
czech是什么意思 czech的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-12 20:33:51作者:╭⌒薄荷绿″

1. 含义


czech是什么意思 czech的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音


3. 用法



1. I met a Czech guy at the party yesterday. (昨天我在派对上认识了一个捷克人。)

2. She speaks Czech fluently. (她说捷克语流利。)

3. The famous Czech beer is known all over the world. (著名的捷克啤酒在全世界都很有名。)

4. The CZ-75 is a popular handgun in Czech. (CZ-75是捷克流行的。)

5. The restaurant serves authentic Czech cuisine. (这家餐厅供应正宗的捷克美食。)


读音: /tek/


1. I have a friend from Czech Republic. (我有一个来自捷克共和国的朋友。)

2. The Czech language is quite difficult to learn. (捷克语相当难学。)




例句:We did not want brazil to follow in the steps of the Czech-Slovak republic. (我们不想巴西步捷克斯洛伐克共和国的后尘。We did not want BraziI to follow in the steps of the Czech -Slovak republic.)


例句:I think what the Czech government in London is asking is this. (我想在伦敦的 目的是在于想要明白)


例句:But enough about the Czech Republic. (不说捷克共和国了 But enough about the Czech Republic.)


例句:Do you know that the actual Czech government is very frightened about you? (翻译:{\1cH00FFFF}你知道实际上,捷克很害怕你们吗?)


czech一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Czech(捷克的)、Czech Republic(捷克共和国 )、the Czech Republic([网络] 捷克共和国;国名捷克共和国)等常见短语中出现较多。

Czech Republic捷克共和国
the Czech Republic[网络] 捷克共和国;国名捷克共和国


1. But enough about the Czech Republic. (翻译:不说捷克共和国了 But enough about the Czech Republic.)

2. Do you know that the actual Czech government is very frightened about you? (翻译:{\1cH00FFFF}你知道实际上,捷克很害怕你们吗?)

3. But you can open the Czech Dream Hypermarket when there isn't one? (翻译:不经意间,你会在某块广告牌 或者某本杂志上- -发现这样一些LOGO 上面写着:)

4. I told you that Czech Dream was just a joke. (翻译:寿命只有一天的超市是什么样的呢? 我立刻扇你俩 真想把你们两个捆起来 你们不能把我们当)

5. Victor wrote that Natalie's waiting out the war in a Czech ghetto. (翻译:维克多写信说娜塔莉正在捷克的 一个犹太营等待停战)

6. Vaclav Havel, the great Czech leader, talked about this. (翻译:韦克拉乌哈韦尔,这位捷克的杰出,谈过这个问题 )

7. The image of adverting presented in the Czech media is distorted. (翻译:伊提卡博士是一位购物礼仪专家 她将负责表演事宜 那么,现在我就把舞台交给她了 我们感兴趣的是 你们一天怎么逛巨型超市的)

8. Because only Czech women have this fire in their eyes. (翻译:因为只有捷克女人... 的眼里才有这样的火花)

9. Ivan Kost, Czech pimp, member of the Nemcek crew. (翻译:而我猜那一切都不会发生了 因为斯科特被联盟军刺杀了)

10. Someone I know... - a friend, an American... - is married to a Czech. (翻译:我知道某个人,一个美国朋友 和一个捷克人结过婚)

11. I live in the second largest city in the Czech, called Brno. (翻译:我住在第二大城市,在捷克,所谓的布尔诺。)

12. - How about the Czech Dream? - Why not? (翻译:当时的限制是很严格的 不能买10公斤或是20公斤)

13. Do you think the Czech people or the Czech government is an enemy for you? (翻译:{\1cH00FFFF}你觉得捷克或者捷克 是你的敌人吗?)

14. The bottle was closer than the extinguisher. I'm smelling a pilsner, Maybe something czech. (翻译:酒瓶比灭火器离得近 The bottle was closer than the extinguisher. 好像是捷克产的 maybe something czech.)

15. And he went with the Czech legions all the way to Vladivostok and then... (翻译:{\1cH00FFFF}然后他带领捷克军团 前往海参崴,之后...)

