

更新时间:2024-02-12 08:35:56作者:自考教育网


The pronunciation of excision






How to pronounce excision


1. 首先,我们需要了解一下excision的意思。Excision是一个名词,意思是“切除”、“摘除”、“去除”。它通常用于医学领域,指的是通过手术或其他方法将某种物质或组织从身体中取出。

2. 接下来,让我们来看看如何正确发音excision。这个单词一共有三个音节,分别为ex-ci-sion。重点在于第二个音节ci的发音。它应该读作[ˈsɪʒən],类似于“视奇恩”的发音。

3. 如果你觉得还不够清楚,可以尝试将整个单词分解开来读:首先读出ex-,然后再读出ci-,最后再加上-sion的结尾。记住每个音节之间要有明显的停顿。

4. 为了更好地掌握发音技巧,你可以尝试用手机上的语音助手或者在线发音网站来帮助你练习。通过反复听和模仿正确的发音,你会发现自己的发音越来越准确。

5. 最后,我想提醒大家的是,虽然正确发音很重要,但更重要的是理解单词的意思并正确运用它们。所以,在学习新单词时,不要只关注发音,还要多了解一些例句和用法。


The usage and examples of excision


1. Excision的使用范围


2. Excision的常见例子


3. Excision与其他相关术语的区别


4. Excision的意义


Phrases using excision

1. "Excise the bad habits from your life and make room for growth."

2. "The doctor performed an excision to remove the tumor."

3. "The company made an excision in their budget to cut costs."

4. "Excision of the old policies led to a more efficient workplace."

5. "She underwent an excision surgery to remove the infected tissue."

6. "The artist used excision techniques to create a unique piece of art."

7. "Excise the negative thoughts and focus on the positive."

8. "The government implemented an excision of certain laws to promote equality."

9. "The editor made an excision in the manuscript to improve its flow."

10. "Excision of toxic relationships is necessary for personal growth."

Synonym examples for excision

1. Removal

Excision is a medical term that refers to the removal of something, such as a body part or tissue, through surgery or other means. It can also be used more broadly to describe the act of removing something from a larger whole.

2. Extraction

Similar to removal, extraction is another synonym for excision that specifically refers to the process of taking something out or pulling it out from its original location. In medical terms, extraction may also be used to describe the removal of a tooth or other body part.

3. Excavation

While this word is more commonly associated with digging and uncovering archaeological sites, it can also be used as a synonym for excision. In this context, excavation refers to the careful and precise removal of an object or tissue from its surrounding environment.

4. Resection

In medical terminology, resection is often used interchangeably with excision to describe the surgical removal of a body part or tissue. However, resection may also refer to the act of cutting away or removing unwanted material from something larger.

5. Amputation

Although typically used in reference to the removal of a limb, amputation can also be considered a synonym for excision when describing the complete removal of an organ or other body part through surgical means.

6. Extirpation

This word may not be as commonly known as some of the others on this list, but it is another synonym for excision that specifically refers to the complete removal or eradication of something from its original location.

7. Ablation

Ablation is often used in medical contexts to describe the removal or destruction of abnormal tissue through various techniques such as laser therapy or heat treatment. It can also be used more generally as a synonym for excision.

8. Excretion

While this word has multiple meanings, one definition is "the process by which waste products are eliminated from an organism." In this sense, excretion can be seen as a synonym for excision as it involves the removal of unwanted material from the body.

9. Deletion

In addition to its more commonly known meaning of removing something from a written or digital document, deletion can also be used as a synonym for excision in medical contexts to describe the removal of tissue or body parts.

10. Evacuation

Evacuation refers to the act of removing something from an area or location. In terms of excision, it can be used to describe the removal of tissue or organs from the body through surgical means.

In conclusion, excision can be described in various ways, including removal, extraction, and excavation. These synonyms all emphasize the act of taking something out or away from its original location. Other words such as resection and amputation specifically refer to surgical procedures, while extirpation and ablation highlight the complete removal or destruction of something. Excretion and deletion focus on removing unwanted material from the body, while evacuation emphasizes the physical act of removal. Overall, these synonyms provide a better understanding of what excision means and how it is used in different contexts



