

更新时间:2024-03-10 11:16:09作者:自考教育网




good-luck的拼音是"gǔdé lǎkè",它的意思是好运。在英语中,"good luck"是一个常用的祝福语,表示希望对方能够有好运气。而在中文中,我们也常常用"好运"来表达同样的祝愿。

那么,为什么要用英语来表达这个意思呢?其实,在古代英国,人们相信某些特定的动物、物品或者数字会带来好运。比如说,看到一只兔子或者四叶草就会有好运气。因此,当人们想要祝福别人时,就会说"good luck"来希望他们能够遇到这些幸运的事物。

随着时间的推移,这个短语也逐渐演变成了一种普遍使用的祝福语。不仅仅是在英语国家,在许多其他国家也都有类似的表达方式。比如法语中就有"Bonne chance"、西班牙语中有"Buena suerte"、德语中有"Viel Glück"等等。

虽然每个国家可能都有自己独特的表达方式,但它们所传递的祝愿都是相同的:希望对方能够享受到幸运和好运。所以,无论你身处何地,只要听到"good luck"这个短语,就可以感受到来自他人的美好祝福。

但是,我们也要知道,好运并不是仅仅靠祝福就能获得的。它更多的是需要我们自己去努力争取和创造的。就像一句古话所说:"命运掌握在自己手中"。所以,当别人祝福你"good luck"时,也要记得自己的努力和付出才是最重要的


1. good-luck的发音

good-luck是一个英语词汇,它的发音为/ɡʊd lʌk/。其中,good的发音为/gʊd/,意为“好的”,luck的发音为/lʌk/,意为“运气”。因此,good-luck可以理解为“好运气”。

2. good-luck的词性和词义


3. good-luck的相关搭配


- wish/give someone good luck:祝愿/给某人好运气

- have good luck:拥有好运气

- bring good luck:带来好运气

- good luck charm:幸运符

4. good-luck的同义表达


- best of luck:最好的祝福

- fingers crossed:手指交叉(表示希望好运)

- break a leg:祝你成功(尤指在演艺界)


5. good-luck的使用场景


- 在考试前对同学或朋友说“good luck”来鼓励他们;

- 在比赛前对运动员说“good luck”来祝愿他们取得好成绩;

- 在新年、生日等重要节日时,可以对亲友说“wish you good luck”来表达祝福。

6. good-luck的文化内涵




1. good-luck的用法


2. good-luck的双语例句

- Good luck on your exam!(祝你考试顺利!)

- I wish you good luck in your new job.(我祝你新工作顺利!)

- Good luck with your presentation.(祝你演讲成功!)

- He wished me good luck before the race.(比赛前他祝我好运。)

- I hope you have a lot of good luck in the future.(希望你未来有很多好运气。)

3. 祝福语中使用good-luck


- Good luck on your wedding day!(祝你婚礼顺利!)

- Wishing you good luck and happiness always.(祝你永远幸运快乐。)

- May good luck be with you on this special day.(愿好运伴随着你度过这特别的一天。)

4. 与good-luck相关的其他表达方式


- Best of luck(祝你好运)

- Fingers crossed(手指交叉,表示希望好运)

- Break a leg(祝你成功,尤其用于演艺圈)

- Knock on wood(敲木头,以求避免厄运)

5. good-luck在文化中的意义

good-luck在英语文化中具有重要的意义,它不仅仅是一种祝福语,更是一种信仰。许多人相信好运可以带来成功和幸福。因此,在各种场合都可以听到人们说“good luck”来表达对他人的祝愿。

Good-luck是一个常用的英语短语,意为“好运”、“幸运”。它通常用作一种问候或者祝福的表达方式,在日常生活中经常被使用。除此之外,good-luck也可以作为一个动词,表示“祝愿某人好运”。在各种场合都可以听到人们说“good luck”来表达对他人的祝愿。希望本小节能够帮助你更加了解并正确使用这一短语


1. Good luck charm: 幸运符

2. Good luck charm bracelet: 幸运符手链

3. Good luck charm necklace: 幸运符项链

4. Good luck charm keychain: 幸运符钥匙链

5. Good luck symbol: 幸运符号

6. Good luck token: 幸运护身符

7. Good luck amulet: 幸运护身物

8. Good luck talisman: 幸运护身物

9. Wish someone good luck: 祝某人好运

10. Bring good luck: 带来好运

11. Lucky charm: 好运符

12. Lucky charm bracelet: 好运手链

13. Lucky charm necklace: 好运项链

14. Lucky charm keychain: 好运钥匙链

15.Lucky symbol: 好运符号

16.Lucky token: 好运护身符

17.Lucky amulet: 好运护身物

18.Lucky talisman :好运护身物

19.Wish someone good fortune and success : 祝某人好事成双,成功发达

20.Bring good fortune and success :带来好事成双,成功发达


1. Fortune - This word is often used to express good luck or success, especially in terms of wealth or prosperity. For example, "She had the good fortune of winning the lottery."

2. Serendipity - This word refers to a fortunate or unexpected discovery or occurrence. It can also be used to describe a happy coincidence. For instance, "Their meeting was pure serendipity and led to a successful partnership."

3. Blessing - This term conveys the idea of receiving divine favor or protection, often seen as a form of good luck. It can also refer to something that brings happiness or good fortune. For example, "Winning the scholarship was truly a blessing for her."

4. Success - While this word may not directly mean good luck, it is often associated with it as achieving success is seen as a positive and fortunate outcome. For instance, "His hard work and determination led to great success in his career."

5. Prosperity - Similar to fortune, this word is often used to describe wealth and abundance, which can be seen as signs of good luck or blessings. For example, "The company experienced great prosperity after launching their new product."

6. Favorable - This adjective means advantageous or beneficial and can be used to describe situations that bring about good luck or positive outcomes. For instance, "The weather was favorable for their outdoor wedding ceremony."

7. Fortunate - This word simply means lucky or having good fortune. It can also be used to express gratitude for something positive that has happened by chance. For example, "I feel fortunate to have such supportive friends in my life."

8. Serenity - This term conveys a sense of peace and tranquility which can be seen as an aspect of good luck in one's life. It can also refer to inner peace and contentment despite external circumstances. For instance, "Yoga has brought me a sense of serenity and balance in my life."

9. Advantageous - Similar to favorable, this word means beneficial or advantageous and can be used to describe situations that bring about good luck or positive outcomes. For example, "Her knowledge of the local language proved to be advantageous during her travels."

10. Providence - This word refers to the protective care or guidance of a higher power, often seen as a form of good luck or divine intervention. It can also refer to fate or destiny. For instance, "It was by providence that they were able to escape the accident unharmed."



