

更新时间:2024-02-12 20:41:35作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of fatal

Fatal, pronounced as "fey-tl", is an adjective that describes something that is causing or capable of causing death. It can also refer to something that has a disastrous or deadly outcome. In this article, we will explore the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and examples of the word "fatal".

1. What does fatal mean?


As mentioned earlier, fatal means causing death or having a disastrous outcome. It comes from the Latin word "fatalis", which means "decreeing fate". In simpler terms, it means something that is destined to happen and cannot be avoided.

2. How do you pronounce fatal?

The correct pronunciation of fatal is "fey-tl". The stress is on the first syllable, and the second syllable is pronounced with a short "a" sound.

3. Synonyms for fatal

There are several synonyms for fatal, including deadly, lethal, mortal, and destructive. These words all convey the idea of something being capable of causing death or destruction.

4. Examples of using fatal in a sentence

- The car crash was fatal for all passengers involved.

- The doctor warned her that her condition could be fatal if left untreated.

- The company's decision to cut costs proved to be a fatal mistake.

- It was a fatal error to trust him with such important information.

In conclusion, "fatal" is a powerful word that conveys the idea of death and destruction. Its correct pronunciation is "fey-tl" and it can be used interchangeably with words like deadly and lethal. Remember to use it carefully in your writing as it can have serious implications in certain contexts

How to say fatal

1. What does "fatal" mean?

- "Fatal" is an adjective that means causing death or disaster, or leading to failure or ruin.

- Example sentence: The car crash had a fatal outcome, as both drivers were killed.

- Synonyms: deadly, lethal, mortal

2. How do you pronounce "fatal"?

- The word "fatal" is pronounced as /ˈfeɪtəl/ (FAY-tuhl).

- The first syllable is stressed and the second syllable has a schwa sound.

3. Other ways to say "fatal"

- Deadly - This word has a similar meaning to "fatal", and can be used interchangeably in most cases.

Example sentence: The disease proved to be deadly for many patients.

- Lethal - This word also means causing death and can be used as a synonym for "fatal".

Example sentence: The snake's venom is highly lethal to humans.

- Mortal - This word can be used to describe something that causes death, but it can also mean that something is subject to death.

Example sentence: Even the strongest warriors are mortal and can die in battle.

4. Examples of using "fatal" in sentences

- The doctor said the patient's injuries were fatal and he wouldn't survive.

- A single mistake could have fatal consequences in this line of work.

- It was a fatal error for the team to underestimate their opponents.

- The pilot managed to make an emergency landing, avoiding a potentially fatal crash.

- Smoking is known to have many fatal health effects.

5. Conclusion

In summary, the word "fatal" refers to something that causes death or disaster. It can be pronounced as /ˈfeɪtəl/ (FAY-tuhl) and has synonyms such as deadly, lethal, and mortal. When using this word in sentences, it's important to use it accurately and avoid any confusion with its synonyms

Usage and examples of fatal

1. Definition of fatal

Fatal is an adjective that means causing death or disaster, or having a disastrous effect. It can also refer to something that is destined to end in failure or ruin.

2. Pronunciation of fatal

The word "fatal" is pronounced as /ˈfeɪtəl/ in American English and /ˈfeɪtl̩/ in British English.

3. Synonyms of fatal

Some synonyms of fatal include deadly, lethal, mortal, destructive, disastrous, and catastrophic.

4. Examples of usage

- The doctor warned the patient that his illness was fatal.

- The accident was caused by a fatal mistake made by the driver.

- The hurricane had a fatal impact on the small island.

- His reckless behavior proved to be fatal for his career.

- The company's decision to cut corners proved to be a fatal error.

5. Idiomatic expressions with "fatal"

There are also some idiomatic expressions that use the word "fatal". Here are a few examples:

- A fatal blow: a decisive or devastating action that leads to failure or defeat.

- A fatal attraction: an irresistible and dangerous attraction towards someone or something.

