
ask sb. to do sth.是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-28 17:39:18作者:自考教育网

标题:了解“ask sb. to do sth.”的含义及用法 内容: 1. ask sb. to do sth.的拼音:[æsk sb. tu duː θiŋ] 2. ask sb. to do sth.怎么读:这个行业术语的读音是“ask somebody to do something”。 3. ask sb. to do sth.的用法和双语例句:这个短语常用于英语口语中,意为“请求某人做某事”。例如,“我可以请你帮我一个忙吗?” “当然可以,请问你需要我做什么?” 4. ask sb. to do sth.的词组:ask someone for help (向某人求助);ask someone out (邀请某人出去约会);ask someone a question (问某人一个问题) 5. ask sb. to do sth.的同义词示例:request someone to do something;invite someone to do something;urge someone to do something。 导语: 您是否曾经遇到过需要请求别人帮忙或邀请别人做事情的情况?这时候,您可能会使用到一个行业术语——“ask sb.to do sth.”。这个短语在英语口语中十分常见,它意为“请求某人做某事”。想要了解更多关于这个短语的含义和用法吗?让我们一起来看看下面的内容吧!

ask sb. to do sth.是什么意思

ask sb. to do sth.的拼音

ask sb. to do sth.的拼音是:āsk sǒm-bǐ tū dū sī-ti-chìng

ask sb. to do sth.怎么读

1. 什么是“ask sb. to do sth.”?

“ask sb. to do sth.”是一个常用的英语短语,其中“ask”意为“请求”,“sb.”代表某个人,“to do sth.”表示做某事。因此,“ask sb. to do sth.”的字面意思是“请求某人做某事”。

2. 如何正确读音“ask sb. to do sth.”?

这个短语的正确读音为/æsk səmˈbɒdi tə duː sʌmθɪŋ/,其中的重点在于第二个单词“to”的发音,应该读作/tə/而不是/ta:/。

3. “ask sb. to do sth.”的使用场景


- The boss asked me to finish the report by tomorrow.


- Can you ask your mother to pick us up at the airport?


- The teacher asked the students to hand in their assignments on time.


4. “ask sb. to do sth.”与其他表达方式的比较

在英语中,还有一些类似的表达方式,如“request sb. to do sth.”、“tell sb. to do sth.”、“order sb. to do sth.”等。它们的意思都是“请求/要求某人做某事”,但用法和语气略有不同。例如,“request”更加正式客气,而“tell”和“order”则更强调命令的口气。

5. 如何正确使用“ask sb. to do sth.”?


- 主语通常为第三人称单数形式(sb.),但也可以是第一或第二人称。

- 动词要用原形(do),不需要加-s或-ed。

- 动作的对象可以是具体的事物,也可以是抽象的行为。

- 句子结构为:主语+ask+sb.+to do sth.

- 可以用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句等各种句式。

6. 如何避免误用


- 错误:She asked me to doing the dishes.


正确:She asked me to do the dishes.


- 错误:The teacher told us to not be late for class.


正确:The teacher told us not to be late for class.


- 错误:Can you ask your sister to help us move the furniture?


正确:Can you ask your sister to help us move the furniture?


ask sb. to do sth.的用法和双语例句

1. 用法解释:

“ask sb. to do sth.”是一个常用的英语短语,意为“要求某人做某事”。在这个短语中,ask是动词,表示请求或询问;sb.是somebody的缩写,意为“某人”;to do sth.是不定式结构,表示做某事。因此,“ask sb. to do sth.”的整体意思就是“请求某人做某事”。

2. 双语例句:

(1) My boss asked me to finish this report by tomorrow.


(2) I asked my friend to help me move the furniture.


(3) The teacher asked the students to read the textbook before class.


3. 更多用法:

除了用作请求、要求的意思外,“ask sb. to do sth.”还可表示邀请、建议、命令等不同的含义。例如:

(1) She asked me to join her for dinner tonight.


