

更新时间:2024-03-10 13:34:15作者:自考教育网



1. 意思:毕业生,指已经完成学业并获得学位或证书的人。也可以用来指从某种经历或阶段结束后获得的成就或资格。

2. 发音:[ˈɡrædʒuəts],读作“格拉杜阿茨”。


3. 同义词:alumni(校友),grads(毕业生),former students(往届生)。

4. 例句:

- Many graduates are struggling to find a job in the current economic climate.


- After four years of hard work, she finally became a graduate with honors.


- Our company is looking for fresh graduates to join our team.



1. “graduates”的发音是[ˈɡrædʒuəts],其中重读音节为第一个音节“grad”。

2. “graduates”的发音中,第一个音节“grad”发音为清辅音/g/,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从喉部出来。第二个音节“u”发音为短元音/æ/,舌尖稍微抬起,口型呈现半开状态。最后一个音节“ates”发音为清辅音/ts/,舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从舌尖处出来。

3. “graduates”的复数形式是“graduates”,同样的发音规则适用于复数形式。

4. 同义词有:alumni、former students、ex-students等。

5. 例句:

- Many graduates choose to continue their education with a master's or doctoral degree.


- The university has a high employment rate for its graduates.


- After graduation, many graduates face the challenge of finding a job.



1. 意思:毕业生,指已经完成学业的学生。

例句:The university held a ceremony to honor the graduates of 2020.

2. 怎么读:[ˈɡrædʒuət]

例句:She is a recent graduate of Harvard University.

3. 同义词:alumni,alum,former students

例句:The alumni association organized a networking event for graduates to connect with each other.

4. 例句:

- Many graduates choose to pursue higher education after completing their undergraduate degree.

- The company is looking for graduates with strong communication skills and a desire to learn.

- She was the valedictorian of her graduating class, giving a speech at the commencement ceremony.

- The school offers career counseling services for recent graduates to help them find job opportunities


1. Alums - "Alums"是“毕业生”的俚语说法,常被用于描述已经从某所大学毕业的人。

例如:The school's alums often come back to visit and share their experiences with current students.

2. Grad - "Grad"是“毕业生”的简写形式,通常被年轻人使用。

例如:I can't believe we're finally grads! It feels like we've been in school forever.

3. Alumni - "Alumni"是“校友”的拉丁文复数形式,用来指代一群已经从同一所学校毕业的人。

例如:The alumni association organizes events for former students to stay connected with each other and the school.

4. Graduand - "Graduand"是指即将毕业的学生,通常用于英国和澳大利亚等英联邦国家。

例如:The graduands were excited to receive their diplomas at the graduation ceremony.

5. Ex-students - “Ex-students”是指曾经就读过某所学校但已经离开的学生,也可以用来指代毕业生。

例如:Many ex-students of this university have gone on to achieve great success in their careers


1. Definition of graduates

- 毕业生 (bì yè shēng)

- 毕业 (bì yè): graduation

2. Synonyms of graduates

- alumni: 校友 (xiào yǒu)

- former students: 前学生 (qián xué shēng)

- degree holders: 学位持有者 (xué wèi chí yǒu zhě)

3. How to read graduates

- grad-u-ates: /ˈɡrædʒuəts/

- stress on the first syllable: GRAD-uates

4. Example sentences

- Many graduates struggle to find a job after graduation.


- The university held a ceremony to honor its graduates.


- She is a recent graduate from Harvard University.


5. Related terms and phrases

- Graduation ceremony: 毕业典礼 (bì yè diǎn lǐ)

- Graduate school: 研究生院 (yán jiū shēng yuàn)

- Postgraduate: 研究生 (yán jiū shēng)

- Undergraduate: 本科生 (běn kē shēng)

- Freshman: 大一新生 (dà yī xīn shēng)

graduates是指毕业生,通常指大学或研究生院的毕业生。它的发音为 ['ɡrædʒuəts],可以简单地读作“graj-u-ets”。在使用时,我们可以说:“Congratulations to all the graduates!”(祝贺所有毕业生!)或者“Many graduates are struggling to find jobs in the current job market.”(许多毕业生在当前的就业市场中都在苦苦寻找工作。)同义词示例包括alumni、former students等。与graduates相关的词汇和短语还有degree、diploma、commencement ceremony等。我是网站编辑,希望通过这篇文章能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用graduates这个词汇。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和学习资料吧!


