
explode 是什么意思

更新时间:2024-02-12 12:37:46作者:自考教育网

Explode 是什么意思?这个行业标题听起来似乎有些神秘,但是它却是一个非常常用的词汇。它的发音如何?它又是什么词性?它的词义解释和用法又是怎样的呢?如果你想要了解更多关于 Explode 的信息,不妨跟着我一起来探索一下吧。或许在阅读完本文后,你会对 Explode 有一个更深入的认识,并且发现它并不像你想象中那么神秘。那么,让我们开始吧!



explode 是什么意思


1. Explode的词性


2. Explode的发音和拼写


3. Explode的词源


4. Explode的同义词和反义词

Explode的同义词包括burst、blow up、detonate等。反义词则有implode、collapse等。

5. Explode的用法示例

(1) The bomb exploded with a loud noise.

(2) The fireworks exploded in the sky, creating a beautiful display.

(3) The pressure inside the container caused it to explode.

(4) The situation is like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment.

6. Explode的常见搭配

(1) Explode in anger: 勃然大怒

(2) Explode into laughter: 突然大笑

(3) Explode with excitement: 兴奋地爆发

(4) Explode with joy: 欢呼雀跃

7. Explode的扩展用法


(1) The news of her promotion made her heart explode with happiness.

(2) The crowd exploded with cheers when their team scored the winning goal.

8. Explode在日常生活中的使用频率



1. Explode的词义解释


2. Explode的用法

a. 描述物体的爆炸或破裂

例如:“The bomb exploded with a loud bang.”(那枚炸弹发出巨大的声响爆炸了。)

b. 形容情绪或事件的激烈爆发

例如:“Her anger suddenly exploded and she started yelling at everyone.”(她的愤怒突然爆发,开始对每个人大喊大叫。)

c. 表示数量、规模等突然迅速增加

例如:“The population of the city has exploded in recent years.”(这座城市的人口近年来迅速增加。)

d. 在计算机领域,指数据被压缩后再解压缩,以便更快地访问和使用

例如:“You need to explode the file before you can open it.”(你需要先将这个文件解压缩才能打开它。)

3. Explode与其他词汇的搭配用法

a. Explode into:意为“突然变成”,常用来形容情感或行为的突然转变。

例如:“He exploded into a fit of rage when he heard the news.”(当他听到这个消息时,他突然暴怒了。)

b. Explode with:意为“充满”,常用来形容某种情感或能量充满到极限。

例如:“The room exploded with excitement when the band came on stage.”(乐队上台时,整个房间都充满了兴奋。)

4. Explode的同义词

burst, blow up, erupt, detonate

5. Explode的反义词

implode, deflate, shrink

6. Explode的近义词


例如:blast, shatter, detonate

7. Explode在文学作品中的使用


“The news was so shocking that it felt like my heart would explode from my chest.”(这个消息太震惊了,感觉我的心都要从胸口爆出来了。)

“His anger was like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.”(他的愤怒就像一颗时不时会爆炸的定时炸弹。)



1. "The bomb is about to explode!" (炸弹就要爆炸了!)

2. "My head feels like it's going to explode from all the stress." (我的头感觉像是要因为压力而爆炸了。)

3. "The popularity of the new product has exploded in the market." (这款新产品在市场上的受欢迎程度爆发式增长。)

4. "The angry protesters exploded in a fit of rage." (愤怒的抗议者们突然发作,大发雷霆。)

5. "I can't believe my phone just exploded in my hand!" (我简直不敢相信,我的手机刚刚在我手里爆炸了!)

6. "His temper can explode at any moment, so be careful around him." (他的脾气随时可能会爆发,所以在他身边要小心。)

7. "The news of their engagement caused excitement to explode among their friends and family." (他们订婚的消息让他们的朋友和家人兴奋不已。)

8. "The party was a success, with laughter and joy exploding throughout the night." (派对很成功,欢笑和快乐在整个晚上不断爆发。)


1. Explode with anger (勃然大怒)

2. Explode into tears (突然哭起来)

3. Explode in popularity (风靡一时)

4. Explode with laughter (笑得前仰后合)

5. Explode in a burst of color (色彩缤纷)

6. Explode with excitement (兴奋不已)

7. Explode into action (迅速行动起来)

8. Explode in a fit of rage (勃然大怒)


1. Burst: 爆裂,指突然冒出或爆发,常用于形容事物的突然发生或迅速扩散。

例如:The balloon burst with a loud noise. (气球发出巨大的爆裂声。)

2. Erupt: 爆发,指火山喷发或情绪激动等突然而强烈的表现。

例如:The volcano erupted after years of dormancy. (经过多年休眠后,火山爆发了。)

3. Detonate: 引爆,指通过触发器引起爆炸。

例如:The bomb was detonated by remote control. (炸弹通过遥控器引爆。)

4. Pop: 砰的一声响,指突然的轻微爆炸声。

例如:I heard a loud pop and realized that the tire had burst. (我听到一声巨响,意识到轮胎已经爆裂了。)

5. Explode: 爆炸,指物体因压力过大而迅速释放能量。

例如:The fireworks exploded in a beautiful display of colors. (烟花以美丽的色彩展示着它们的爆炸。)

通过本文,我们可以知道explode是一个非常常用的词汇。它的发音简单明了,可以用作动词和名词。它的意思是爆炸、爆发,通常用来形容突然而猛烈的事情。例如,“The bomb exploded with a loud noise.”(炸弹发出巨大的声响爆炸了。)除了基本意思外,explode还有一些常见的搭配用法,如“explode with anger”(怒火中烧)、“explode in laughter”(笑得前仰后合)等等。同时,我们也可以通过一些同义词来更加生动地描述爆炸的场景,比如burst、blow up等。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文能够帮助大家更加深入地了解这个词汇,并在日常使用中更加灵活运用。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣的知识和语言技巧!


