

更新时间:2024-03-10 11:16:27作者:自考教育网



1. goodbye的定义:goodbye是英语中的告别用语,意为“再见”,通常用于离别时道别的场合。


2. goodbye的意思:除了表示“再见”外,goodbye也可以表示结束或结束某种关系,例如:“我们已经分手了,这就是最后一次说goodbye。”

3. goodbye怎么读:goodbye的发音为/gʊdˈbaɪ/,其中g和b都是辅音音素,u发[ʊ]音,d、y和e都发元音音素。

4. goodbye同义词:除了goodbye之外,还有许多其他词语可以表示“再见”,比如farewell、see you later、take care等。

5. goodbye例句:

(1) He said goodbye to his family before leaving for college.


(2) The company's CEO bid a tearful goodbye to his employees on his last day of work.


(3) It's time for me to say goodbye to this city and start a new chapter in my life.



1. goodbye的发音

goodbye一词的发音为 /ɡʊdˈbaɪ/,其中g和b之间的发音为软腭塞音,d和b之间的发音为爆破音。重读在第一个音节上,意味着第一个元音u被强调。整体来说,goodbye这个单词的发音比较简单,但需要注意的是将g和b两个辅音分开发音。

2. goodbye的读法

根据英语语言学规则,当字母o出现在两个辅音之间时,通常会发出短元音 /ʊ/ 的声音。因此,在goodbye中,字母o的发音为 /ʊ/。同时,字母y在单词结尾时通常被读作/i/的声音。所以,在goodbye中,字母y也被读作/i/。

3. goodbye同义词


- Farewell:较正式、庄重的告别方式。

- See you later:口语化、亲切的告别方式。

- Take care:表示关心和祝福对方。

- Bye-bye:亲密关系中使用的简洁告别方式。

- So long:较随意的告别方式,也可以表示“再见”。

4. goodbye例句

- I have to go now. Goodbye!


- Goodbye, my dear friend. See you soon.


- We'll miss you. Goodbye and take care.


- It's time to say goodbye. Farewell, everyone.


- I have a meeting in the afternoon, so I'll say goodbye for now. See you later!



1. goodbye的意思是“再见”,它来自于英语中的“good”(好)和“bye”(再见)两个词组合而成。在英语中,goodbye通常用于正式场合或者离别时,表示对对方的祝福和告别。

2. goodbye的同义词包括farewell、adieu、see you later等,它们都可以用来表示告别和祝福。例如:Farewell, my friend.(再见,我的朋友。)

3. goodbye怎么读?它的读音为/gʊdˈbaɪ/,其中重音在第一个音节上。

4. goodbye作为一个动词,可以用来表示告别或者分手。例如:They said their goodbyes and left the party.(他们道别后离开了聚会。)

5. 作为一个感叹词,goodbye可以表达惊讶、失望或者愤怒等情绪。例如:Goodbye! I can't believe you did that!(真是令人惊讶!我简直不敢相信你做了那件事!)

6. 在双语例句中,我们可以看到goodbye经常和其他词搭配使用,例如:

- Goodbye, my love, until we meet again.


- She waved goodbye to her parents as the train pulled out of the station.


- He said goodbye to his old job and started a new career.


- After saying goodbye to her friends, she boarded the plane and left for her new home.



1. Farewell - This is a formal synonym for goodbye, often used in professional or business settings. It conveys a sense of finality and can also be used in more emotional situations.

例句:As she boarded the plane, she waved goodbye to her family and friends, knowing it would be a long time before she saw them again.

2. Adieu - This is a more poetic and formal way of saying goodbye. It is often used in literature or in romantic settings.

例句:As the sun set on their last day together, they bid each other adieu with tears in their eyes.

3. See you later - This is a casual and friendly way of saying goodbye, usually implying that you will see the person again soon.

例句:I have to run now, but I'll see you later at the party.

4. Bye-bye - This is a cute and informal way of saying goodbye, often used between friends or family members.

例句:The little girl waved bye-bye to her parents as she left for her first day of school.

5. So long - This is an informal way of saying goodbye, often used to express a sense of farewell or parting.

例句:So long, my friend. I'll miss you while you're away on your trip.

6. Adios - This is a Spanish word meaning "goodbye" and can be used as a casual way of saying farewell.

例句:Adios, amigos! Have a safe trip back home.

7. Take care - This phrase can be used as a friendly way of saying goodbye, while also expressing concern for the other person's well-being.

例句:It was great catching up with you. Take care and let's do this again soon!

8. Hasta la vista - Another Spanish phrase meaning "until we meet again," this can be used as a playful or humorous way of saying goodbye.

例句:Hasta la vista, baby! I'll see you at the party tonight.

9. Sayonara - This is a Japanese word meaning "goodbye" and can be used as a formal or respectful way of bidding farewell.

例句:Sayonara, sensei. Thank you for all your guidance and support.

10. Cheerio - This is a British term for goodbye, often used in a friendly and cheerful manner.

例句:Cheerio, old chap! See you at the pub later for a pint


1. Goodbye的含义


2. Goodbye的发音


3. Goodbye的同义词

除了Goodbye之外,英语中还有许多其他表达告别的方式。一些常见的同义词包括Farewell、Bye、See you later、Take care等。

4. Goodbye的例句

(1) I have to go now, goodbye.


(2) Goodbye and good luck on your new job.


(3) Farewell, my dear friend.


(4) Bye for now, see you later.


5. 其他表达告别的方式


- Have a nice day! (祝你过得愉快!)

- Take care! (保重!)

- See you soon! (很快再见!)

- Have a good one! (祝你一切顺利!)

- Catch you later! (待会儿见!)

Goodbye是英语中最常用的告别语,它的字面意思是“再见”,但在实际使用中也可以表示“祝你一切顺利”、“保重”等含义。除了Goodbye之外,还有许多其他表达告别的方式,如Farewell、Bye、See you later等。无论使用哪种表达方式,都能传达出我们对对方的良好祝愿和关心