(2) The doctor asked him to take some medicine and rest.


(3) The sergeant asked the soldiers to stand at attention.


4. 反问表达:

在日常口语中,我们也可以用“ask sb. to do sth.”来表达反问的意思。例如:

(1) You asked me to do the dishes, didn't you?


(2) They asked us to pay for the meal, right?


5. 修辞手法:

除了直接表达请求外,“ask sb. to do sth.”也可以用于修辞手法中,增强语气或感情色彩。例如:

(1) I never asked you to love me.


(2) She asked him to leave her alone, but he refused.


6. 笑话段子:

(1) A man asked his wife to make him a sandwich, and she replied, "Poof! You're a sandwich!"


(2) A teacher asked her students to write an essay on their summer vacation, and one boy wrote: "We always ask our mom for money, but this time she asked us!"


ask sb. to do sth.的词组

1. Request/Ask someone to do something - 请求/要求某人做某事

2. Encourage/Persuade someone to do something - 鼓励/说服某人做某事

3. Invite someone to do something - 邀请某人做某事

4. Instruct/Tell someone to do something - 指示/告诉某人做某事

5. Urge/Push someone to do something - 敦促/推动某人做某事

6. Advise/Suggest that someone do something - 建议/提议某人做某事

7. Beg/Plead with someone to do something - 恳求/请求某人做某事

8. Demand/Require that someone do something - 要求/需要某人做某事

9. Implore/Beseech someone to do something - 恳求/祈求某人做某事

10. Command/Oblige someone to do something - 命令/强迫某人做某事

ask sb. to do sth.的同义词示例

1. Request sb. to do sth.

- Request sb. to perform sth.

- Ask sb. to carry out sth.

- Require sb. to undertake sth.

2. Instruct sb. to do sth.

- Command sb. to do sth.

- Direct sb. to do sth.

- Order sb. to do sth.

3. Encourage sb. to do sth.

- Motivate sb. to do sth.

- Persuade sb. to do sth.

- Urge sb. to do sth.

4. Invite sb. to do sth.

- Summon sb. to do sth.

- Solicit sb. to do sth.

- Entreat sb. to do sth.

5. Prompt sb.to do sth.

- Provoke sb.to act in a certain way

- Incite or inspire someone into action

6.Suggest that someone does something

-Suppose that someone does something

-Make a proposal or offer an idea for an action

7.Command someone into doing something

-Impose authority over someone and force them into an action

-Demand or require someone's obedience

8.Persuade someone into doing something

-Influence someone's decision by presenting arguments or reasons

-Convince or sway someone's opinion towards an action

9.Entice someone into doing something

-Tempt, lure, or attract someone towards an action

-Offer something desirable in return for the action

10.Call upon someone to take action

-Elicit a response from someone by asking them directly

-Urge or implore someone strongly and directly.

11.Make a request of somebody

-Politely ask for help, assistance, or cooperation from somebody

-Make an appeal for somebody's assistance in performing an action.

12.Demand that somebody takes a certain action

-Impose authority over somebody and insist on a particular action

-Require or expect somebody to do something.

13.Order someone to do something

-Direct someone with authority to perform an action

-Give a command or instruction for someone to follow.

14.Commandeer somebody into doing something

-Force or take control of someone's actions for a specific purpose

-Compel or coerce somebody into performing an action.

15.Solicit somebody to do something

-Ask for help, support, or cooperation from somebody

-Make a request or petition for somebody's assistance in an action

ask sb. to do sth.是一个非常常用的表达方式,它可以用来请求、要求或建议某人去做某件事情。通过学习这个表达,我们可以更加流利地表达自己的想法和请求。希望本文对您有所帮助,并且能够让您更加了解ask sb. to do sth.。如果您还有其他疑问或建议,欢迎留言与我们交流。最后,我是网站编辑小李,喜欢就关注我吧!谢谢阅读!


