
ask for是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-28 17:38:23作者:自考教育网

你是否曾经在阅读英语文章或者交流中遇到过“ask for”的词汇?它是什么意思呢?今天,我将带你一起探讨这个行业标题,帮助你更好地理解和运用它。在内容中,我们将会介绍“ask for”的词性和词义、用法和例句、常见搭配及短语、同义词和反义词,并附加说明它与其他类似表达方式的区别。让我们一起来探索“ask for”的奥秘吧!

ask for的词性和词义

1. 词性:动词短语

2. 词义:表示“请求,要求”,通常用于表达对某件事物或者某种情况的需要。例如:“我想问一下,你们公司的工作时间是多久?我可以ask for一下吗?”

ask for是什么意思

3. 另外,ask for也可以表示“寻求,探询”,用于询问信息或者意见。例如:“我正在考虑买一辆新车,可以ask for一些你的建议吗?”

ask for的用法和例句

1. 什么是ask for

Ask for是一个英语短语,通常用作动词短语,意为“请求、要求”。它可以用来表达对某人或某物的请求或要求,也可以表示寻求帮助或建议。

2. ask for的基本用法

a. 作为及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语。例如:

- She asked for a glass of water.


- He asked for my help.


b. 作为不及物动词,后接介词短语作宾语。例如:

- She asked for from her boss.


3. ask for的常见搭配

a. ask for something:请求、要求某物。


- Can I ask for your forgiveness?


- He always asks for more money.


b. ask for someone:向某人提出请求。


- I asked for him to come with us.


- She always asks for her parents' advice.


c. ask for help:寻求帮助。


- She asked her friends for help with her homework.


- When in doubt, ask for help.


d. ask for advice:寻求建议。


- I asked for his advice on how to deal with the situation.


- They always ask for my advice before making a decision.


4. ask for的常见用法

a. ask for permission:征求许可。


- Can I ask for your permission to use your computer?


- She asked her boss for permission to take a day off.


b. ask for directions:询问路线。


- Excuse me, can I ask you for directions to the nearest train station?


- He had to stop and ask for directions when he got lost.


c. ask for trouble:自找麻烦。


- If you keep provoking him, you're just asking for trouble.


- Don't go looking for fights, you're just asking for trouble.


5. ask for的例句

a. I asked for a raise, but my boss said no.


b. She always asks for my opinion before making a decision.


c. The children asked for ice cream after dinner.


d. We asked for directions from a local and finally found the museum.


e. If you don't want to get into trouble, don't ask for it.



ask for常见搭配及短语

1. Ask for help - 请求帮助

例句:When you're feeling overwhelmed, don't be afraid to ask for help.

2. Ask for permission - 请求许可

例句:Before you use someone else's property, make sure to ask for permission.

3. Ask for directions - 请求指引

例句:I got lost in the city and had to stop and ask for directions.

4. Ask for advice - 请求建议

例句:If you're unsure about something, it's always a good idea to ask for advice from someone more experienced.

5. Ask for forgiveness - 请求原谅

例句:I know I made a mistake, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

6. Ask for clarification - 请求澄清

例句:I didn't understand what you meant, can you please ask for clarification?

7. Ask for feedback - 请求反馈

例句:After completing a project, don't forget to ask for feedback from your colleagues.

8. Ask for a favor - 请求帮忙

例句:I hate to ask for a favor, but could you pick me up from the airport tomorrow?

9. Ask for a raise - 请求加薪

例句:I've been working hard and I think it's time to ask for a raise.

10. Ask someone out - 邀请某人出去约会

例句:He finally mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date

ask for的同义词和反义词

1. 同义词:request、demand、beg、beseech、solicit、seek

2. 反义词:give、offer、grant、donate、provide

附加说明:ask for与其他类似表达方式的区别

在英语翻译解释行业,经常会遇到“ask for”这个表达方式。那么,它到底是什么意思呢?其实,“ask for”在英语中有多种含义,最常见的是“请求”、“寻求”、“询问”的意思。但是,与其他类似的表达方式相比,它又有哪些区别呢?

首先,我们来看一下“ask for”的具体用法。它通常用于表示请求或寻求某物或某种情况。例如,“I asked for a raise.”(我请求加薪。)“She asked for help.”(她寻求帮助。)此外,“ask for”也可以用于表示询问某事物的信息或意见。例如,“Can I ask for your opinion?”(我可以请你给出意见吗?)



我们可以了解到ask for是一个常见的短语,通常用于表达请求、询问或寻求的意思。它可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。除了常见的搭配和短语外,ask for还有许多同义词和反义词,可以根据具体语境来选择合适的表达方式。与其他类似表达方式相比,ask for更加直接明了,能够准确传达自己的意思。作为网站编辑,我非常喜欢分享各种有趣的知识和用法,并希望能够帮助大家更好地学习英语。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!谢谢阅读!

