

更新时间:2024-02-12 08:34:29作者:自考教育网






1. 定义


2. 历史背景


3. Excise与其他税种的区别


4. Excise在不同国家和地区的应用情况


5. Excise对经济的影响


6. Excise与消费者的关系




1. 什么是excise?


2. excise的用法

- Excise作为动词时,意为“切除”、“剔除”,常用于医学领域。

例句:The surgeon excised the tumor successfully. (外科医生成功地切除了肿瘤。)

- Excise作为名词时,除了上文提到的含义外,还可以指某些特定商品或服务征收的税款。

例句:The government has increased the excise on cigarettes. (政府提高了香烟的消费税。)

3. 双语例句

- The excise on luxury cars has been increased to discourage people from buying them.


- The company had to pay a huge amount of excise for importing goods from overseas.



1. Excise duty: 精酿税

2. Excise tax: 消费税

3. Excise stamp: 精酿税票

4. Excise officer: 精酿税官员

5. Excise license: 精酿许可证

6. Excise warehouse: 精酿仓库

7. Excise duty exemption: 免征精酿税

8. Excisable goods: 应征精酿税的商品

9. Excisable event: 应征精酿税的事件

10. Excisable activity: 应征精酿税的活动

11. Excisable articles: 应征精酿税的物品

12. Special excise tax: 特别消费税

13. Federal excise tax (FET): 联邦消费税

14. State excise tax (SET): 州消费税

15. Local excise tax (LET): 地方消费税

16. Retail excise tax (RET): 零售消费税

17. Wholesale excise tax (WET): 批发消费税

18. Alcohol excise tax (AET): 酒类消费税

19. Tobacco excise tax (TET): 烟草消费税

20.Excised goods and services: 征收精酿销售服务的商品和服务


1. Tax: Excise is often used as a synonym for tax, especially in the context of government revenue collection. For example, "excise taxes" refer to specific taxes on goods such as alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline.

2. Duty: Similar to tax, duty is another term that can be used interchangeably with excise. It refers to a specific amount of money that must be paid on goods imported or exported from a country.

3. Levy: Excise can also be used as a synonym for levy, which means an imposed fee or tax. This term is often used in the context of customs duties or taxes on specific goods.

4. Surcharge: Excise can also refer to an additional charge or fee added onto the original price of a product or service. This is commonly seen in the form of surcharges on items like airline tickets or hotel rooms.

5. Tariff: In some cases, excise may be used to describe tariffs, which are taxes imposed on imported goods by a government. These tariffs are often levied based on the value or quantity of the goods being imported.

6. Toll: Another synonym for excise is toll, which refers to a fee charged for using a particular road or bridge. This term is commonly seen in transportation industries and can also refer to taxes on certain types of vehicles.

7. Tribute: Excise may also be used as a synonym for tribute, which means a payment made by one ruler or nation to another as a sign of submission or respect.

8. Assessment: In some contexts, excise can refer to an assessment or evaluation made by authorities to determine the amount of tax owed by an individual or business.

9. Impost: Similar to tariff and duty, impost refers to taxes imposed by governments on imported goods.

10. Contribution: Finally, excise may be used as a synonym for contribution, which means a payment made to support a particular cause or organization. This term is often used in the context of excise taxes on goods that are seen as harmful or unhealthy



