

更新时间:2024-03-10 13:34:55作者:自考教育网




1. "graduate"的发音为[ˈɡrædʒuət],重音在第二个音节。

2. "graduate"的同义词包括:alumnus, postgraduate, degree holder等。

3. 例如:"She is a graduate of Harvard University."(她是哈佛大学的毕业生。)

4. 反问:"你是一名毕业生吗?"(Are you a graduate?)


1. 什么是graduate?


2. graduate的发音及读音


3. graduate的同义词及例句

(1) 同义词:finish, complete, obtain a degree, earn a diploma

例句:She will graduate from high school next year. (她明年将从高中毕业。)

I graduated from university with a degree in economics. (我以经济学学位从大学毕业。)

(2) 同义词:alumnus/alumna, former student, ex-student

例句:The university's most famous alumnus is now the president of a successful company. (这所大学最著名的校友现在是一家成功公司的总裁。)

Many former students came back to attend the school's anniversary celebration. (许多校友回来参加学校的周年庆典。)

(3) 同义词:grad, grad student, postgraduate

例句:After working for a few years, she decided to become a grad student and pursue a master's degree. (工作几年后,她决定成为一名研究生并攻读硕士学位。)

He is currently a postgraduate at Harvard University. (他目前是哈佛大学的研究生。)

4. graduate的衍生词

(1) graduation: 毕业典礼

例句:The graduation ceremony will be held in the school auditorium. (毕业典礼将在学校礼堂举行。)

(2) graduate school: 研究生院

例句:She plans to apply to graduate school next year. (她计划明年申请研究生院。)

(3) undergraduate: 大学本科生

例句:Most of the students in this class are undergraduates. (这个班级里大多数是本科生。)



1. graduate的意思是指毕业,通常用来描述一个人完成学业并获得学位或证书。例如:He will graduate from college next year. (他明年将从大学毕业。)

2. graduate的读音为 ['ɡrædʒuət],其中的"du"发音为 [dʒu],注意不要念成 [du:]。

3. graduate的同义词包括:complete one's studies(完成学业)、earn a degree(获得学位)、finish school(毕业)、obtain a diploma(取得文凭)等。

4. 例句:

- After years of hard work, she finally graduated with honors from law school. (经过多年的努力,她终于以优异成绩从法学院毕业。)

- My sister will graduate from high school this June and then go to college in the fall. (我妹妹将于今年六月从高中毕业,然后在秋季上大学。)

- He has been working part-time while studying, and he will soon graduate with a bachelor's degree in business management. (他一边学习一边兼职工作,很快就会以商务管理学士学位毕业。)

- After completing her studies abroad, she returned to her home country and started working as a doctor. (在国外完成学业后,她回到自己的祖国开始当医生。)


1. 毕业生 - graduate student

例句:He is a graduate of Harvard University. 他是哈佛大学的毕业生。

2. 研究生 - graduate school

例句:She is currently studying at the graduate school of economics. 她目前在经济学研究生院学习。

3. 毕业典礼 - graduation ceremony

例句:The graduation ceremony will be held next month. 毕业典礼将于下个月举行。

4. 毕业证书 - graduation certificate

例句:He proudly showed off his graduation certificate to his family. 他自豪地向家人展示毕业证书。

5. 就业方向 - career path

例句:After graduation, she decided to pursue a career path in marketing. 毕业后,她决定从事市场营销的职业道路。

6. 升学考试 - entrance exam

例句:She studied hard for the entrance exam to get into her dream university. 她为了进入梦想中的大学而努力备考升学考试。

7. 学位论文 - thesis

例句:Writing a thesis is a requirement for obtaining a master's degree. 写一篇论文是获得硕士学位的必要条件。

8. 学术成就 - academic achievement

例句:His academic achievements have been recognized by many top universities around the world. 他的学术成就得到了世界各地许多顶尖大学的认可。

9. 毕业旅行 - graduation trip

例句:After years of hard work, they decided to go on a graduation trip to celebrate their achievements. 经过多年的努力,他们决定去毕业旅行来庆祝自己的成就。

10. 毕业生活 - college life

例句:College life is full of challenges and opportunities. 大学生活充满了挑战和机遇


1. Alumnus: 毕业生,指已经从学校毕业的人。例句:He is an alumnus of Harvard University.

2. Grad: 毕业生,是graduate的简称。例句:She is a recent grad from Yale University.

3. Postgraduate: 研究生,指在本科毕业后继续深造的学生。例句:He is currently a postgraduate student at Oxford University.

4. Degree holder: 学位持有人,指已经获得学位的人。例句:She is a degree holder in Economics from Cambridge University.

5. Diploma recipient: 文凭获得者,指已经获得文凭的人。例句:He is a diploma recipient from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

6. Bachelor/Master/Doctorate candidate: 学士/硕士/博士候选人,指正在攻读学士/硕士/博士学位的人。例句:She is a bachelor candidate at Stanford University.

7. Graduate student: 研究生,与postgraduate含义相同,但更常用于美国英语。例句:He is a graduate student at Columbia University.

8. Undergraduate: 本科生,与postgraduate含义相反。例句:She is an undergraduate student at Princeton University.

9. Alumni: 校友,多指毕业后仍保持联系的校友们。例句:The alumni association organizes events for former students to reconnect with each other.

10. Graduand: 即将毕业的学生,指已经完成学业但还未正式毕业的学生。例句:He is a graduand from the University of Melbourne

graduate是指完成学业或获得学位的人,也可以指毕业生。它的发音为/ˈɡrædʒuət/。在使用时,我们可以说"I am a graduate of Harvard University."来表示"我是哈佛大学的毕业生。"此外,graduate还有一些常用的词组,如"graduate from"表示从某所大学毕业;"graduate with honors"表示以优异成绩毕业。它的同义词包括alumnus、postgraduate等。总之,graduate是一个非常重要的词汇,在求职、升学等方面都有着重要的意义。希望本文能够帮助到你,如果喜欢我的文章,请多多关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和信息。我是网站编辑,感谢您阅读本文!

