

更新时间:2024-03-10 15:02:49作者:自考教育网



1. "grating"的发音

2. 英语中的单词"grating"是一个名词,意为“格栅”、“栅栏”、“隔板”。它的发音为[ˈɡreɪtɪŋ],其中重音在第一个音节上。


3. 音标解读:

- [ˈɡreɪtɪŋ]:方括号内的符号代表国际音标,用于表示英语单词的发音。这里可以分为三个部分来读:第一个音节为[ˈɡre],读作“格瑞”;第二个音节为[ɪ],读作“伊”;第三个音节为[ŋ],读作“恩”。整体连起来就是“格瑞-伊-恩”,重音在第一个音节上。

4. 发音技巧:

- 第一个音节[ˈɡre]:这里的重点是要将字母"G"和字母"R"分开发出来。首先将舌尖抵住上齿龈,然后轻轻地吐出气流,同时将舌尖向后收缩,在舌尖与上颚之间形成一小块空间。接着用力吸气,并轻轻地将舌尖抵住上齿龈,同时用力向前推动舌头。这样就能发出字母"G"的音。紧接着,将舌尖放松,舌尖自然下落,同时用力将舌头向后收缩,让舌尖与上颚之间的空间变大。这样就能发出字母"R"的音。

- 第二个音节[ɪ]:这个音节比较简单,只需要将嘴巴微微张开,舌头放松,轻轻吐出气流即可。

- 第三个音节[ŋ]:这个音节是一个鼻音,需要将嘴巴张开,舌头放松,同时用力吸气,并让气流通过鼻腔发出声音。

5. 练习建议:

- 可以通过听英语原生者发音来学习和模仿。可以在网上搜索相关视频或者录制自己的发音进行对比和练习。

- 也可以通过朗读练习来提高自己的发音技巧。可以选择一些包含单词"grating"的句子进行朗读,并注意重点把握每个音节的发声方式。

- 它的发音为[ˈɡreɪtɪŋ],重点在第一个音节,需要注意将字母"G"和字母"R"分开发出来。

- 可以通过听原生者发音和朗读练习来提高自己的发音技巧






1. The sound of the grating metal gate woke me up.


2. The grating noise of the car engine made me cover my ears.


3. She couldn't stand the grating feeling of sand between her toes.


4. The old man's voice was grating, but his stories were always interesting.




1. "grating"是一个形容词,意为“刺耳的”或“恼人的”。例如,当我在公共汽车上听到那个小孩高声尖叫时,我感到非常grating。

2. 这个词也可以用作名词,指代一种金属网格结构。例如,在工厂里,我们经常使用grating来覆盖地面以防止工人滑倒。

3. 在日常生活中,我们也可以用"grating"来描述某些声音或味道。例如,那个咖啡的味道真是太grating了,让我想吐。

4. 除了形容词和名词外,"grating"还可以作为动词使用。例如,在做饭时,把大蒜放入油锅中炸会产生一种很grating的气味。

5. 这个词也经常与其他形容词搭配使用来强调其程度。例如,“那个女孩的尖叫声真是太grating了!”

6. 最后,"grating"还可以用来比喻某种不愉快或令人不快的情况。例如,“每天早上被闹钟吵醒真是太grating了!”


1. "Grating on my nerves": 指某件事或某人让我感到特别烦躁、恼火。

例如:Her constant nagging is really grating on my nerves.

2. "Grating sound": 指刺耳的声音,通常用来形容不和谐、难听的声音。

例如:The screeching of the chalk on the blackboard was grating to my ears.

3. "Gratingly sarcastic": 指言辞刻薄、讽刺的,通常用来形容某人说话的语气。

例如:He answered her question with a gratingly sarcastic tone.

4. "Gratingly loud": 指声音过于大、刺耳,通常用来形容音乐或者其他噪音。

例如:The music at the party was gratingly loud, making it hard to have a conversation.

5. "Gratefully acknowledged": 指感激地接受、认可,通常用来表示对他人的帮助或支持表示感谢。

例如:I gratefully acknowledge your contribution to this project.

6. "Gratefully received": 指非常欢迎、乐意接受,通常用来表示对礼物或惊喜表示感激。

例如:The flowers were gratefully received by the new neighbors.

7. "Gratefully remembered": 指感激地记住、铭记。通常用来表达对某人或某件事情的感激之情。

例如:Her kindness will always be gratefully remembered by those she helped.

8. "Gratefully missed": 指怀念、想念,通常用来表达对离开的人或过去的事物的感慨。

例如:He was gratefully missed by his family and friends after he passed away.

9. "Gratefully accepted": 指感激地接受、欣然接受,通常用来表示对邀请或提议表示同意。

例如:I gratefully accepted their invitation to join them for dinner.

10. "Gratefully indebted": 指感激地欠着某人一份人情、恩情,通常用来表达对某人的帮助或支持表示感谢。

例如:I am gratefully indebted to my mentor for all the guidance and support he has given me


1. Irritating: "Grating" can be used to describe something that is annoying or bothersome, much like the sound of a grating noise.

2. Jarring: This word can be used to mean "grating" in the sense of something that is unpleasant or unsettling.

3. Harsh: When something is described as "grating," it often means that it is rough or unpleasant, much like a harsh sound.

4. Gruff: This word can be used to describe someone's voice or manner as "grating," meaning rough and unfriendly.

5. Abrasive: Similar to "gruff," this word can be used to describe someone or something as being harsh and unpleasant.

6. Gritty: When something is described as "grating," it may also mean that it has a rough, coarse texture, similar to grit.

7. Scratchy: This word can be used to describe a sound or feeling as being "grating," much like the sensation of scratching against a rough surface.

8. Nerve-wracking: In certain contexts, "grating" can imply something that is nerve-wracking or anxiety-inducing, much like an irritating noise.

9. Dissonant: This word can be used to describe something as being discordant or clashing, similar to a grating sound.

10. Unpleasant: Simply put, "grating" means unpleasant, so this word could also be used as a synonym in many cases



