are greatly appreciated. (appreciation)

- I am so grateful for your guidance and advice. (gratefulness)

- We must acknowledge the efforts of everyone who contributed to this achievement. (acknowledgement)

In conclusion, gratitude is a powerful emotion that can be expressed in various ways, such as thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness, and acknowledgement. It is important to show gratitude towards others and acknowledge their contributions in our lives. So, let's spread more gratitude and make this world a better place!



