
route locking protection是什么意思

更新时间:2023-05-20 19:20:13作者:叫

route locking protection在中文中有"进路锁闭防护法"的意思,其次还有"进路锁闭防护法"的意思,发音是[routelockingprotection],route locking protection是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到99个与route locking protection相关的句子。

route locking protection是什么意思

Route locking protection的翻译


例句:Cosette shall live in my protection. (珂赛特将由我来保护 Cosette shall live in my protection.)


route locking protection一般作为名词使用,如在route locking([计] 路径闭塞)、electric route locking(进路(电气)锁闭(法))、route locking circuit(进路锁闭电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

route locking[计] 路径闭塞
electric route locking进路(电气)锁闭(法)
route locking circuit进路锁闭电路
route locking indication进路锁闭表示
route locking section进路锁闭区段
sectional route locking分段进路锁闭
section locking protection区段锁闭防护法
locking[计] 锁定; 加锁
locking inna. 关起来;锁在里面\n[网络] 锁定;锁住


1. This is for the protection of your people. (翻译:这是为了保护你们的人 This is for the protection of your people.)

2. Using sublists to avoid locking (翻译:使用子列表来避免锁定 )

3. Locking the vault door now. (翻译:现在开始关闭库门 Locking the vault door now.)

4. Protection, for gangs, clubs and nations (翻译:Protection for gangs, clubs, and nations)

5. The hydraulic cylinder propulsion and circlip stepping locking mechanism is used in the setting part and locking part. (翻译:坐封部分和锁紧部分采用液缸推进和卡簧步进锁紧机构; )

6. The police are here for your protection. (翻译:现在来保护你们的安全 The police are here for your protection.)

7. Yeah, but why not just tat up Route 66? (翻译:but why not just tat up Route 66?)

8. Reade and Zapata are en route. (翻译:Reade和Zapata已经上路了 Reade and Zapata are en route.)

9. Always take the illegal route. (翻译:Always take the illegal route.)

10. Mexicans are adjusting our route. (翻译:墨西哥方面要改动我们的路线 Mexicans are adjusting our route.)

11. Liz, meet your protection. (翻译:meet your protection.)

12. We are giving her protection. (翻译:我们会给她提供保护 We are giving her protection.)

13. Thank you for your protection. (翻译:谢谢你的保护 Thank you for your protection.)

14. ♪ Oh, I've tried ♪ Committing fully to the protection of another can often engender a kind of paradox. (翻译:奋不顾身的去保护他人 Committing fully to the protection of another)

15. People got to be en route. (翻译:肯定有人来了 People got to be en route.)


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1. 词义/含义:Zurich是瑞士最大的城市,也是瑞士的金融和经济中心,因此这个单词通常与金融相关的话题联系在一起。2. 语音/发音:Zurich的发音为/ˈz(j)ʊərɪk/,其中“z”发音与“ts”相似,但更为轻

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