
materials on hand是什么意思

更新时间:2023-05-20 19:20:04作者:阴霾

materials on hand的意思是"库存材料、经",还有手存材料的意思,发音音标为[materialsonhand],materials on hand来源于英语,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到77个与materials on hand相关的句子。

Materials on hand的释义

materials on hand是什么意思


例句:animals,biology,biomechanics,design,materials,robots,technology (animals,biology,biomechanics,design,materials,robots,technology)


例句:Colin provided some materials for it. (里面就有Colin提供的部件 Colin provided some materials for it.)


例句:Always there to lend a hand. (Always there to lend a hand.)


materials on hand一般作为名词使用,如在materials(n. 材料;材料费;材料科学;材质(material的复数))、hand in hand(手拉手, 联合)、hand to hand(逼近地)等常见短语中出现较多。

materialsn. 材料;材料费;材料科学;材质(material的复数)
hand in hand手拉手, 联合
hand to hand逼近地
hand ... inna. 交进\n[网络] 上交;交上;递交
hand in交上\n[法] 缴纳, 上交
hand into扶…进去;扶…上(车)
hand it to认输, 甘拜下风; 敬佩
hand on把...传下去, 传递下去, 发放
in ... handna. 现有;(工作)正在进行;控制住\n[网络] 在掌握中;在进行中;在控制中


1. Always there to lend a hand. (翻译:Always there to lend a hand.)

2. - Never laid a hand on her. (翻译:- Never laid a hand on her.)

3. - please raise their hand. (翻译:- please raise their hand.)

4. The nailers are hand-held tools used to project nails into drywall, wood, or other materials. (翻译:卷钉枪是便携式的,用于将钉子钉入墙,木材或其他材料中。)

5. But what about when it was moving through other materials? (翻译:可要是光线在其他物体中移动呢 But what about when it was moving through other materials?)

6. Any leads on the Roxxon materials? (翻译:罗克森的失窃物品有什么线索吗? Any leads on the Roxxon materials?)

7. No spike in raw materials or labor costs. (翻译:原材料和劳务支出也没有大涨 No spike in raw materials or labor costs.)

8. He has materials in his possession, a certain list. (翻译:He has materials in his possession, a certain list. 他手里有些东西,一份名单)

9. Right? Right? The sponsors want Jade replaced. (翻译:who wants to give her a hand)

10. How difficult it is to find materials (翻译:因为找做模型的材料是一件 how difficult it is to find materials)

11. biology,biotech,creativity,design,materials,technology (翻译:biology,biotech,creativity,design,materials,technology)

12. business,design,environment,green,materials,poetry,sustainability,technology (翻译:business,design,environment,green,materials,poetry,sustainability,technology)

13. Some materials deteriorate, depending on what it is. (翻译:要看存的是什么 有些材料不耐寒 Some materials deteriorate, depending on what it is.)

14. MacArthur grant,arts,collaboration,design,innovation,invention,materials,open-source,product design,technology (翻译:MacArthur grant,arts,collaboration,design,innovation,invention,materials,open-source,product design,technology)

15. These are highly volatile materials. (翻译:这些是极易挥发的材质 These are highly volatile materials. 这...)


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1. 词义/含义:Zurich是瑞士最大的城市,也是瑞士的金融和经济中心,因此这个单词通常与金融相关的话题联系在一起。2. 语音/发音:Zurich的发音为/ˈz(j)ʊərɪk/,其中“z”发音与“ts”相似,但更为轻

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