
exploded 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-12 12:39:09作者:自考教育网


exploded 是什么意思


1. "exploded"的发音是[ikˈspləʊdɪd],其中的重点是字母"o"和"e"的发音。

2. 字母"o"的发音为[əʊ],这是一个长元音,发音时嘴唇要张开,舌头放平,气流从口中吹出。

3. 字母"e"的发音为[ɪ],这是一个短元音,发音时嘴唇要微微张开,舌头平放在口腔底部。

4. 在单词"exploded"中,字母"d"和字母"d"之间有一个辅音缩合现象,在发音时需要注意将两个辅音连在一起快速地读出来。

5. 发音时要注意把重点放在第一个元音上,即[ikˈspləʊdɪd]中的[i]。同时也要注意把每个元音都清晰地读出来。

6. "exploded"一词的重读在第二个"syl-"上,即[ik-ˈspləʊ-dɪd]。所以在读出这个单词时要稍微延长第二个"syl-"的发音时间。

7. 除了注意每个字母的发音外,在整个单词中也要注意语调和节奏感。可以通过多听几遍原文或者跟着英文老师的发音来练习。

8. 最后,"exploded"一词的发音也可以根据不同的地区和语言有所变化,但是以上提到的发音是比较标准和通用的


1. "exploded"是什么意思?


2. "exploded"在英语翻译中的用法

在英语翻译中,"exploded"通常用作形容词,表示某种事物或概念突然变得非常流行或受欢迎。例如:"The new fashion trend has exploded in popularity among young people."(这种新时尚已经在年轻人中爆发式流行了。)

3. 如何正确读音"exploded"


4. "exploded"与其他类似词汇的区别



1. 用法解释:


例如:The bomb exploded with a loud bang.(炸弹发出巨大的声响爆炸了。)

2. 比喻用法:


例如:The news of the scandal exploded on social media, causing a huge uproar.(丑闻的消息在社交媒体上迅速扩散,引起了巨大的轰动。)

3. 反义词:


例如:The building imploded after the controlled demolition.(经过控制性拆除后,建筑物向内部坍塌。)

4. 例句:

a) The balloon exploded when it hit the sharp edge of the table.


b) The popularity of the new product exploded within a week after its release.


c) The star's career exploded after his breakthrough performance in the movie.



1. "exploded with excitement": 兴奋得爆炸了

- The crowd exploded with excitement when their team scored the winning goal.


2. "exploded in popularity": 爆红,大受欢迎

- After her viral video, she exploded in popularity and gained millions of followers on social media.


3. "exploded into laughter": 爆发出笑声

- The comedian's joke was so funny that the audience exploded into laughter.


4. "exploded in anger": 愤怒地爆发

- When she found out that her car had been towed, she exploded in anger and started yelling at the tow truck driver.


5. "exploded with color": 鲜艳绚丽

- The garden was full of flowers that exploded with color, making it a beautiful sight to behold.


6. "exploded onto the scene": 突然出现在人们面前,突然出名

- The new artist exploded onto the music scene with their debut album.


7. "exploded with flavor": 味道浓郁,充满味道

- The dish was packed with spices and herbs, making it explode with flavor in your mouth.


8. "exploded into action": 立刻行动起来

- As soon as the fire alarm went off, the firefighters exploded into action and rushed to the scene.


9. "exploded into pieces": 炸成碎片

- The bomb exploded into pieces, causing damage to nearby buildings.


10. "exploded with ideas": 想法涌现

- During the brainstorming session, everyone's minds were exploding with ideas for the new project.



1. 爆发 (erupted) - 指某种情况或事件突然出现或发生,通常带有强烈的力量和影响力。


2. 激增 (surged) - 表示数量或程度迅速增加,通常指突然出现的大幅度增长。


3. 爆炸式 (explosive) - 形容某种情况或事件具有极强的爆发性和冲击力。


4. 窜升 (skyrocketed) - 指数量、价格等迅速上升,通常带有超乎想象的速度和幅度。


5. 爆红 (exploded in popularity) - 指某种事物在短时间内迅速走红,并且受到广泛关注和喜爱。




