
修灯用英语怎么说 修灯的英语翻译

更新时间:2024-02-12 15:19:52作者:烟花巷陌

修灯用英语翻译为"heavy overhl",还可以翻译为adway light,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到10个与修灯相关释义和例句。

central maintenance panel ( 维修灯板 )

修灯用英语怎么说 修灯的英语翻译

Physically correct light falloff ( 物理修正灯光衰减 )

Service Indicator MIL ( 维修指示灯 )

Fire indicator check installation Fire lights up repairs installation ( 消防指示灯查修安装 )

1. Get the light, get the light.


3. Tn off the light, tn off the light.

4. Could someone do something about the lights?

5. The won't let me fix the lights

6. - i'll fix it when i get back.

7. TT: (Low pitch) MB: Tn the light on here.

8. MB: Tn the lights on, thanks.

9. Get some oxygen, oxygen is going in now and we're ght over the top of them.

10. Okay, tn... tn yo light off. Tn yo light off. Shh.

11. - i think they're bken! - i think they're bken.

12. The tning sial on the ght.

13. it's meant to be a Zhuge Lantern!

14. You know, like high beams and low beams.

15. Now, Marcel, come Come here, Marcel.

