
ask for是什么意思,ask for同义词及例句

更新时间:2024-02-28 17:37:19作者:自考教育网

今天,我们来聊一聊一个在日常生活中经常用到的词汇——ask for。你是否经常听到别人说“我想要什么,我就要去ask for”或者“他总是ask for麻烦”?那么,你知道ask for的含义和用法吗?它的发音又是怎样的呢?让我们一起来探究一下。同时,还有很多同义词可以替换ask for,它们又是什么呢?让我们一起来了解一下。最后,还有一些与ask for相关的短语和表达,它们能帮助我们更准确地表达自己的意思。接下来,请跟随我一起探索ask for的奥秘吧!

ask for是什么意思,ask for同义词及例句

ask for的含义和用法

1. ask for的含义

ask for是一个常见的英语短语,其含义为“请求”、“要求”、“询问”等。它通常用来表达想要某样东西或需要某种信息的意思。

2. ask for的用法

a. 作为动词,ask for可以直接接宾语,表示请求某物。例如:She asked for a glass of water.(她要求一杯水。)

b. 也可以接介词+宾语的形式,表示请求或询问某事。例如:He asked for help from his friends.(他向朋友们求助。)

c. 另外,ask for还可以用作固定搭配中的一部分,如ask for permission(请求许可)、ask for advice(征求建议)、ask for directions(问路)等。

3. ask for的同义词

a. request:与ask for意思相同,都表示“请求”,但request更加正式、礼貌。

b. demand:也有“要求”的意思,但通常带有强烈的语气,比如强烈地要求或命令。

c. inquire:与ask相似,都表示“询问”,但inquire更加正式、客气。

d. seek:也有“寻找”、“追求”的意思,在这里指“寻求”、“搜索”。

e. solicit:主要指通过恳求、乞求等方式来得到某物,含有一定的贬义色彩。

4. ask for的例句

a. She asked for my help in solving the math problem.


b. The teacher asked for silence during the exam.


c. He often asks for advice from his parents when making important decisions.


d. The police are asking for witnesses to come forward with any information.


e. The company is soliciting donations for the charity event next month.


ask for的发音

1. 发音为 [æsk fɔːr],注意第一个单词的读音为长元音 [æ]。

2. 同义词包括:request, demand, inquire, seek。

3. 例句:

- Could you please ask for the bill? (你能帮我要一下账单吗?)

- He always asks for help when he needs it. (他总是在需要的时候请求帮助。)

- She asked for a raise but her boss refused. (她要求加薪,但老板拒绝了。)

- I'll have to ask for your permission first. (我必须先征得你的同意。)

ask for的例句及翻译

1. "Can I ask for your help with this project?" - "我可以请求你帮忙这个项目吗?"

2. "She always knows exactly what to ask for when she goes to the restaurant." - "她去餐厅总是知道要点什么。"

3. "He's always asking for trouble with his reckless behavior." - "他总是因为鲁莽的行为而自找麻烦。"

4. "Asking for forgiveness is not always easy, but it's necessary." - "请求原谅并不容易,但是必要的。"

5. "The children were constantly asking for snacks during the road trip." - "在路途中,孩子们不断地要求零食。"

同义词:request, demand, plead, beg

1. "May I request your assistance with this project?" - "我可以请求你协助这个项目吗?"

2. "She always knows exactly what to order when she goes to the restaurant." -"她去餐厅总是知道要点什么。"

3. "He's always demanding trouble with his reckless behavior." -"他总是因为鲁莽的行为而自找麻烦。"

4. "Pleading for forgiveness is not always easy, but it's necessary." -"恳求原谅并不容易,但是必要的。"

5. "The children were constantly begging for snacks during the road trip." -"在路途中,孩子们不断地乞求零食。"

ask for的同义词示例

1. Request

同义词:demand, inquire, petition, solicit

例句:She asked for a raise in her salary. (她要求加薪。)

The customer asked for a refund. (顾客要求退款。)

2. Beg

同义词:plead, implore, beseech, supplicate

例句:He asked for forgiveness. (他请求原谅。)

The homeless man asked for spare change. (无家可归的人乞讨零钱。)

3. Require

同义词:need, want, demand, call for

例句:This job asks for a lot of experience. (这份工作需要很多经验。)

The recipe asks for two cups of flour. (这个食谱需要两杯面粉。)

4. Order

同义词:command, instruct, direct, tell

例句:The teacher asked the students to be quiet during the exam. (老师要求学生在考试期间保持安静。)

The boss asked his employees to work overtime. (老板要求员工加班工作。)

5. Invite

同义词:summon, bid, welcome, entice

例句:She asked her friends over for dinner. (她邀请朋友来吃晚餐。)

The company asked potential candidates to apply for the job opening. (公司邀请潜在候选人申请这个职位空缺。)

ask for相关短语和表达

1. 要求 (require): 他要求我帮他写一封推荐信。(He asked me to write a letter of recommendation for him.)

2. 寻求 (seek): 我们正在寻求新的合作伙伴。(We are seeking new business partners.)

3. 请求 (request): 我请求您给我一些时间来考虑。(I request that you give me some time to think about it.)

4. 询问 (inquire): 我想询问一下您的意见。(I'd like to inquire about your opinion.)

5. 咨询 (consult): 如果您有任何问题,请随时咨询我们的客服人员。(If you have any questions, please feel free to consult our customer service staff.)

6. 要价 (quote a price): 他们向我们要价五百万美元。(They asked us for a price of five million dollars.)

7. 索取 (demand): 他们索取了更多的资料以便做出决定。(They demanded more information in order to make a decision.)

8. 需要 (need): 我需要您的帮助来完成这项任务。(I need your help to complete this task.)

9. 求助于 (turn to for help): 当我遇到困难时,我会求助于我的朋友们。(When I encounter difficulties, I turn to my friends for help.)

10. 希望得到 (hope for): 我希望能得到您的支持和理解。(I hope for your support and understanding.)

ask for是一个常用的短语,它可以表示“寻求”、“要求”等含义。它的发音简单易记,可以通过反复练习来掌握。同时,我们也可以通过一些同义词来丰富表达,例如“request”、“demand”等。除此之外,还有一些相关的短语和表达也可以帮助我们更准确地使用这个短语。希望本文能够帮助到大家,并且让大家更加流利地运用ask for这个短语。最后,我是网站编辑小张,在未来的文章中我还会分享更多有趣的知识,喜欢就关注我吧!祝愿大家学习进步!