- A fatal flaw: a fundamental weakness or defect that leads to failure or downfall.

6. Usage notes

It is important to note that the word "fatal" should not be used lightly as it refers to something serious and often tragic. It should only be used in appropriate situations where there is loss of life or severe consequences.

7. Common collocations with "fatal"

Here are some common collocations (words that often go together) with "fatal":

- Fatal accident/incident/crash/error/blow/mistake/wound/disease/injury/illness/poisoning/shooting/stabbing.

8. Other forms of "fatal"

The noun form of "fatal" is fatality, which refers to a death caused by something or someone. The adverb form is fatally, which means in a way that leads to death or disaster.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, "fatal" is a powerful adjective that should be used with caution due to its serious and often tragic implications. It is important to understand its meaning and use it appropriately in context

Phrases with fatal

1. A fatal mistake: 一个致命的错误

例句:His lack of attention to detail proved to be fatal in the end.

2. Fatal attraction: 致命的吸引力

例句:Her beauty was a fatal attraction that led many men astray.

3. Fatal blow: 致命的打击

例句:The loss of her husband was a fatal blow to her happiness.

4. Fatal flaw: 致命的缺陷

例句:His lack of confidence proved to be his fatal flaw in the job interview.

5. Fatal consequences: 致命的后果

例句:His reckless driving had fatal consequences for the innocent pedestrians.

6. Fatal disease: 致命的疾病

例句:Cancer is still considered a fatal disease, but medical advancements have improved survival rates.

7. Fatal error: 致命的错误

例句:His failure to double-check his work resulted in a fatal error that cost the company millions.

8. Fatal outcome: 致命的结果

例句:Despite all efforts, the surgery had a fatal outcome and she passed away on the operating table.

9. Fatal accident: 严重事故

例句:The plane crash was a tragic and fatal accident that claimed many lives.

10. Fatal decision: 致命的决定

例句:His decision to quit his job without having another one lined up proved to be a fatal mistake

Synonyms and examples of fatal

1. Synonyms of fatal

- Deadly

- Lethal

- Fatalistic

- Mortal

- Terminal

2. Examples of fatal in a sentence

- The car accident proved to be fatal for the driver.

- The doctor warned that the disease could be fatal if left untreated.

- The company's financial crisis had a fatal impact on its operations.

- The victim sustained a fatal injury during the robbery.

- The pilot made a fatal error, causing the plane to crash.

3. Deadly - causing or capable of causing death; extremely dangerous or harmful.


- The snake's venom is deadly to humans.

- The deadly virus spread quickly throughout the population.

- The assassin's bullet was aimed at delivering a deadly blow.

4. Lethal - sufficient to cause death; deadly.


- The chemical was deemed lethal and banned from use.

- His gunshot wound proved to be lethal.

- The boxer delivered a lethal punch, knocking out his opponent.

5. Fatalistic - accepting all things and events as inevitable; having a belief in fate.


- Despite their efforts, they couldn't change their father's fatalistic attitude towards life.

- She had a fatalistic approach towards her illness, believing that her fate was already sealed.

- His belief in fate made him accept the outcome of the situation with a fatalistic resignation.

6. Mortal - causing or liable to cause death; subject to death; human.


- War is often seen as a mortal threat to humanity.

- He sustained mortal injuries in the battle and couldn't be saved.

- We are all mortal beings and will eventually face death.

7. Terminal - resulting in death; situated at or forming the end or extremity of something; final.


- His illness was terminal and he only had a few months left to live.

-The train reached its terminal station, signaling the end of the journey.

- The patient's condition was terminal and there was nothing more the doctors could do.

In conclusion, fatal can be used to describe something that causes death or has a deadly impact. Its synonyms include deadly, lethal, fatalistic, mortal, and terminal. Examples of its usage can be found in various contexts such as accidents, diseases, financial crises, injuries, and mistakes. It is important to understand the gravity of this word and use it carefully in appropriate situations


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