

更新时间:2024-02-12 20:33:49作者:自考教育网

你是否对于 “fast” 这个行业标题感到好奇?它的含义和发音是什么?它的用法和同义词又有哪些?如果你想要了解更多关于 “fast” 的信息,那么就让我来为你揭开这个谜团吧!在本文中,我将为你介绍 “fast” 的含义及解释,发音及读法,用法和例句,同义词示例以及相关词组。让我们一起来探索这个行业标题背后的秘密吧!



1. 什么是fast?


2. fast怎么读?


3. fast的同义词有哪些?

Fast的同义词包括quick, rapid, swift, speedy等,它们都可以用来表示快速的含义。

4. fast的例句有哪些?

- She ran so fast that she won the race.


- He is a fast learner and can pick up new skills quickly.


- The internet connection here is really fast.



1. fast的发音是[fæst],读作“快速”的意思。

2. 同义词包括:quick、rapid、speedy等。

3. 例如:I need to finish this project fast.(我需要快速完成这个项目。)

4. 另外,fast也可以作为形容词使用,表示“宗教上的斋戒”或者“身体健康的”。

5. 感受一下这句话的幽默感:I can't eat any more, I'm on a fast.(我再也吃不下了,我在斋戒中。)


1. fast的意思


2. fast的读音


3. fast的同义词

- Quick:与fast相同,都表示速度快、动作迅速。

- Rapid:也表示速度快,但更强调连续性和持续性。

- Swift:指动作敏捷、反应迅速。

- Speedy:侧重于完成任务所需时间短。

- Hasty:含有草率、匆忙之意。

4. fast的例句

- He is a very fast runner and always wins the race.


- She typed very fast and finished her work in just 10 minutes.


- The train is moving at a fast speed.


- I need a fast solution to this problem.


- He made a hasty decision and regretted it later.



1. Quick - "Fast" and "quick" have similar meanings, both referring to something that happens or is done in a short amount of time. Example: He ran so fast that he finished the race in record time.

2. Rapid - This word is often used to describe something that happens at a high speed or with great urgency. Example: The company experienced rapid growth in its first year of business.

3. Swift - Similar to "fast," this word also conveys a sense of speed and quickness. Example: The cheetah is known for its swift movements, making it the fastest land animal.

4. Speedy - This word emphasizes the idea of being done quickly or efficiently. Example: The new train system promises to provide speedy transportation for commuters.

5. Hasty - Used to describe something that is done too quickly without much thought or consideration. Example: She made a hasty decision and regretted it later.

6. Brisk - Often used to describe movement or activity that is energetic and lively, suggesting a sense of speed as well. Example: The brisk wind made it difficult to walk outside.

7. Express - Refers to something that is done quickly, often with special attention given to efficiency and timeliness. Example: I sent the package via express mail so it would arrive on time.

8. Prompt - This word suggests immediate action or response, often without delay or hesitation. Example: The teacher gave prompt feedback on the students' assignments.

9. Agile - Describes someone who is able to move quickly and easily, often with grace and dexterity. Example: The gymnast's agile movements wowed the audience.

10. Nimble - Similar to "agile," this word also implies quickness and lightness in movement or action. Example: The cat was nimble enough to catch the mouse in one swift motion


1. Rapid - 快速的,迅速的

例句:The company has experienced rapid growth in the past year.(这家公司在过去一年经历了快速的增长。)

2. Swift - 敏捷的,迅速的

例句:He made a swift decision to accept the job offer.(他迅速做出了接受工作邀请的决定。)

3. Quick - 快速的,迅速的

例句:She gave a quick response to the question.(她对这个问题做出了快速的回答。)

4. Speedy - 迅速的,敏捷的

例句:We need to find a speedy solution to this problem.(我们需要找到一个迅速解决这个问题的方法。)

5. Hasty - 匆忙的,仓促的

例句:She made a hasty decision without thinking it through.(她没有仔细考虑就匆忙做出了决定。)

6. Brisk - 活泼的,轻快的

例句:He walked at a brisk pace to catch the train.(他轻快地走着赶火车。)

7. Express - 快递,特快

例句:I need this package to be sent by express delivery.(我需要用特快专递寄送这个包裹。)

8. Breakneck - 极其危险而快速的

例句:They drove at breakneck speed on the highway.(他们在高速公路上飞驰,速度极快。)

9. Prompt - 迅速的,敏捷的

例句:The prompt action of the firefighters saved many lives.(消防队员迅速的行动挽救了许多生命。)

10. Fleet - 快速的,灵活的

例句:The fleet-footed athlete won the race easily.(这位跑得很快的运动员轻松赢得了比赛。)



