
fabricating 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-12 15:29:14作者:自考教育网


fabricating 是什么意思


1. fabricating的含义


2. fabricating的定义


- 制作:指用原材料或部件来组装或制造新的物品。

- 编造:指捏造事实或信息,以欺骗他人。

- 伪造:指假冒他人的签名、文件等,以达到欺骗目的。

- 虚构:指创作出虚构的故事、情节等。

3. fabricating在行业中的应用


4. fabricating与其他相关词汇的区别

- “Fabricate”与“manufacture”的区别:两者都有制作、生产之意,但“manufacture”更侧重于大规模的工业生产,而“fabricate”则更侧重于手工制作或小规模生产。

- “Fabricate”与“forge”的区别:两者都有伪造、捏造之意,但“forge”更侧重于伪造文书、签名等文件,而“fabricate”则更广泛地指编造任何事物。

- “Fabricate”与“falsify”的区别:两者都有伪造、捏造之意,但“falsify”更侧重于改变或歪曲真实信息,而“fabricate”则更侧重于编造虚假信息


1. 发音:[fuh-bri-key-ting]

2. 读法:fuh-bri-key-ting,重音在第二个音节


1. 什么是fabricating?


2. 如何使用fabricating?

Fabricating可以用作及物动词,也可以用作名词。作为动词时,它的过去式和过去分词分别为fabricated和fabricated。例如:“She fabricated the story to get out of trouble.”(她编造了这个故事来躲避麻烦。)作为名词时,它的复数形式为fabrications。例如:“His fabrications were exposed by the police.”(他的谎言被警察揭穿了。)

3. fabricating的例句

- He was caught fabricating evidence in the court case.(他在法庭案件中被抓到捏造证据。)

- The company was accused of fabricating sales numbers to impress investors.(这家公司被指控伪造销售数字以给投资者留下好印象。)

- She has a talent for fabricating excuses whenever she's late for work.(她有一种天赋,在迟到上班时能编造出各种借口。)

- The journalist was fired for fabricating news stories.(那名记者因捏造新闻报道而被解雇。)

- Fabrications are often used in political campaigns to discredit opponents.(在政治竞选中,经常会使用捏造来抹黑对手。)

4. 为什么要避免fabricating?



1. Making up: fabricating refers to making up or creating something, often with the intention of deceiving others.

2. Inventing: another synonym for fabricating is inventing, which also implies creating something that may not be entirely truthful.

3. Falsifying: fabricating can also mean falsifying information or evidence, which is often done to deceive or manipulate others.

4. Concocting: this word suggests the act of creating something out of various elements, often in a deceptive manner.

5. Crafting: similar to making up, crafting also implies the creation of something, but with a focus on skill and artistry rather than deception.

6. Devising: fabricating can also be described as devising or coming up with something, often with the intention of misleading others.

7. Forging: this word has a more negative connotation and refers to creating something fake or fraudulent.

8. Distorting: fabricating can involve distorting facts or information in order to create a false narrative or impression.

9. Manipulating: another synonym for fabricating is manipulating, which suggests controlling or influencing information for personal gain.

10. Prevaricating: this word means deliberately avoiding the truth and can be used to describe fabricating lies or false stories


1. 捏造 (to fabricate)

2. 制造 (to manufacture)

3. 伪造 (to falsify)

4. 编造 (to concoct)

5. 虚构 (to invent)

6. 捏造的证据 (fabricated evidence)

7. 制造假象 (fabricating appearances)

8. 捏造故事 (fabricating stories)

9. 虚假宣传 (fabricated propaganda)

10. 伪装真相 (fabricating the truth)



